Save the Duke Street Sycamore
Save the Duke Street Sycamore

We are a group of concerned individuals who have come together to challenge planning crimes against the environment in Thanet and beyond. To start with we are raising funds towards legal costs to challenge Thanet District Council’s approval for the felling of the Duke Street Sycamore, the largest and oldest tree in Margate Old Town.
This is just one of many environmental and planning crimes which are indicative of our local council’s lack of care for our environment, and of a planning system which is not fit for purpose at both a local and a national level. Thanet has just 4 % tree canopy cover and much less in central Margate. We believe Thanet deserves better!
Please help us to raise this issue both locally and nationally, for inadequacies and corruption appear to be endemic in a planning system which is not fit for purpose..
We have plenty of evidence for crimes against the environment (going back many years) and are being advised by a top environmental barrister who is known for successful litigation in support of nature across the UK
Your donations will help us to create a better world for wildlife, residents, the visitors of Thanet, and beyond.
More details:
This crowd justice campaign is in support of the Save The Duke group, who have set up a protest camp on the piece of land below the sycamore in Duke Street Margate in order to protect the Duke Street Sycamore from being illegally felled by Thanet District Council, and also to reclaim a Community Garden which should have been created on this site.
You can sign the petition to oppose the felling here:
The Duke Street Sycamore forms part of the skyline when seen from the harbour of the iconic seaside town of Margate, and is now under a death sentence passed by Thanet District Council. It is one of only a few trees in Margate Old Town conservation area and is an essential haven for wildlife, including bats, birds and bees. It cools the air in summer, provides shade, sequesters Carbon and produces over 100kg of oxygen per year. This tree is an essential part of the natural flood defences and generally improves wellbeing for all.
Now Thanet District Council has given the decision to fell the tree, despite the declaration of a Climate & Biodiversity Emergency and nearly 70 objections, some of which refer to relevant laws which exist to protect trees such as the Duke. A block of flats which is not in keeping with the conservation area will take the place of this grand tree.
In 2011 TDC announced a Community Garden on the site as part of the Turner Contemporary regeneration project. Instead, the land was sold at auction at an inflated price and the tree was ignored throughout this whole process. The Community Garden would have provided a tranquil green sanctuary close to the busy seafront.
There are serious legal questions about TDC’s failure to perform duties and observe the law in granting the permissions regarding the tree, and there are serious concerns about the process by which the community garden project was managed.
Save The Duke demand immediate and permanent protection for this healthy beautiful tree.
Save The Duke demand an immediate investigation into the planning process which led to abandonment of the Community Garden and the approval to develop this site with no consideration for the Duke Street Sycamore. Funds allocated for the Community Garden must be accounted for and put towards the purpose for which they were intended.
Thanet District Council's current tree planting scheme is non existent, depending on volunteer groups to plant and take care of saplings in parks only. Kent County Council have planted a few street trees in the past year but fail to water them with the result that many have died. Meanwhile mature trees are felled throughout Thanet with little regard to planning legislation and zero enforcement. For this reason it is all the more important that the Duke is saved.
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