Development of the Eagleswell site by the VOG council
Development of the Eagleswell site by the VOG council

Latest: June 3, 2024
Eagleswell site on-going legal battle
Hi Everyone- just to let know that we are continuing our fight against the VOG council and their horrendous development on the former Eagleswell school site. Thank you for your support and if you hav…
Read moreI am Stephen Mcgranaghan part of a group of local residents who oppose this development by the Vale of Glamorgan council.l have lived next to this site for 32 years.
The Vale of Glamorgan council have developed this site completely ignoring their own planning rules and the concerns of the local residents.
We have engaged the professional legal services of a Barrister who is currently preparing a strong legal argument against this development.We have also engaged the services of a building planning consultant who will be advising the Barrister.
In raising this money we hope to stop the abuse of power of the Vale of Glamorgan councils building department who are contravening all of their own building regulations.These funds will enable our voice to be heard,
We aim to raise £7200 to cover the Barrister and Planning consultants fees.
On behalf of the local community l would like to say a big thank you to each and everyone who feels that they can support us in this endeavour
Steve McGranaghan
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Stephen McGranaghan
June 3, 2024
Eagleswell site on-going legal battle
Hi Everyone- just to let know that we are continuing our fight against the VOG council and their horrendous development on the former Eagleswell school site. Thank you for your support and if you haven’t already done so please sign up to our Facebook group ‘Eagleswell Action Group’ for more information as to what is happening. We are also submitting a group action through the Citizens Advice Bureau if you would like to join. Once again many thanks for your on-going support and l will be settling up a new fund raising campaign very soon and hope that you will be able to help us once again in our fight to stop this terrible development legally in the courts- Our Barrister was in total disbelief when he saw it, Take care Steve

Stephen McGranaghan
April 29, 2024
Target reached
Hi Everyone- Thank you so much for all of your support in helping us reach our financial target within 5 days- We are now awaiting legal advice from our Barristers team and will get back to you soon. We are sincerely grateful to you for your support and encouragement with this matter- kind regards Steve
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