Join the legal fight to stop oil wells in Balcombe, West Sussex

by Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association

Join the legal fight to stop oil wells in Balcombe, West Sussex

by Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association
Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association
Case Owner
Frack Free Balcombe Residents' Association is a campaign group that opposes oil exploration in the village of Balcombe, West Sussex
days to go
pledged of £10,000 stretch target from 136 pledges
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Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association
Case Owner
Frack Free Balcombe Residents' Association is a campaign group that opposes oil exploration in the village of Balcombe, West Sussex
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This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Jan. 27, 2025

Tuesday 28th January 2025 is our day at the Court of Appeal

Our case will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. It will start at 10.30 and will be in Court 63.

The hearing will be available to watch online via a live-stream video. Please click …

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The people of Balcombe and their supporters are continuing the fight to protect the village and the environment against Angus Energy's plans to explore for oil in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

Please help us to put an end to hydrocarbon development and exploration in the Sussex High Weald by supporting our further legal action in the Court of Appeal with donations and by spreading the word about this threat. 

Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated so far to our campaign. The next stage is to raise funds to appeal the recent judgement handed down by the High Court. This first instance judge dismissed our challenge to the planning inspector's decision to allow Angus Energy to return to Balcombe to conduct an exploratory well test for oil which, if successful, is likely to lead to long-term oil production. 

Our lawyers have advised us that there are arguable grounds for appealing the judgment and we have filed an application for permission to appeal at the Court of Appeal.

The impact of the oil well test, which will run for many months or even years, will be devastating for the village and for the environment as well as contribute to the global climate crisis by paving the way for further greenhouse gas emissions resulting from oil production and combustion.

It will bring air pollution, water pollution, noise and light pollution, as well as disrupting plant and animal habitats. The area is recognised as having special, national importance and value, demanding conservation of its beauty and tranquillity.

 The village has been battling to stop further work on the site since the summer of 2013 when the well was initially drilled by Cuadrilla. 

By donating, you are not only supporting our village but also protecting the environment and setting a precedent for the entire region. The shale bed being targeted stretches from Kent to Hampshire, and if Angus Energy can drill for oil in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, then nowhere is safe. 

The test will lead to: 

AIR POLLUTION: Flaring of noxious gases that will be carried across our village

TRAFFIC: HGVs daily - passing directly by our primary school and church, Monday-Saturday, where 128 young children cross the road each weekday

WATER POLLUTION: Risk to the River Ouse and the nearby Ardingly Reservoir, with a stream just 15m from the well site.

NOISE & LIGHT POLLUTION: Day and night, as once testing starts it does not stop



Frack Free Balcombe Resident’s Association needs to raise funds to continue our fight in the Court of Appeal. If our appeal is successful, planning permission granted to Angus Energy  to explore for oil in Balcombe will be revoked. 

Please donate now and help protect this beautiful part of Britain and other areas threatened by onshore oil and gas exploration and production. Be part of the solution to the global climate crisis!

Please donate whatever you can and share with your family and friends. Thank you for your support.

Update 3

Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association

Jan. 27, 2025

Tuesday 28th January 2025 is our day at the Court of Appeal

Our case will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. It will start at 10.30 and will be in Court 63.

The hearing will be available to watch online via a live-stream video. Please click here for details.


Update 2

Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association

June 24, 2024

We've got a court date

Our legal challenge  is scheduled for the 28th, 29th January 2025. The case will be heard in the Court of Appeal in London by three judges.

Update 1

Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association

May 7, 2024

We are going to the Court of Appeal

Tremendous news. Our fight goes on. On May 7th 2024  the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Stuart-Smith granted our application  for permission to appeal the Order of Justice Lieven. This means we will be going to the Court of Appeal to stop the oil exploration in Balcombe. We are now waiting to hear our court date.

We have been granted leave to appeal on the following grounds:

  • Unlawful to rely on the benefits without harms of hydrocarbon extraction
  • Flawed interpretation of the West Sussex Mineral Local Plan
  • Unlawful failure to consider alternatives to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 
  • Unlawful failure to assess impact on water resources

Thank you. We could not have got this far without your support. To take our case to the Court of Appeal means we have to raise additional funds.  Please help if you can. Any amount however small will help.

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