Take Action Against the DfE

by SafeEdForAll

Take Action Against the DfE

by SafeEdForAll
Case Owner
SafeEdForAll alongside a collaboration of parent and school staff campaign groups want to challenge the DfE regarding the guidance to schools which has resulted in unnecessary infections.
on 18th July 2021
pledged of £10,000 target from 0 pledges
Case Owner
SafeEdForAll alongside a collaboration of parent and school staff campaign groups want to challenge the DfE regarding the guidance to schools which has resulted in unnecessary infections.

Who am I? - A collaboration of parent and school staff campaign and advocacy groups trying to ensure that ALL of the scientifically recognised mitigations for an airborne virus are implemented in UK schools.

Summary - We need to fund legal advice to proceed with a challenge to the DfE regarding their guidance to schools.

Call to action - We need to raise funds to seek legal advice and plan a case to challenge the DfE. We need your support: please contribute and share this page now!

What are we trying to achieve? - We need the DfE guidance to schools to change and allow use of ALL scientifically recognised mitigations for an airborne virus to be implemented in schools to prevent MORE unnecessary infections in children, school staff and their families.

What is the next step in the case? - At this point we need to seek advice from legal experts and that advice isn't free.

How much we are raising and why? - At this point we do not know the full costs that will be involved in gaining legal advice and preparing a case. 

Anything anyone can spare will help. Thank you for donating and sharing.

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