Legal Challenge on behalf of the Travel Industry

by Clive Jacobs

Legal Challenge on behalf of the Travel Industry

by Clive Jacobs
Clive Jacobs
Case Owner
Please visit my website to see my biography.
on 15th June 2021
pledged of £200,000 stretch target from 115 pledges
Clive Jacobs
Case Owner
Please visit my website to see my biography.

Latest: July 2, 2021

Lodged Application to the High Court

Today, Clive Jacobs of Jacobs Media Group, on his own behalf and on behalf of all SMEs in the travel industry, has lodged an application to the High Court to be an Intervening Party in the legal proc…

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Inspired by Andrew Lloyd Webber's defiance in the face of the government hinting that the goalposts will move around 21st June, it encouraged me to do whatever is necessary to hold the Government accountable for its actions which are having a truly destructive and devastating impact on the theatre and UK hospitality industries, as well as international travel which has without doubt been the worst affected industry.

Enough is enough, we will not be messed around anymore. The livelihoods, health and well-being of families affecting in excess of one million people are on the line as a result of politicians who are either unable or unwilling to balance and manage risk and whose decision making is political and not based on facts.

Various groups, companies and individuals across the industry have tried lobbying government to no avail, in fact quite the opposite, they are literally being humiliated the harder they work to ensure the return of safe international travel. I am fully aware of the super lobby group and the planned demonstration outside parliament on 23rd June however, I feel this needs to be backed up with something that could possibly hurt the government…….the truth! We need transparency around their highly inconsistent decision-making and the only way we will get that is by forcing them through a judicial review.

It is too much of a risk for any one person to take on the government, because if you lose the case the government will sue for damages. Therefore, as long as each and every one of us equally and individually contributes less than £3,000 there is anonymity.

The purpose of raising funds is to enable us to instruct our solicitors to brief the very best chambers that have a proven track record of holding the government to account. Just to be in a position to get their advice to feasibly form a case will cost several thousand pounds, so please do whatever you can. Like you, all I want is for us to be treated fairly and if there is a valid justification for continuing to restrict international travel then we must be compensated.

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Update 1

Clive Jacobs

July 2, 2021

Lodged Application to the High Court

Today, Clive Jacobs of Jacobs Media Group, on his own behalf and on behalf of all SMEs in the travel industry, has lodged an application to the High Court to be an Intervening Party in the legal proceedings being brought by Manchester Air Group and a number of major airlines. A decision on that application is expected soon.

Clive is applying to the High Court to put evidence before the Court focused particularly on the serious impact that the ongoing restrictions are having on SME travel industry businesses, so that the Court is aware of that when it considers the challenge to the operation of the Government’s traffic light system.

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