JR Ready Reckoner - its wrecking children’s futures.
JR Ready Reckoner - its wrecking children’s futures.

We are SEND Emergency South Glos. A group of parents taking legal action in the form of a Judicial Review against South Gloucestershire Council.
South Gloucestershire County Council have recently made a decision to introduce the “Ready Reckoner” tool to use when deciding how to fund Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP). This tool means funding will now be issued based on predetermined set amounts for different types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
This is NOT provision to meet the specific needs of a child.
This Ready Reckoner has been developed and is in the early stages of being implemented. South Gloucestershire Council will cut £1 million pounds from the top up fund every year by using this tool. South Gloucestershire Local Authority recent failed it OFSTED SEND inspection, in doing so it had to provide a written statement of action on how it would correct its failures.
'SEND Emergency S.Glos' wants equality for SEND children in mainstream South Glos schools. As the Ready Reckoner is piling more disadvantage on our vulnerable SEND children who are already disadvantaged due to the nature of their conditions, educational cuts and an underfunded health service. These children are being let down over and over and over again.
This is discrimination, it is unacceptable, and it is cruel. Enough is enough. Now is time to demand equality for SEND children in South Gloucestershire schools. Are you ready to stand up for SEND children in South Glos?
PLEASE DONATE NOW to help fund the EXPERT legal team led by Keith Lomax of Watkins Solicitors to STAND UP for the children’s right to an accessible education.
Every single pound will help!
SEND Emergency South Glos
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