Help to Stop Unlawful, Unwarranted, Unfair Tax Hikes on UK Drivers
Help to Stop Unlawful, Unwarranted, Unfair Tax Hikes on UK Drivers

Please help to fund a legal challenge against the Mayor of London to make him reverse the implementation of a cash grabbing unwarranted ‘T-Charge’ on drivers.
AND for the Prime Minister to set up an Independent Public Inquiry to fairly investigate other more effective ways to improve Air Quality in all our UK Cities.
- This so called ‘T-Charge’ is not only morally wrong, it will not improve air quality.
- The Mayor of London has ignored advice from his own experts at Transport for London. They say this tax will only have a “negligible” effect on air pollution.
- We believe, as do millions of drivers, Sadiq Khan’s decision to implement an unnecessary T-Charge on owners of older diesel and petrol vehicles was unlawful and unfair.
- The Mayor has acted outside the scope of his lawful powers and because of these reasons, the decision was irrational.
- Sadiq Khan also appears to have ignored his power to hold a full independent Public Inquiry on this issue before making his tax raising decision.
- As a result, FairFuelUK calls for a full and independent Public Inquiry into all aspects of policies past, present and future, to improve air quality fairly in London and all cities across the UK.
- FairFuelUK calls for effective action and to use highly effective low cost simple solutions that are available now.
- These alternative solutions must be examined in detail by a full independent Public Inquiry. With the aim to legally set in place the best methods to improve air quality, instead of resorting to political opportunistic tax hikes on hard working drivers.
Sadiq Khan made no mention of a new toxin tax on drivers in his Mayor’s Election Manifesto. If the Mayor of London is serious about reducing emissions, why has he ignored more effective available proven solutions to improve air quality in favour of a punitive new tax on drivers?
- Paradoxically, Transport for London’s own consultation document in January 2017 revealed the charge will cost Londoners £23 million a year BUT only have a “negligible” effect on air pollution. So why introduce it?
- The Mayor's Office has used questionable and dubious health information to formulate a baseless and fruitless taxation policy. In fact, he has ignored all alternative solutions evidence based data to implement this punitive tax hike.
- There are no published calculations as to how the level of tax has been reached and no mention as to where this new tax bonanza is to be spent.
- There has also been a lack of consultation with stakeholders, or what impact there will be, on London’s economy, businesses, jobs and low-income families.
He has deliberately ignored proven alternative and available solutions to more effectively improve London’s air quality, to increase his Mayoral Budget income.
- 4 out of 5 diesel drivers tell FairFuelUK that tax hikes will not stop them using their vehicles, so the London Mayor’s approach to reduce air pollution will be pointless.
The demonisation of diesel drivers, spearheaded by the Mayor has devalued the UK’s diesel fleet by £35 billion. Who will recompense 11m vehicle owners?
- Hard working families, small business owners and millions of drivers across the UK want a better environment. But not through political ignorance and punitive, ineffective, opportunistically driven, tax hikes.
Diesel drivers in the UK are already the highest taxed in the world with petrol taxes being third in global ranking
- UK diesel drivers are already punitively taxed more than for example, those motorists in Germany, France, Greece and other EU economies.
- These nations all subsidise diesel with lower taxation compared to their petrol levies. Amazingly Greek diesel drivers pay 25p less than petrol at the pumps.
Waging war on hard working diesel drivers is crass, ill thought out and deceitful. Out of touch myopic politicians will add more misery to UK drivers who already pay more for diesel than petrol. No other nation worldwide does that to its people.
- UK drivers pay between 65% and 70% tax every time they fill up. VAT is levied on top of the duty too. How can the Treasury, DoT and Defra allow a further tax on drivers?
- 37m UK drivers, including motorists, vans and the haulage industry are the commercial and social heartbeat of the UK's economy. Yet they are seen as easy to fleece tax cash cows by successive Governments.
An additional tax hike masked under a headline grabbing 'Green' label will not only be unfair but be ineffective, except of course, for the financial coffers of the London Mayor.
- NOx levels are already falling in our cities without fleecing motorists with another quick cash grab planned by the London Mayor.
- Poor policy based on emotion is driving political decisions, with Ministers and Sadiq Khan ignoring low emission alternatives, such as catalytic retrofitting, bulk fuel additives, new petrol mixes and replacing bus fleets. These are instant clean air solutions proven not to hurt the economy or drivers.
- The so-called new urban “toxin tax” is effectively a daily fine on drivers.
- This will impact on millions who were unfortunate to have believed successive governments' mantras, that motorists switching to diesel would help the environment.
- The first of two knee-jerk urban tax hikes on motorists will be implemented in October by the London Mayor, Sadiq Khan.
- Don’t forget, drivers in London are set to be hit again in 2 years. Mayor Sadiq Khan will bring in an additional £12.50 daily charge on diesel vehicles within the North and South Circulars from 2019.
- That will be a staggering £22.50, plus the extra congestion charge, every day to go to work, visit hospital, attend college, deliver goods or for leisure activities. London’s economy will be devastated, all at the behest of one ill-informed politician’s misguided attack on personal mobility, under the guise of improving air quality.
Sadiq Khan promised to be a Mayor for all Londoners, except of course if you drive a car.
- Millions of diesel cars produce just 11% of transport's Nitrogen Oxide emissions, or less than 7% of all the Capital's NOx emissions (for petrol cars it is 7%, 4.4% respectively), yet are being asked to pick up the tab to “clean up” the whole of the capital. Construction machinery, such as diggers generates 14%, rail 8% and Transport for London buses and coaches 10%. Yet the Mayor’s Toxin Tax will only discriminate against motorists and white van drivers with £10 a day charge to enter the capital from October.
The thin end of the wedge to fleece drivers across the UK starts in London in October
- This is the tip of a UK wide major city iceberg for all drivers. In up to ten of the worst-affected cities, diesel cars as well as commercial vehicles could face bans in peak hours, daily charges to discourage them from entering town centres, or a mixture of the two. In another 25 towns, commercial diesels such as lorries, coaches and taxis would be the main target.
- Only the newest vehicles would be excluded from the “toxin taxes”, even if they emit levels of pollutants way above European acceptable levels. These vehicles will not have to pay any tax charges. How can that be fair?
For that reason, all UK drivers, not just those entering London, should help this legal challenge.
Let’s be totally clear again, ALL DRIVERS WANT IMPROVED AIR QUALITY!
But, not through tax hikes, when there are proven, effective and ways to lower emissions available Now!
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