Stop our GP practices being sold off to Centene USA
Stop our GP practices being sold off to Centene USA

Latest: Nov. 8, 2021
Standby for Action!
As a follower of the case I wanted to let you know that at 12 noon today (Friday 12th November) we are launching Stage 2 of our Judicial Review CrowdJustice appeal.
We have permission…
Read moreHelp us to stop the takeover of GP Surgeries by the giant American corporation Centene!
Centene (through its UK company Operose Health Ltd) has taken over dozens of GP surgeries in London including eight contracts in Camden, Islington and Haringey. Hundreds of patients, councillors and members of the public have written letters, protested outside surgeries and have made their feelings clear. We do not want our GP practices taken over by large profit-seeking American corporations.
The decision to allow the takeover of the GP surgeries with over 375,000 NHS patients on their lists, was taken by the Clinical Commissioning Groups who are responsible for commissioning General Practice services for patients.
Following public outcry, a patient at one of the affected practices has decided to challenge the decision of her local CCG (North Central London) in court. Ms Anjna Khurana is a local councillor, representing Tollington Ward, and is a patient at Hanley Primary Care Centre in Islington.
Anjna said:
“I am so afraid that our NHS is being dismantled bit by bit, with the private sector playing a bigger and bigger part. The NHS belongs to all of us and it is wrong that it should be run to achieve private profit rather than for the good of everyone. I also worry that my personal NHS medical data will be used by Operose for purposes that I have not been informed about or agreed to.
I need to trust my doctor, and how can I do that if they work for a company like Centene? A company that has a record of fraud in the US. I am taking this court action not only for me but for all of us, because we all feel the same about the NHS. Please help me to make this happen.”
Anjna is right to be worried. It's clear that the Centene/Operose Health business model is built around profits not patient care.
This statement, from public accounts of the UK parent company behind Operose Healthcare, makes it very clear :
"Position at 31 December 2019 and future developments ... Rationalisation of our business activities… Has continued into 2020, as the business seeks to divest of activities that have not met profitability targets. As a result, on 31 March 2019, Operose Health Limited exited the Surrey Borders Partnership NHS Trust CAMHS contract, and on 1 July 2019, Operose Health (Group) UK Limited divested its complex care division, including the contracts and related assets."
From this statement it's also clear this is not just about London GP Surgeries. Operose Health Ltd have already taken over twenty other GP surgeries across England. The corporate takeover of NHS services can happen anywhere in the country.
This case affects all of us.
Please help to raise £25,000 - £40,000 so that Anjna can bring the case to the Court. This target is on the assumption that the judge will award 'capped costs' because this is a case of vital public interest.
£25K is to cover the 'capped costs'. When the lawyers ask the Judge for permission to bring the Judicial Review, they will ask for this limit to the amount Anjna would have to pay to NCL CCG’s lawyers, if she were to lose the Judicial Review.
This is the only way Anjna can afford to bring the case to court.
The additional funds will go towards the costs of court fees, solicitors and barristers who are working hard already in presenting Anjna’s case for consideration.
We're sure you can see the public interest in this Judicial Review. Your support will be invaluable. Please contribute whatever you can and share this page now!
NOTE: Should it transpire that a judge says there are no grounds to proceed to Judicial Review, in accordance with CrowdJustice's Terms and Conditions, we will donate any unused funds to another similar legal challenge, via Crowd Justice or the Access to Justice Foundation.
The hope is that the courts will judge that North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group acted unlawfully in making their decision and that the decision will be quashed. Certainly the process was carried out with little regard for public consultation and certainly no involvement of registered patients.
London GP, Louise Irvine, of Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) said: "The NHS Constitution demands transparency and people rightly expect transparency and accountability in NHS decision-making especially about such important matters as who runs our GP practices, and their suitability to be trusted with our health care and our personal health data."
Like Anjna, the public would hope and expect proper patient and public engagement about what kind of people or organisations should get the contracts to run our GP surgeries in the future. The public don't want to see good NHS GP surgeries taken over by companies who do not share a belief in the ethics of comprehensive healthcare for everyone regardless of wealth or status.
Cat Hobbs, CEO of We Own It agrees: "Our NHS belongs in public hands, working for patients not profit. People don't want health insurance giants like Centene taking over GP surgeries. We fully support Anjna and her incredibly important fight for our NHS."
This legal challenge is an important step in stopping more corporate takeovers of the NHS. It also demands transparency and accountability from Clinical Commissioners in the future.
Steven Carne of 999 Call for the NHS said: “What is most worrying is that the failure of the various CCGs to carry out proper scrutiny means they've allowed a multi-million dollar American corporation to hold a major position within the NHS infrastructure. And the people who will suffer are the patients who, of course, were told nothing."
We are working with solicitors Leigh Day and barristers Adam Straw QC from Doughty St Chambers and Leon Glenister from Landmark Chambers.
Anjna's claim has to be submitted to the High Court and a judge will decide whether the case can continue to a full Judicial Review. We are asking for capped costs because this is the only way Anjna can bring this case. A case that is of huge public interest.
If the Courts grant approval and agree capped costs, we will then proceed to a full Judicial Review hearing.
Please make a contribution if you can, to help Anjna stand up for us all. All of the money raised goes to legal costs. Every penny helps.
Please also share this page with friends and colleagues on your social media networks.
Thank you for your support.
Anjna Khurana and her team.
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Nov. 8, 2021
Standby for Action!
As a follower of the case I wanted to let you know that at 12 noon today (Friday 12th November) we are launching Stage 2 of our Judicial Review CrowdJustice appeal.
We have permission now and we hope to be on our way to the High Courts in January/February 2022. We need to raise £30k to meet the new capped costs set by the judge.
I hope you can join us again in making this case a success.
Thank you so much for your continued support and please share this important case with friends and colleagues.
The new page will be open on this link:
Best wishes

Oct. 18, 2021
Good news! Really Good News!
We are going ahead with our Judicial Review!

Sept. 27, 2021
Renew a date in your diary
Hello Friends
It’s been a while and I hope you are all safe and well.
Unbelievably the Judge initially denied us permission but I’m pleased to say the legal team at Leigh Day, and the Barristers at Landmark Chambers, have pushed hard for a 'renewal of the application' which has been successful and will take place on Tuesday 12th October.
A renewal means the barristers get the opportunity to present the papers again and also make the arguments verbally and in person with the Judge.
We were given very few reasons for the initial refusal to each of our grounds. We don’t think our concerns were appropriately addressed and I agree with our Counsel that we need to keep pushing ahead.
The legal team have told me that
- The renewal hearing is still looking at whether the grounds are “arguable”. This is the legal test that the judge will be applying
- The judge might refuse permission on all grounds, grant permission on all grounds, or might grant permission on 1 or 2 of the grounds only.
- If we get permission on one or more of the grounds we will proceed to a substantive hearing
When we know more about the 12th October 'renewal' we will let you know.
Thanks again to everyone who has sent messages of support.
Best wishes

June 25, 2021
One step closer to a decision
Best wishes

May 25, 2021
We've reached our target in just 4 days!
We’ve gone over the £40K target in only 4 days! Thank you!
That is an incredible achievement. I’m so grateful to more than 1550 supporters who so quickly raised the funds needed for this legal challenge to Stop our GP practices being sold off to Centene USA.
It’s a weight off my mind.
It's really good to know that so many others understand that we need contracts for our GP practices to be awarded transparently and accountably, with the knowledge and consent of patients and the public. When I discovered that my GP surgery was the property of Centene, I felt all those principles were lost.
Now I feel I am part of a community who share my concerns and I am proud to stand with you.
Thank you for helping me to shed a light on this.
Many members of the public, Councillors and even MPs still have little or no idea about the threats to our GP surgeries from companies like Centene.
We have raised the money but it’s still important to tell to tell people about what is happening.
I’ll update you as soon as we have a date for the preliminary hearing
where the judge will decide whether to accept the case, and also if the case is of sufficient public interest for costs to be capped.
If all goes well at the preliminary hearing it will be several months before the the full Judicial Review itself. Your support will be invaluable in building as much public knowledge and understanding as possible about why this case matters.
Thanks again for your BRILLIANT support. I can't thank you enough.
Fingers crossed we get the preliminary hearing decision we all hope for.

May 21, 2021
Thank you all for your generosity and support
I can't express how amazed and grateful I am for the incredible response to my CrowdJustice fundraising appeal. Raising £25,000 in under 24 hours! I never thought that possible.
This morning, in the rain, I went to my GP surgery to take stock of my thoughts about the case and consider if I had done the right thing.
I felt very much an individual lone patient.
I've been very well supported by the legal team and the volunteers who have stood by me throughout this last week but at the end of the day it was me going to the courts and taking on the might of North Central Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England - who made the decision to allow Centene to takeover not only my GP surgery but others across London.
Then I came home to see the amount of money pledged. Your donations and wonderful messages of support have made me realise I am not alone in this and I want to thank each and everyone who donated for making it clear - this is a case for all patients and the NHS we all want and deserve.
And the fact this amount was given so quickly - will make it absolutely clear to the judge that there is huge public concern and it's of genuine public interest. Knowing that so many other people share my concerns about what is happening to our GP Surgeries makes the daunting task so much easier.
We now await a judge's decision to grant permission to go to a full Judicial Review. We have applied for capped costs of £25,000 - this is the only way I can afford to go forward with the case.
You'll see the crowdfunder moves to what is called a "stretch target" of £40,000, to allow for some additional funds. These will go towards the costs of court fees, solicitors and barristers and any unforeseen contingencies.
I hope that you'll keep following the case as it unfolds. The team will be updating with news and information and ways to continue helping.
And I hope I can bring some more good news soon.
Thank you
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