Supporting Chrissy

by Supporting Chrissy

Supporting Chrissy

by Supporting Chrissy
Supporting Chrissy
Case Owner
Wife, mother, aunt, former social care worker, and a committed activist for climate action and justice. Chrissy was arrested from a slow march and is being held on remand in prison.
on 31st December 2023
pledged of £16,000 stretch target from 124 pledges
Supporting Chrissy
Case Owner
Wife, mother, aunt, former social care worker, and a committed activist for climate action and justice. Chrissy was arrested from a slow march and is being held on remand in prison.

Chrissy is a mother of 2 young adults, a retired social care worker, and a passionate and committed activist for climate, nature, and social justice. Since 2019 Chrissy has devoted herself to non-violent activism to draw attention to the critical need for action on the climate and ecological emergency, calling for the UK government to cease all new gas and oil licencing and to tells the truth about the UK’s ability to meet our net zero commitments.

With others, on November 1st Chrissy was arrested for slow marching on the road. Throughout November 2023, 630 Just Stop Oli protesters were similarly arrested for peacefully slow marching, 328 were charged and bailed, the remainder bailed.

Following arrest, Chrissy was remanded by a magistrate to prison for 30 days, despite being pre-trial and un-convicted. She was taken directly to HMP Bronzefield. It was 14 days until with the help of lawyers she was released on bail and able to return home. Chrissy was formally charged on November 30th with an alleged breach section 7 of the Public Order Act 2023, a new offence brought into force on 03.05.23 in direct response to non-violent climate protests. Bail conditions prevent Chrissy from participating in any JSO protest within the M25. Her trial date is set for February 2025.

Chrissy has elected to have her case heard at Crown Court in front of a jury to be judged by her peers. If convicted, a custodial sentence of up to 12 months and / or a fine are possible. 

It is so important for each of us that we stand together against the undermining of the right to peaceful protest. 

This is not Chrissy’s first arrest for standing up peacefully for what she believes in.  Until now she has represented herself in any court proceedings, none of which have carried a possible prison sentence. Following the coming into force of the 2023 Public Order Act with its much harsher penalties aimed specifically at silencing particularly climate protestor, it is clear Chrissy now needs expert legal representation. It is estimated that £16,000 is needed for Chrissy’s defence fees for an estimated weeklong trial, including the £5000 legal fees already paid to obtain bail. Please do give as generously as you can and circulate this fundraiser widely.

The UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, on 15 August this year wrote to our government stating that the 2023 Public Order Act, “… appears to be a direct attack on the right to the freedom of peaceful assembly..”

As this is a Crowd Justice appeal, all funds raised will go directly to Chrissy’s legal team, Hodge Jones and Allen. Chrissy has asked that any funds remaining be used by Hodge Jones and Allen to support other JSO activists with their legal costs.

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