Help save the rewilded wildlife habitat at Rose Hill

by Diana Hoyle

Help save the rewilded wildlife habitat at Rose Hill

by Diana Hoyle
Diana Hoyle
Case Owner
I am a retired person who is part of a community fighting to save the precious wildlife habitat, green open space and beauty spot at Rose Hill from development.
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pledged of £7,500 stretch target from 95 pledges
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Diana Hoyle
Case Owner
I am a retired person who is part of a community fighting to save the precious wildlife habitat, green open space and beauty spot at Rose Hill from development.
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This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)


I am one of many local residents fighting to save a much-loved green open space and wildlife habitat at Rose Hill, Doncaster from development.  I am retired and was looking forward to being able to enjoy this peaceful and beautiful green space and the wildlife that lives there during my retirement. Unfortunately the Council and developers Miller Homes had other plans.


Rose Hill is a green open space which has been used by the local community for recreation for 25+ years.  Rose Hill has 3 Public Rights of Way/ bridlepaths across it giving access to the adjacent Racecourse/ Doncaster Common and the woodland of Red House Plantation, both of which are Local Wildlife Sites.  It contains areas of woodland and 100s of trees, all of which have grown naturally on the site creating a biodiverse habitat of great value to birds and other wildlife.

Rose Hill is situated in a Council-designated “Biodiversity Opportunity Area” and forms part of a Natural England designated green infrastructure wildlife corridor, the Sandall Beat-Loversall Link.  It is part of the ecological network within Doncaster which allows wildlife to move across the borough and helps increase biodiversity in the area.  Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has described Rose Hill as being in “an ecologically-sensitive location”, noting the "importance of this site within the ecological network" and say they have “serious concerns about the development of the site, primarily in relation to its location within a Biodiversity Opportunity Area and the predicted level of biodiversity loss.”

Rose Hill has rewilded and now contains areas of woodland/ Priority Habitat, valuable scrub, wildflower and grassland habitats, and 100s of trees. It is a place where nature is thriving and wildlife has recovered. It supports red and amber-listed endangered birds and protected and priority species of birds, mammals and invertebrates.  It is home to an abundance of other wildlife including foxes and owls, and much bird life, as well as wildflowers and other flora. Bats from the adjacent woodland use the area for feeding.  Through naturalisation, Rose Hill is expanding the adjacent woodland Local Wildlife Site and creating more desperately needed trees and woodland.

Yet despite all this, objections from over 100 residents, a petition from over 1,200 people, and objections from organisations such as Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance, ReForest Britain, the Yorkshire Rewilding Network and the Doncaster Naturalists’ Society, Doncaster Council (which owns Rose Hill) is selling this publicly-owned beauty spot to Miller Homes and then in its position as Local Planning Authority has granted them planning permission under concerning circumstances.


On 31 March 2023, the application to build 121 houses on Rose Hill was put before the Planning Committee.  The Planning Committee refused the application.

Miller Homes have appealed the ruling.  The Appeal is due to be heard shortly (6 February 2024).  The local community is speaking at the appeal in defence of Rose Hill as Council Officers are supporting Miller Homes in their efforts to overturn the previous refusal.

In June 2023, Miller Homes resubmitted exactly the same application again.  In November 2023, the resubmission was considered by the Planning Committee.  At the meeting, Councillors were taken into a private meeting from which public and press were excluded.  On returning, the matter went straight to a vote without any discussion and was approved.  Residents are extremely concerned about the circumstances under which the resubmission was approved.


If the UK is to have any chance of tackling climate change or halting biodiversity loss and the catastrophic decline of nature and wildlife, places like Rose Hill need to be protected from development before it is too late, not just for nature and wildlife but for our children and future generations.

Supported by local residents, I have taken legal advice, hired a barrister and solicitors and am taking legal action to quash the resubmitted approval.  

However legal action is expensive and I cannot fund the action on my own.  The local community is helping but further funds are desperately needed to help fund the action.  I have applied for permission to seek a Judicial Review and funds are needed to help pay for this stage of the process.  If permission is granted, more funds will be needed to progress the case.

If I cannot pay the legal bills, then another of our precious green open spaces, home to so much wildlife and so many trees, will be lost forever, and the quiet peaceful area I know and love where I, other retired people and many families enjoy living will be ruined forever.

I cannot let that happen.  I hope you feel the same way and that you will feel able to help me.


Together with local residents and nature and climate organisations:

  • I am fighting to save wildlife habitat, public green space, trees and woodland.
  • I am fighting to stop protected and priority species, birds, mammals and insects from having their homes destroyed.
  • I am fighting to stop houses being built in an area where the infrastructure cannot cope with the increased traffic and where services are already inadequate. 
  • I am fighting to prevent a Council granting planning permission on a site it owns and in which it has a significant financial interest in being developed. 
  • I am fighting to stop a much-loved and much-used beauty spot from being destroyed.

Please donate to the campaign and share this page on social media and via email with family and friends and help me save Rose Hill.  Thank you so much for your support.

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