Stop the Camberwell Union High-Rise Development

by Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

Stop the Camberwell Union High-Rise Development

by Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB
Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB
Case Owner
We're local community groups in Southwark, assisted by Southwark Law Centre. We include the WWTRA, FoBP, Camberwell Society and Vital OKR. Other TRAs and community groups are are looking to join too.
on 05th June 2019
pledged of £7,500 stretch target from 101 pledges
Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB
Case Owner
We're local community groups in Southwark, assisted by Southwark Law Centre. We include the WWTRA, FoBP, Camberwell Society and Vital OKR. Other TRAs and community groups are are looking to join too.

Latest: April 29, 2020

We Won!! Secretary of State Dismissed the Appeal

Today the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, agreed with the Inspector who oversaw the hearing in August and September, and rejected Peachtree Services Ltd appeal.

We wo…

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Our community won a great victory when it persuaded our local authority, Southwark Council, to reject a huge planning application that would fundamentally change the low-rise character of our neighbourhood.  Now the developer is appealing against that decision and there will be a planning appeal hearing in August.

Developer Peachtree Services applied to redevelop Camberwell’s Burgess Business Park (what they call the Camberwell Union) site with 499 residential units in 13 blocks of up to 12 storeys high.  We are not opposed to redevelopment in principle, but this scheme is too high, too dense, too close to our beloved Burgess Park and not appropriate to our low-rise area.

We were therefore relieved when the planning committee listened to our objections and voted to reject the scheme against their own officer’s recommendation.  They rejected the plans on the grounds of density & design and because there will be a significant loss of employment floorspace.  We are devastated that the developer cannot simply accept the planning committee’s decision.

It’s not easy for local residents to engage with the complex process for a major development.  We went through a steep learning curve as we grappled with lengthy technical documents.  We worked together as a community to share our ideas and our knowledge.

We want our community’s wider concerns to be taken on board, including;

  • The impact of 500 new homes on public transport, schools and health services.
  • the height of the buildings (this development will set a precedent for tall buildings to be built on a low-rise site which directly borders on Burgess Park, a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation).
  • The impact of those tall buildings on the park and its biodiversity, and on neighbouring properties.

Working with Southwark Law Centre, we have been granted ‘Rule 6’ status and are seeking to engage a barrister from the Francis Taylor Building chambers, to represent our interests at the planning appeal hearing.  Southwark will be defending their decision, but we must make sure our voice is heard too.

The appeal hearing in August will be a complete redetermination of the application.  Southwark Law Centre are assisting for free (pro bono).  All funds we raise will go to (i) paying for a barrister to present our arguments and cross-examine the developer's witnesses, and (ii) engaging expert witnesses to help make the very best case.  All money raised will go toward meeting costs of the case.  This is one of many battles going on across London, against developers riding rough-shod over local communities.  By making a donation to our cause you will be helping one of those communities to fight back.

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Update 6

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

April 29, 2020

We Won!! Secretary of State Dismissed the Appeal

Today the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, agreed with the Inspector who oversaw the hearing in August and September, and rejected Peachtree Services Ltd appeal.

We won!!

Thank you for donating your money, time and/or effort to fight this cause. It was great to see the community come together.

Update 5

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

July 23, 2019

Final week of fundraising for the appeal

A quick update on the planning inquiry: it starts on 21 August - only a month away. We're just about to submit our written proofs of evidence. They cover issues such as the density and design of the development; loss of industrial employment land; townscape; and the impact the development would have on our transport infrastructure. We've found expert witnesses on some of these issues, so we're making great progress.

In terms of our fundraising we hit our initial target early but due to the costs of specialist technical input we are stretching ourselves further with a new target of £7500.  We have a week of fundraising left, we won't be extending again as we need to focus on the inquiry, but we need more donations. 

Every contribution makes a difference including sharing the details of this appeal with neighbours, friends and family.

Together we can do this!

Update 4

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

July 4, 2019

Stretching ourselves - help us meet the new goal

We were so close to our original stretch goal that we have decided to stretch ourselves further - thank you to everyone who has given to get us here!

Our case is coming together well, we have secured the barrister and a number of expert witnesses. To really strengthen our case we need a little bit more funding and we're hoping with your help to get to £7,500.

The community has been amazing and we hope you can continue to contribute and promote the fundraising so we can make a strong case at the appeal hearing in August.

Update 3

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

July 1, 2019

Deadline extended for 30 days

We have extended our funding appeal for another 30 days.  We are so close to our stretch target that we want to give you - the community - one more chance to show your support by donating. 

We (WWTRA, FoBP, Brunswick Park TRA, the Camberwell Society, 35% Campaign and Vital OKR) are fundraising to support our ‘rule 6’ status and representation at the Appeal Hearing in August where the Planning Inspectorate will hear the case from Peachtree Services, Southwark Council and us - the communities that believe that this is over-development: it is too high, too dense, and too close to Burgess Park.

Please keep donating to our appeal and promoting our case to help our communities fight back against inappropriate development.

Update 2

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

June 26, 2019

Fundraising closing soon, statement of case confirmed and barrister engaged

Thanks again to those who have donated to the fundraising appeal or have shared and promoted the appeal.  

We are nearing the end of the appeal period, just a few days to go. We are so close to our stretch target, let's have one final push.

As an update on the case, we have submitted our Statement of Case. We will argue that the Inspector should recommend dismissal of the Appeal for the following reasons:
a. density and living conditions of future residents of the new development;
b. loss of industrial land;
c. townscape, design, character and appearance;
d. accessibility and transport; and
e. amenity and living conditions of existing residents.

We are pleased to have secured Esther Drabkin-Reiter from Francis Taylor Building to represent us - the local community - and our case.

Please keep promoting and donating, the money raised now with allow us to call expert witnesses.

Update 1

Camberwell Union Residents' Backlash - CURB

June 6, 2019

Initial target reached & Brunswick Park TRA are onboard

Thanks to everyone who has donated or promoted the fundraising appeal.

We have reached our initial target and are now going for our stretch target. Our stretch target of £5000 means we can really strengthen our case. With more funding we will have access to more of the barrister's time and be able to call expert witnesses.

We are also pleased to have Brunswick Park TRA join our coalition and become members of the Rule 6 party to the Planning Appeal, along with the WWTRA, FoBP, Camberwell Society, 35% Campaign and Vital OKR.

Please keep promoting and donating, together we can hit this new target and help our communities fight back.

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