Support Doc Malik's Right To Medical Free Speech
Support Doc Malik's Right To Medical Free Speech

Latest: Nov. 2, 2023
My first update
Dear Friends
I would just like to say a huge thank you for your incredible support in the last week.
I have been blown away by how much people have donated and how quickly we have raised funds.
But even…
Read moreMy name is Ahmad Malik and I am an honest surgeon passionate about free speech and medical ethics.
I have been suspended without pay and cancelled because I dare to challenge the Government narrative, defend informed consent, oppose mandates and lockdowns, question experimental jabs and insist that there are only 2 biological sexes.
I am raising funds to take legal action against the hospital to lift my suspension and stop the attempts by organisations to censor me.
It will set a precedent that organisations cannot bully, harass and censor those that speak up for medical ethics, and encourage others to speak out.
I am up against large organisations and my case is complex. Legal costs will easily run into the thousands. I need a decent fighting fund which will give me the best chance of being successful.
Thank you
Much Love, Ahmad
Here are more details of the case for those who are interested -
My cancellation story
As a doctor and surgeon, I would like you to know that I have excellent clinical outcomes and relationships with my patients and colleagues. I am, by their written testimonies, an excellent surgeon. The hospitals I work in have accepted this too. All accept that I treat every patient, regardless of gender, sex, religion, and ethnic origin, with love and humanity, and to the best of my ability.
But I have been suspended without pay!
Why? Last December I posted a video on Twitter that went viral. I raised the issue of significant adverse events from the Covid experimental shots, safety concerns being covered up and asked for a suspension of the vaccines so that we could properly investigate what was happening.
The doctors’ governing body, the General Medical Council's (GMC) have good medical practice guidelines which say:
23. To help keep patients safe you must:
contribute to adverse event recognition.
report adverse incidents involving medical devices that put or have the potential to put the safety of a patient, or another person, at risk.
report suspected adverse drug reactions.
Respond to risks to safety.
- You must take prompt action if you think that patient safety, dignity or comfort is or may be seriously compromised.
This is what I did.
To my surprise, two executive doctors from two large private hospital groups contacted me and demanded that I withdraw my video and stop my social media posts on this. I challenged them both, but the medical directors did not respond to my questions.
I was required to attend a meeting with my clinical director to answer a complaint by an anonymous member of the public that I was an "anti-vaxxer".
In June I was presented with a group of emails objecting to me expressing my belief that no matter how someone wishes to identify, biological sex is immutable and that children (not adults) should not be undergoing medical procedures because they wish to identify as the opposite sex. I was required to attend another meeting to discuss my statements.
“You’re suspended!”
On 21 September 2023, I was told that my practicing privileges were suspended with immediate effect. Purely on the grounds that I had breached the practicing privileges policy by not notifying them I had been referred to GMC. I did not know about the referral to the GMC.
Although the GMC referral petered out, I remained suspended.
I now need your support.
As result of the suspension, I have lost most of my work and income that supports my family. My reputation is being damaged and my professional practice is diminishing with every day the suspension continues. I do not know if the suspension will be lifted.
I have been left with no choice but to seek legal advice and, because of time limits involved, to start proceedings. This is not only to protect my reputation and livelihood, but to stand up for the beliefs and principles that guide my life.
The legal issues are complex, and the legal costs will likely run into tens of thousands of pounds and may not be recoverable, even if I win.
This is not about protecting the public from a rogue doctor, it is about censoring, bullying, and punishing a doctor willing to express his beliefs and concerns, to speak out about patient safety issues. and dare to question promoted narratives whether that be safety of vaccines, or of children questioning their sexual identity.
It feels like I am being punished for my beliefs and being made an example of. The end result is that no other doctor will dare lift their head above the parapet, even if it is for their patients’ safety.
While my case does affect my career and ability to earn a living, it also affects those patients who I can no longer treat. Even more importantly, if not challenged and overturned it sets a precedent whereby no doctor will dare to speak up in defence of their patients and potential harms that they are seeing.
What is fundamentally at stake is Patient Safety and Freedom of Speech.
If there is no freedom of speech, without threat of censure and repercussions, there can be no patient safety.
By supporting me you will be supporting all doctors around the world so that they can speak out. You will also send a message to the authorities that their bullying of me, other doctors, and the public, must end.
Whatever you can spare, great or small, please donate and support me.
To be completely transparent all funds raised will be used for legal costs only, if in the event any funds are left in surplus they will be donated to a fund for the vaccine injured or in support of cases fighting for medical free speech.
Always with love,
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Doc Malik
Nov. 2, 2023
My first update
Dear Friends
I would just like to say a huge thank you for your incredible support in the last week.
I have been blown away by how much people have donated and how quickly we have raised funds.
But even more so I am overwhelmed by the hundreds of comments and well wishes.
It is obvious that all of you know what is at stake, and how important it is that organisations, be they public or private, not stifle doctors ability to speak freely regarding any matter they feel fit to do so. Especially when it comes to patient safety.
As you all know, legal matters can be quite protracted and drawn-out affairs. It also depends on how the other side choose to act. The matter could be resolved quickly, or not.
I have an appetite to fight for as long as I can to see justice and do what is right, and the larger the war chest I have, the better the chance of success.
I will keep you updated as the weeks go by.
But for now, I would just like to say thank you once again, and for those who are inclined to do so, please pray for me, and for everyone else please sending me positive energy.
You can also please support me by listening to my podcasts and sharing with friends and family. Hopefully it will make those who believed in the government/mainstream narrative to start asking questions and give them the courage to speak out.
Please also share my crowd justice page with like minded people.
Yours with lots of love
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