NO to Heathrow. YES to a Safe Climate Future.
NO to Heathrow. YES to a Safe Climate Future.

Latest: Feb. 28, 2020
We've made history together!
Dear amazing friends and backers
Yesterday there was a big "No" to Heathrow and a big "Yes" to a safe climate future.
We made history together as the Court of Appeal ruled unanimous…
Read moreWe're opposing the expansion of Heathrow Airport because it's inconsistent with the Government's commitments on climate change under the Paris Agreement and inconsistent with our demand for a safe climate future.
On the one hand the Government promises "international leadership on climate change". On the other it's planning major expansion of the UK's aviation capacity, one of the most polluting forms of transport, which would preclude the UK from making an appropriate contribution even to the minimum standard of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The leading authority on climate science, the IPCC, has recently warned that the consequences for humanity of crossing the 1.5˚C temperature limit are appalling (whether in terms of the environment, the economy or international security); and that without an urgent and radical change of course the world is likely to hit that limit any time from 2030, just 12 years away. Our government claims to respect the science but its actions fly in the face of the scientific advice.
We're calling them out on the blatant self-contradiction. This is "business-as-usual" on trial. We must stop Heathrow expansion for any hope of the UK making a fair contribution to the Paris Agreement.
We've already started the process of judicial review. A number of other parties including Friends of the Earth are bringing separate claims. On 4 October 2018 Mr Justice Holgate ordered a full trial of the claims, beginning on 11 March 2019.
As a small charity, we can't afford the costs of legal representation, so we're bringing the case directly, with the support of a network of volunteer lawyers. However we need to raise funds to cover our potential cost liability and to obtain professional advice on certain issues, including the relationship to our 2050 Target case, which is currently before the Court of Appeal.
Please help us fight for our common future.
Press coverage
Heathrow expansion protestors gather outside High Court hearing (Daily Mail)
Heathrow expansion: All five legal challenges to get full hearing (The Independent)
Blow for Heathrow as Campaigners win legal fight over third runway (The Times)
A court case has shown how Labour could win the next election (The Canary)
Case documents
Plan B’s amended grounds of claim
The Government’s summary response
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Plan B
Feb. 28, 2020
We've made history together!
Dear amazing friends and backers
Yesterday there was a big "No" to Heathrow and a big "Yes" to a safe climate future.
We made history together as the Court of Appeal ruled unanimously that the Government's reckless plans to expand Heathrow Airport were unlawful because they had failed to take account of the Paris Agreement!
The judgement is now travelling around the world faster than a 747!
Here's what the New York Times had to say about the global implications of the ruling:
We've even got Greta tweeting about us!
Take a moment to enjoy the historic Court Order that prioritises people and planet over profit:
And here's the unanimous judgement of the Court of Appeal in full (the good bit starts at paragraph 184!):
None of this would have been possible without your support.
Thank you! And let's keep this going.
Plan B.Earth

Plan B
Feb. 21, 2020
Heathrow Judgement Day! Thursday, 27 February.
Dear Friends
Next Thursday, 27 February, it's the moment of truth on Heathrow!
The Court of Appeal will hand down its judgement: Was Chris Grayling, the sacked Transport, right to ignore the Paris Agreement temperature limit when approving plans for Heathrow expansion?
If the Court rules that he was wrong, and the largest infrastructure project in the country is stopped in its tracks because the Government failed to give proper consideration to the climate crisis, we will be hearing the sound of cracking in the global carbon economy. The implications will be huge, in the UK and beyond.
We don't yet no what time judgement will be delivered (although it's likely to be in the morning). We'll update you when we know. In the meantime please pencil in the date. It would be great to see you there.
If you can't make it in person, in view of the exceptional public interest in the case, the judgement will be live-streamed via the link here:
Love and Rage
Plan B

Plan B
March 28, 2019
The trial is over: now awaiting judgement!
The trial is over and we're now awaiting the court's judgement.
We expect to have it some time in May or June although it could be sooner.
Whatever the outcome:
- we were able to present our case fully and fairly
- both inside and outside court, attention was focussed on the urgency and gravity of the climate crisis.
The transcripts of the trial are here (our submissions were on the 13th and 19th of March):
Below is some of the media coverage:
Legal Battle over Heathrow Expansion to start at High Court (Daily Mail)
No to Heathrow: Climate Campaigners Outline Case Against Third Runway (Desmog)
We'll update you as soon as there's any news.
Best wishes,
Plan B.

Plan B
Jan. 8, 2019
Support Open Justice for Heathrow
The legal challenges to the UK Government's reckless plans to expand Heathrow Airport have been described as the "iconic battleground against climate change". The model of "business-as-usual" growth is pitched against the scientific imperative to cut emissions urgently. It's now clear that the Government failed to assess Heathrow expansion against the Paris limit. Unbelievably the Government appears to be denying that the Paris limit is government policy:
"the Claimant is wrong to assert that “Government policy […] is to limit warming to the more stringent standard of 1.5˚C and “well below” 2˚C””.
Yet, as things stand only the 100 or so people who can cram into Court 76 of the UK High Court will be able to hear the evidence. It's 2019 and that doesn't make sense! Please support Friends of the Earth's and Plan B's application for have the proceedings live-streamed by taking 5 seconds to:
1) sign and share the form below:
2) Retweeting this tweet:
It's your case and you should be able to follow it!
Thank you.
Plan B

Plan B
Dec. 24, 2018
We Reached our First Target!
Dear Friends of the Planet
Thank you so much for your support in helping us reach our £5,000 target to challenge the Government's reckless plans for Heathrow expansion. You've put us in a strong position to cover our costs in this case.
Meanwhile in seeking to defend our claim the Government argues that “[Plan B] is wrong to assert that “Government policy[…] is to limit warming to the more stringent standard of 1.5˚C and “well below” 2˚C””.
Yup, you read that right.
The Government denies that its policy is to limit warming to the level that, according to science, is necessary to avert climate catastrophe. Thank you for helping us to shine a spotlight on this unarguable position.
We filed our Reply to the Government's submission on Friday, which you can read here:
Seasons greetings and best wishes for a 2019 that marks a turning point to a safer future.
Plan B
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