Stop! Why are the wheels being pulled from under us by Dudley CCG?

by Rachael Gardener

Stop! Why are the wheels being pulled from under us by Dudley CCG?

by Rachael Gardener
Rachael Gardener
Case Owner
I'm a parent of 3 children with disabilities. My twin boys were born with profound disabilities. One is a full time wheelchair user, the other isn't. I am fighting for his right to be treated equally
on 04th June 2018
pledged of £2,000 stretch target from 93 pledges
Rachael Gardener
Case Owner
I'm a parent of 3 children with disabilities. My twin boys were born with profound disabilities. One is a full time wheelchair user, the other isn't. I am fighting for his right to be treated equally

Who are we?

We are a group of parents who have come together to fight the changes to Wheelchair Services by Dudley CCG.

Our Concern

It had come to our attention that when our local Wheelchair Services changed provider, the CCG also changed its criteria regarding who was eligible for a wheelchair.

We are now being told that if you can walk in the house, you cannot have a wheelchair outside of the house.

We were told that a consultation had taken place and that this was now the outcome. Us parents/carers, wheelchair users had no knowledge of this consultation.

We are now in the position where the majority of children and adults have been refused equipment they had previously obtained from the service. Children are now in equipment that are too small for them and can hinder their development instead of enhancing. Parents are now ‘putting up’ with equipment that is now inadequate instead of asking for equipment to be changed for fear of it being taken off them.

Children and their families are now being denied the right to equality, education and social development as they are not able to access what is accepted to be the norm.

What we are raising funds for?

We are looking at raising money firstly to get a Certificate of Investigation into the legalities of this change in criteria. The wheelchair users have not had their voices or concerns listened to.

Next Steps

If we are successful in getting legal support regarding the Certificate of Investigation, we will then continue to looking at raising funds to apply for a Judicial Review.

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