Deprived community saving their sports fields.

by Wortley Community

Deprived community saving their sports fields.

by Wortley Community
Wortley Community
Case Owner
We are 350 people in West Leeds working together to make our area a better place to live. We are passionate about saving our playing field.
days to go
pledged of £6,000 stretch target from 55 pledges
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Wortley Community
Case Owner
We are 350 people in West Leeds working together to make our area a better place to live. We are passionate about saving our playing field.
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This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Feb. 24, 2021

We are on our way!

Well we are on our way to a Judicial Review at last. They thought we would give up. They were wrong. 

We have fought this through a pandemic! 

This is an amazing community. 

Thanks to all…

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 We are people in West Leeds fighting to save our historic playing field from development. Clare O'Keefe, Lea Westerman, Nadine Cuddy and hundreds of others. Our Chair person in Michael Meadowcroft, Honorary Alderman and former MP.

 Our playing field is a Community Asset. Leeds Council have refused to list it because Leeds Council want to build on it. This is not right. Round here, we are officially deficient in Outdoor Sports Provision and green space. It's a densely populated area. We are using our playing field every day - it's being used -  so it has to be a Community Asset!

We are raising money to pay our legal costs in fighting our case through the Courts. We need your help. Please donate and share this appeal.

 Our playing field, the TV Harrison football ground and the netball courts as well, make a vital difference to the community. We have the right to lead active and healthy lives in a safe and central space. Our playing field is protected legally and morally by Trust Deeds and we want these to be made public and acted on. This is the most important Community Asset in Wortley and we plan to restore and develop our legacy for the future benefit of generations of children.

 We are asking for LCC to revise their decision by legal representation and will seek a Judicial Review to ensure our playing fields are not built on. This land was bought by the public in 1930 to save it from developers and was put in Trust for the Children of Leeds.

 We need to raise £20,000. We're just ordinary people fighting a powerful authority but we know what is right. 

Thank you for reading. Please help us.

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Update 1

Wortley Community

Feb. 24, 2021

We are on our way!

Well we are on our way to a Judicial Review at last. They thought we would give up. They were wrong. 

We have fought this through a pandemic! 

This is an amazing community. 

Thanks to all who have helped in any way.

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