No more Government war on the CannaCommunity

by We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

No more Government war on the CannaCommunity

by We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU
We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU
Case Owner
It is time to end the Government driven ideological war on the CannaCommunity and our preferred way of life. Cannabis prohibition has always been based on political greed, causing more harm than good.
on 11th May 2019
pledged of Β£50,000 stretch target from 416 pledges
We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU
Case Owner
It is time to end the Government driven ideological war on the CannaCommunity and our preferred way of life. Cannabis prohibition has always been based on political greed, causing more harm than good.

Latest: July 7, 2020

Early July 2020 Update

Apologies – High there WTU Community!  I hope you are all as well as can be and in high spirits.  My deepest apologies for the seemingly lack of action and updates.  There has be…

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The Government driven ideological war on the CannaCommunity is a form of terrorism by their own definition and attacks peaceful people of the CannaCommunity, in the sanctity of their own homes or social gatherings, for our beliefs and practises in the many benefits of cannabis.

There is no War on Cannabis! Only a War on the CannaCommunity. It's time for peace. Please help us launch this important challenge by making a donation now and sharing this page far and wide.

Who are we and what we fighting for?

I’m Phil Monk, a 40-year-old Walsall born, Shropshire lad, raised in North Wales, now living in the heart of wonderful Wiltshire. I’m also a non-practicing teacher of Spanish, literacy, ESOL & numeracy, a husband and father of three, and now a human rights, cannabis activist disabled by chronic myofascial pain from joint hypermobility syndrome, bilateral ulnar impaction syndrome, and depression. I’d used cannabis in secret, like so many, from the age of 16. I thought I was just another “pothead”.

Now, after 5 years of extensive reading, I realise this was to manage my PTSD from childhood abuses. 19 years later in 2014, after suffering the life-threatening side effects from prescribed Pharma drugs, including a brain haemorrhage, mini-stroke and two cancer scares, I came smashing out of the “CannaCloset” on a quest for social change, first for “medicinal cannabis”, and now for freedom and equality for all our cannabis community.

After a spur-of-the-moment decision in March 2018, I am now the founder and representative of a new community group called We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis, aka WTU. WTU believe UK people also have the same human right to cannabis as the Mexicans.

My WTU Facebook group has grown to 3400+ members in a little over 1 year and we are actively seeking the end of cannabis prohibition laws, seeking equality in law and society with the consumers of the poisonous, highly toxic recreational drug alcohol, which, unlike cannabis, definitely causes disease and psychosis, yet its consumers are not "protected" by criminalisation!

All humans have the right to self-determination, freedom of consciousness, expression of identity, to pursue peaceful beliefs & practises and have the right to a private and dignified life.  The political policy of cannabis prohibition denies these fundamental, inalienable human rights, upon the false premise that criminalisation is necessary for protecting people from the potential harms of cannabis.

What are we trying to achieve?

It is time to set the record straight and end this oppressive political policy which dictates people’s health choices upon pain of criminalisation and discrimination.

The government driven, ideological war on the CannaCommunity and our preferred way of life is unjustified, anti-democratic and harmful to individuals, families and society. CannaCommunity members should not be persecuted and prosecuted for the simple health choice of pursuing their beliefs and practises in the remarkable benefits of cannabis, often instead of pharma drugs and alcohol.

WTU believes all should be free to grow any of the 10,000+ strains of cannabis currently available, or purchase quality assured cannabis from licensed vendors and selected according to their individual needs and preferences, free from fear of arrest, prosecution or eviction.

Health is a human right, as is the freedom of consciousness, thought, expression of identity, to peacefully pursue beliefs and practices free from the fear of arbitrary state interference.

The right to make autonomous health decisions free from state interference and the threat of criminalisation is what we fight for, not a plant.

What can YOU do to help?

I hope you will join WTU and pledge support in our struggle for the end of the government driven war on our way of life.

Please share this campaign and raise awareness to our cause. To raise a legal challenge of this nature will cost many £10s of thousands of pounds. As a Community we can make this happen by the many giving a little.

Background to our legal challenge

The relative safety of cannabis has long been known and the practice of prosecuting peaceful people for using cannabis for personal use has long been questioned, but dogmatically refused. The Wooton report is very informative although somewhat outdated in knowledge.

The report of Philip Robson 2001 also set me alight with a righteous fury, as the truth about the relative safety and therapeutic potential of cannabis has been known since 1998, when Robson confirmed 1) the therapeutic potential of cannabis, 2) time was needed to develop marketable cannabis based products, and 3) Government should cease the criminalisation of those seeking to assuage their symptoms with natural herbal cannabis.

Government only acted on point 2 and the UK's first cannabis research facility was created and has grown to become highly successful. The therapeutic value of cannabis has dogmatically been refused for 20 years with millions of non-violent CannaConsumers lives been destroyed by the denial of an essential nutrient and herbal health remedy or by prosecution and persecution.

The House of Lords also recommended the rescheduling of cannabis, but government then and since refused to act as advised. The government have refused to recognise this therapeutic potential of raw cannabis ever since 1998, despite many reports, until the recent 2018, yet inadequate, law change.

Quite hypocritically, whilst simultaneously refusing to recognise the therapeutic benefit of cannabis and dogmatically insisting that the criminalisation of the beliefs and practices of the CannaCommunity was an essential political policy to protect people from the potential harms of cannabis, many important MPs have permitted, facilitated and become indirectly invested in the UK's very own homegrown medical cannabis pharmaceutical company.

This conflict of interest from those who are determining cannabis reform policy does not sit right in a truly Democratic, fair and tolerant county.

WTU believes that all have a human right to choose herbal cannabis, often in place of the poisonous recreational drug alcohol or often side effect ridden prescribed drugs. NO ONE should EVER be criminalised for choosing to grow or buy cannabis to manage their own health, well-being and happiness.

Natural herbal cannabis has traditionally been recognised and utilised as a food supplement, safer recreational drug, herbal health remedy, industrial resource, creative and spiritual aide by humanity for millennia.

Clinical Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Deficiency Syndrome may be a root cause of some diseases and it could be argued that cannabis is an essential nutrient for the maintenance of homeostasis, crucial for good health, well-being and happiness.

Unfortunately the current model focused on the pharmacological manipulation of the endocannabinoid system as a potential therapeutic tool in the management of health disorders, which prosecutes and persecutes any individual managing their health with natural cannabis, instead of pharmaceutically manipulated products of cannabis.

CorporatePolitico interests decided to conspire to prohibit cannabis as a dangerous drug without any concrete evidence, in order to protect the financial industrial interests of key US racist politicians of the 1970s in the petroleum, timber, paper, pharmaceutical and cotton industries. The war on drugs was a front for a war on minority groups and hemp industries which threatened political invested interests at the time.

Every £ will count to help us change the current law. So please donate whatever you can afford. It is time to sue for Peace for our community!

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Update 14

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

July 7, 2020

Early July 2020 Update

Apologies – High there WTU Community!  I hope you are all as well as can be and in high spirits.  My deepest apologies for the seemingly lack of action and updates.  There has been slow progress made due to the unexpected current events, combined with managing my health conditions and our new way of family life.  However, I am happy to say progress has been made and I have continued to support as many people as I am able in whatever ways I can.

Unfortunately, as most of you will know, I spend virtually all of my time in severe pain, unable to move my arms and have very limited mobility.  Thankfully, Claire Sparey has liberated my brain from my body, no I don’t mean she has chopped off my head!  Thanks to modern technology and remote desktop access, Claire is able to support me, when I have spare time or strength; so, I am happy to update as follows:

Ongoing members’ case support – Robert and I continue to support several WTU members who are facing prosecution for cannabis related charges.  Many of you may remember, several months ago, one of our longstanding members Philip Antony Bevington suffered two consecutive police busts for his private home cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes.  Philip decided to mitigate sentencing instead of challenging the charges.  WTU have been supporting him as much as possible and whenever able on his journey.  This week a letter of representation was issued by Robert to Philip’s regional CPS, prior to the CPS considering the merits of continuing with Philip’s prosecution and highlighting key aspects of the case, whilst seeking to assert that the prosecution of Philip would not be in the public interest and would in fact be detrimental to Philip’s health, in the hope that they drop the charges.  We will update on the outcome as soon as there is news.

WTU open letter – You may recall the community effort of writing the WTU Open Letter, which was posted to several significant officials, in the hope of sowing seeds of doubt into the minds of those who maintain and enforce this unjust law.  A response has been received from the Drug Legislation Department which has been uploaded into the files tab of the FaceBook group and the WTU website.  With Claire’s support, I have ripped it to fucking shreds, and sent our response to Robert for his consideration, as many of their points were unsubstantiated and, therefore, should be areas to challenge in their flawed policy.  We will upload this analysis/response to the group soon for others to read and add their opinions before we return it to the Drugs Legislation Department.

WTU will not leaf this matter alone, or the flowers for that matter!

In a recent conversation with Robert, it warmed my heart when he said, “the current licencing regime infringes your human rights and as the law stands there needs to be a change in licencing or exemptions granted to change this”.  It felt like he really grasped our situation in a nutshell.  Now we need to present the evidence to convince the barrister to reach the same conclusion, and light his fire for full, fair and meaningful reform!

My youngest is now able to visit her mum for a few days at a time, so I’ve had opportunity to be more productive and with Claire’s help by ‘helpfully hacking’ of my machine (as my 7 year old calls it) πŸ˜‰ we have begun to make progress with collating the evidence requested by the barrister before they issue their final advice.  And it feels GREAT! After so many unanticipated delays to make some progress, even though it has been painfully slow.

WTU Survey & Member Testimonials – A huge thank you to all respondents, we are finalising the summary of the  670 survey responses ready to present to the barrister; in addition to our members testimonials about the impact that cannabis and its prohibition has had upon their lives.

Although the survey is now closed, members’ testimonials are still welcomed and may be important for building our evidence bundle against the government’s “War on Cannabis”, by including WTU members’ first-hand experiences of the effects of prohibition and surviving on the front line.

We cannot hide our dismay that out of 5,727 members only 5 testimonials have been received on the WTU website!  To look at this another way, that’s 5,722 lost opportunities to submit evidence against the government’s cannabis prohibition policies.

PLEASE don’t miss your chance to submit your testimony for the WTU legal challenge against cannabis prohibition.  Testimonials can be submitted on the WTU website page.

WTU solutions – Robert is also keen to receive the WTU Community suggestions for acceptable resolutions to the current legal situation.  Robert did EMPHASISE that WTU should try to seek REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE resolutions that will be ACCEPTABLE to BOTH WTU Community and government.

It’s no good us just telling the government that they are wrong, we need to put forward solutions and highlight the benefits of these solutions to the ENTIRE COUNTRY not just to the WTU Community.

A separate pinned post will soon be made for this discussion so…


Banking Application – As our campaign season was interrupted by the sudden global health crisis, there have been no campaign costs since WTU attended at the NEC CBD Expo at the end of February.  A small quantity of monthly recurring donations has helped the campaign fund grow, steadily increasing our campaign potential with greater funds available for when the crisis abates.  For example, we could hold an AGM, fund a nationwide publicity campaign, increase the range of WTU merchandise to give away and host community awareness events.

Several banks had refused to provide WTU Community group with banking services, but thanks to Robert’s referral to an appropriate provider, and many hours remote typing support from Claire, I am happy to say that WTU is on the verge of having its own banking services! 

However, many have said that mounting the WTU Legal Challenge, as proposed, will be impossible to afford!  Indeed, almost every solicitor I contacted seeking representation declined by stating “it’s too political, will take too long, and will cost too much!”.  Robert has estimated between £50,000 and £150,000 minimum legal fees, so I used to believe the same until I learned there are an estimated 5,000,000 fellow victims of the government’s War on Cannabis, and we completed this banking application!

So…  Whilst completing the banking application, we were required to submit the current estimated annual turnover and the estimated future turnover of the WTU Community, based on the PayPal records to date and some very interesting figures occurred revealing great potential…


“Estimated annual turnover through the UK bank account

Between £50,000 and £150,000 is our aim

WTU currently has 5722 members, in our online Facebook community group, which acts as our community centre, with 41 members CURRENTLY donating monthly.  Our aim is to inspire more to donate which could result in the below figures:

Currently, 41 recurring monthly donations generate £10,102.44, with average monthly donations of £841.87, giving an average individual donation of £20.53 per month by the 41 donating members.

So, 400 similar donations have potential to generate £8,212

4000 similar donations have the potential to generate £82,120

40,000 similar donations have the potential to generate £821,200

WTU wish to engage, inspire and activate as many of the estimated 5,000,000 British cannabis consumers as possible.

However, even without millions of cannabis consumers, our small community has the potential to crowd fund this legal challenge!

We believe once WTU have secured a bank account WTU will be able to secure more donations and would alter the structure to a board of trustees and treasurers to ensure transparency, security and community control of funds and decision making.”

The above section from the banking application highlights the great potential the WTU Community has to crowdfund whatever maybe required to fully fund our campaign and legal fees to fight for our fundamental Human Rights.  A little from a lot can go a long way and do a lot of good!

So, if you believe in the WTU Community vision for true and meaningful reform, please UNDERSIGN TO and SHARE the WTU Mission Statement across all your social media platforms, donate if you are able and inspire others to do so too.

** PLEASE NOTE:  The Crowd Justice fundraiser is currently paused until stage 2 of the campaign (please visit Crowd Justice page to see latest update), but donations for general campaigning and merchandise expenses can still be made through the PayPal donate button on Merchandise page of the website.**

Strength in unity for the canna community only together can we make this possible.  By the people, for the people!



WTU’s first success!  - As mentioned in the previous update, the original legal firm MTG had issued a final bill to the WTU Community, against which I made a formal complaint on behalf of the WTU Community as it was felt that having to raise further funds for legal fees was unjust and unwarranted.  I am DELIGHTED to update that the final fee requested by the original legal firm has now been waivered as a gesture of good will; please see email copied below:

“Dear Phil,

I have looked into this matter and do not agree with your numbered paragraphs set out in your email below. I attach string of emails with Elliott back in January 2020 which clearly shows the level of work being carried out and you had not raised any issues at that time with the level of progress.

Notwithstanding the above, and as a gesture of goodwill, we are willing to write off the balance due of our invoice dated 26 March 2020 (the sum of £1,167.52). Please confirm that this is agreed and I will arrange a credit note in respect of the balance due and will arrange for your file to be transferred to Ince & co.

Kind regards,”


“Dear ******,

WTU community acknowledges and agrees with your proposed resolution.

Our deepest thanks for reconsidering and we gratefully accept your goodwill gesture to waiver the final fee and to transfer all connected files, so that WTU may continue to build our human rights challenge to the MODA 1971 as soon as possible.

Please will you email to confirm once this is completed?

WTU wish you all the very best of health and success for the future

Best wishes

Phil Monk

Founder We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis”

Final Thoughts – Thank you all for your continued patience, support and contribution to the WTU Community.  We will continue to do all we can to drive things forward to make the change, so we are no longer forced to live in fear of violence, arrest nor prosecution for our fundamental health choices.

Keep smiling to keep your Anandamide flowing!

Love, light and peace!

Your founder, Phil Monk

Update 13

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

June 10, 2020

June update – Crowd Justice

I hope you are all keeping well Canna Comrades, my deepest apologies for the lack of updates.

Such complex and troubling times.

Unfortunately, the lockdown has delayed the WTU case transfer, the building of the remaining evidence bundle and issuing our Declaration of Incompatibility to the Home Office.  

We have heard some doubts about the WTU case within the community, such as the monies raised, case progress, unhelpful precedent and likely success of the case, so we would like to address those here if we can.

From the outset, the barrister made it clear that the WTU challenge would likely be an extremely costly and difficult case to win, due to the legal system itself being reluctant to challenge parliament. A difficult case, but not impossible!

The barrister did also highlight the potential that any case not ending successfully could lead to an unfavourable precedent, equal in nature to the precedent set by the Quayle case, which resulted in the unfavourable precedent of the removal of the right to use a defence of ‘medical necessity’.

The barrister would have been failing in their advice if they hadn't highlighted the potential negative consequences of such a case as WTU seeks to mount. Should this stop us trying?

In terms of progress, there have been several unanticipated changes which resulted in delays.

First thing to consider is that although the WTU community group may well now be just over 2 years old, it took over a year of searching until I found a solicitor willing to take the WTU case, as we have always fought for the broader human rights issue of cannabis and not just the narrow fight to use cannabis for medical purposes.

This was the first major hurdle. So many firms would have taken the easier narrow medical argument, but none would agree to challenge the status quo and fight for the broader human rights issue that WTU has always sought to fight. All solicitors said such a case would be too expensive, too political and take too long. This has always been made clear from the very foundation of WTU.

Until we found Robert, thanks to a WTU community member.

Second to consider, my health is a constant battle on a daily basis, compounded with several weeks’ recovery time needed after every event, protest, conference or meeting I have attended. For example the recent CBD Expo in February in Birmingham incapacitated me for two weeks until my pain levels returned to their usual level.

Also, with my having to adjust to single life after my wife suddenly left last November which consequently reduced my activity and availability from around 17hrs a day to only during school hours. This has diminished even more since schools closed for lockdown 2020.

Thirdly to consider, the solicitor I eventually found, Robert, soon after had a career opportunity he could not refuse, so left the firm Mackrell, Turner & Garrett who were originally contracted to the WTU case. Consequently, WTU were assigned another solicitor by this firm.

Subsequently, three months passed with very little progress and after much discussion the WTU community decided to follow the original solicitor Robert and transfer to his new firm Ince, as he had always shown true grit, belief and determination to the WTU campaign.

Unfortunately, causing further delay, the original firm of solicitors issued a final invoice to the WTU community for work they felt they had conducted and have refused to complete the transfer of the case until the final bill for £3,390 less the raised funds held of £2,222.48 leaving an outstanding balance of £1,167.52 to pay before they will transfer any WTU case documents to Ince that they have been sent. PLEASE SEE COPY OF THE OFFICIAL INVOICE BELOW.

However, given their lack of meaningful progress developing the WTU human rights matter, combined with the vulnerability of our community members, the charitable nature of our community group and that the WTU Declaration of Non-Criminal Intent referenced in their invoice was written and developed by myself and fellow members, I have twice requested their consideration to waiver the final fee levied. 

Unfortunately, they refused this request, so I felt there was no other option but to formally contest this final charge. I will update when there is news and I am able. SEE COPY BELOW OF EMAIL SENT DISPUTING THE POINTS OF THE INVOICE CHARGE.

The positive outcome of all this is the WTU now has a pro bono solicitor, who is now a partner in a much larger legal firm and is fully committed to doing all he can to help the WTU community achieve our aims.

Despite the transfer delays, Robert has now resumed his work for the WTU community, although the case is yet to be fully transferred, and we have now finally begun compiling the evidence required to support the WTU case. Currently, Robert is also supporting several members of the WTU community who are facing cannabis related charges and has advised several of our community members following their busts.

After meeting Robert recently whilst campaigning as the NEC CBD expo at the end of February, the plan was to work hard and, within 3 months, get the WTU case completed and submitted to the human rights barrister, for them to complete their review and offer their advice for how the WTU should proceed.

Then the Corona virus and lockdown happened, which has diverted my attention completely to my kids and has caused more delays with transferring the WTU case from the original legal firm to the new firm, as the initial firm wasn't prepared for working away from the main office. We now wait for the lockdown to end so they can return to their offices to complete the transfer.

Also, after receiving detailed feedback from the WTU community, specifically that our aim is not to prove whether or not cannabis is dangerous, but to assert our rights to a private life, belief and practices, the solicitor has determined to discuss the WTU aims again with the barrister to ensure that the barrister understands that the WTU case isn't about so called 'medical cannabis' but a challenge against the prohibition of cannabis in its entirety.

This is to ensure that we are clear on what evidence may be required to support our case to make a Declaration of Incompatibility between the MODA and Human Rights laws.

Regarding the so-called huge amounts of money frequently mention, the crowd justice fundraiser page struggled to raise £8,949 from 416 pledges made by 307 backers, despite 9,041-page views! All funds were transferred directly to the contracted legal firm MTG. Approximately £6000 of which was paid to the barrister, who is now on retainer to the WTU community to complete their review of our case and advise on the most appropriate route forward. These figures are all available in the files tab of the WTU Facebook community group, where you can find more regular updates, engage with community members, gain support and information.

That said, our little community group WTU, that has grown in phenomenal rate to almost 6000 members in the brief 2 years since our inception, has managed to secure a well-respected solicitor, partner of a big law firm and working pro bono, with a barrister on retainer, have secured support from prominent medical professionals and academics, compiled masses of research, evidence, and first hand testimonials, not to mention WTU have had our acronym heard and written about on national radio, television, newspapers and even in the Halls of Westminster!

Not bad for a completely independent, self-funded, grass roots campaign group, if you ask me.

Rome was not built in a day nor will the monolith of prohibition be defeated so quickly nor easily.

Without faith, commitment and patience, nothing can be achieved.

You may recall that I was contacted a while ago by a group of film students from South Wales University who wanted to film a documentary about the WTU community movement. I felt honoured and humbled to be asked and was grateful for some exposure for the WTU campaign.

The film crew visited my home for a background interview and then joined us on campaign at the NEC CBD Expo last February. They also met and documented the awful situation of our fellow WTU member Philip Antony Bevington and his consecutive busts.

I happy to say the student film crew have now submitted their final cut of their documentary about the WTU campaign. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown, it is not completely what they had planned to film, but they have worked hard to create this submission for their final exams.

I'm also happy to say that the team have plans to resume filming once we have the freedom of movement and rights to reinstated.

They hope to also attend any future WTU events to film and continue documenting the WTU movement, as our journey is not yet complete, and they wish to remain part of the WTU community movement. Please visit the WTU YouTube channel to see how they have documented stage 1 of the WTU campaign.

WTU will continue as long as able or necessary until we achieve our aims, with the money raised by crowd justice used only for our case and cannot be used anywhere aside from with the contracted solicitor. If further legal fees are required, then we will move to stage two of fundraising and for the moment legal fundraising has stopped until we have the barrister’s final advice.  The WTU merchandise fund is still running and merchandise posting will resume as lockdown is eased.  Therefore, all raffles and merchandise have been postponed until after the crisis has passed.

WTU has a mission for changing the law so all can be free from the fear of prosecution for cannabis related offences, regardless of why they choose cannabis. 

Please follow the link below to read our Mission Statement and, if you believe in our aims, take the opportunity to become undersigned.

I hope this clarifies where WTU are at, why where are here and where we plan to proceed.

If anyone has any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly and I will do all I can to find the answers for you.

This does not mean the WTU case is finished, just delayed until these extreme circumstances have passed or we have all adapted to our new circumstances.

I wish you all good health and pray you all keep safe in these troubling times.

Have a blessed and glorious day Love, light and peace Like, Share, Subscribe if you believe in the WTU campaign for freedom.


WTU YouTube Channel

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Instagram – we_the_undersigned

Update 12

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

Jan. 10, 2020


Hi there folks,

 Happy 2020! I hope you're as well as can be and life is treating you well.

My deepest apologies for the lack of updates. The campaign is still very much active and alive. 

Since the last update, during 2019 WTU have represented at many cannabis related events including Borofest, the CBD hemp Expo at the NEC, Product Earth, the cannabis education area at Know your Roots eco fest and other localised events. 

At these events I am asked to share my story and do so openly and honestly. Unfortunately sharing my story me places  my family at great risk of arrest, prosecution and eviction. 

The combination of all of this pressure on my health and family has nearly broken my body, helped to break my marriage but not my spirit, so I have been in a period of rest and recovery.

However, I'm now coming in to 2020 with more determination than ever to overcome this unjust law, which reeks devastation upon innocent people's lives. 

The WTU team have begun to gather the evidence required for the barrister review, but unfortunately circumstances beyond our control have caused delay, but we are getting back on track again.  

The crowd Justice fundraiser will be live again soon, so if you are able to spare a little towards the legal fees to make a challenge against the government's political policy of cannabis prohibition, please pledge what you are able and why not join the WTU Facebook community group for more regular updates, interaction and support from our community?

The WTU community has also been trying hard to support Mark Gibson and their fight for justice in as many ways as we could. The author Robert Ledderman donated to the WTU 100 copies of his Book "Cannabis" to raise funds, which we then gave away in return for any donations made to the Gibson's legal fund. The veteran human rights campaigner and author Alun Buffry created a compilation of poems from a variety of campaigners to create the book "Inside my Hat and Other Heads", available from Amazon with free delivery for £10.01, with £3.50 from each copy sold being pledged to the Gibson's legal fund. Now that the Gibson's have been acquitted, any further funds raised will be pledged to the WTU legal fund to support our case.

The inspirational JJ St. Clements managed to organise a courtside support team to attend the Gibson's case, having travelled hundreds of miles to be there. A truly amazing gesture that will now be done for all cases we are made aware of and a support team will do all they can to support you through your trial. It could be any one of us next and the time has come to stand together as one united community, to shake off the shackles of fear, instead of hiding in the shadows in fear. JJ has now founded Court Support group so the too long oppressed CannaCommunity can start to step up in support of the members of our community who are being attacked by this false law. If you are facing charges or would like to support other, please join the group.

The only reason people of colour, women and the LGBT community have won their rights, freedom and some degree of equality is because they shook of their fear and united as one oppressed community fighting for their fundamental human rights. It is time for the CannaCommunity to take a leaf out of the history book and STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS!

Thoughts and reflections on the  Gibson's case:

 On the 6th of January 2020 the test case of Lesley and Mark Gibson was scheduled to commence over a 4 day period.

 Mark and Lesley have been through months of stress and were facing prosecution for the unlicensed cultivation and preparation of cannabis for medical purposes.

 Many shouted in triumph and glee when the Gibson's ordeal was finally brought to an end, as they were acquitted when the prosecution announced in the hours before the trial commenced that the prosecution would bring no evidence against the Gibson's, as it was not in the public interest to prosecute them.

 Perhaps this is because the Gibson's may have called for the CPS to provide their foundation evidence for the schedule 1 status of cannabis and proof of their controls?

 After all, no such foundation evidence has ever existed, as cannabis prohibition laws have always been unfounded and based on bias, bigotry and political greed.

 And this is evidently continued and maintained by the Government driven ideological war on cannabis, which is really a war on our freedom of choice, health, wellbeing and our fundamental human rights to a private life and to seek the most dignified quality of life possible in our own individual circumstances.

 Why did the CPS leave it until the last moments to decide it is not in the public interest to prosecute the Gibson’s?

 Perhaps it was to try and test their nerve to call their bluff in the hope the Gibson’s would crumble under the threats of prison and pressure of prosecution?

 Regardless, the Gibson’s held their nerve, kept strong and kept to their truth and were acquitted.

 The CannaCommunity resounded with  applause and cheers at what seemed at first a monumental victory; that the right to a private life in our pursuit of our best health, well-being and happiness to finally be respected and for people to have the right to home grow their own cannabis for their own medical use.

 However, what we witnessed on the 6th of  January was, perhaps, some shrewd strategizing by the Crown Prosecution Service.

 The closing statements made reference to the fact the CPS only decided it was not in the public interest to prosecute the Gibson's because they are now accessing a private prescription of cannabis for medical purposes at full cost!

 Furthermore, they stated that if the Gibson's were to repeat their actions and break the law again, they would face the ordeal of trial and potential prosecution all over again.

 As will any and all who choose to cultivate cannabis, without having purchased a special licence from the home secretary.

 The Gibson's legal team announced  that no legal precedent was set by the outcome of what should have been a test challenge and change to the law regarding the personal and private cultivation, preparation and sharing of cannabis for medical purposes.

 This immediate and apparent victory for the Gibson's is only short term and they remain in the exact same dilemma they were in before they were attacked in the privacy of their own home by Cumbria police for the unlicensed cultivation of a nutritious therapeutic herb.

 Unless they continue to pay more than they can afford for the extortionate private prescription fees, Lezley will be left with either few choices: legally suffer, obtain cannabis of unknown quality from the unlicensed and uncontrolled cannabis market or to illegally yet sustainably cultivate cannabis to improve her health and maintain a dignified quality of life.

 Effectively, a private prescription has become protection from prosecution for those who can afford it. What happens to those who are too poor to access Private Healthcare? We remain subject to unjust and inhumane prosecution for the exact same actions.

 Where is the equality and justice in this equation?

 The collapsed case against the Gibson's was still monumental and although no legal precedent was set, it has left the Department of Public Prosecutions with some very urgent questions to resolve.

 Exactly WHEN is it in the public interest to prosecute people who choose to home grow cannabis to maintain their health or that of their loved ones, as it is more financially sustainable than purchasing from the pharmaceutical industry or safer than the unlicensed cannabis market?

 The WTU intend to expand that question to include the adult usage of cannabis regardless of the purpose of the consumer, whether for nutritional, therapeutic, creative, spiritual or relaxational purposes; where is the harm?

 Especially when compared with the recreational drug alcohol; when exactly is it in the Public Interest to prosecute peaceful people who choose to recognise and utilise cannabis for its broad spectrum of benefits and uses?

 Whether a person cultivates cannabis to consume for medical, nutritional, creative  spiritual or relaxation or purposes there is no difference in the level of harm to the individual, community or Society on a whole.

 In fact, the only real threat created by the domestic cultivation of cannabis for private purposes is the loss of revenues for the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both of whom are heavily involved in lobbying the government to maintain the status quo of cannabis prohibition.

 Not to protect The People but in order to protect their profits and investments.

 Where does this leave us you might ask?

 Pretty much exactly where we were before!

 Anyone caught cultivating cannabis at home without licence (even the Gibsons) will still be subject to prosecution, even if for medical purposes, but may be able to escape prosecution if they purchase a private prescription and they cease seeking  herbal independence and sustainability for themselves by complying with purchasing extortionately priced pharmaceuticalised, irradiated, lower quality cannabis from a Private Healthcare specialist.

 This is British justice in the Great British Demockeracy.

 Truth and justice are dead in the UK.

 Murdered by law and order.

 In the name of profits!


 What is the moral of the Gibson story?

 If arrested  challenge the charges all the way to Jury. Insist your truth be heard and that the CPS present their foundation evidence for the schedule 1 status of cannabis. Insist your prosecution is not in the public interest and you break a law that is not fit for purpose and will harm you health if you abide by it.

 NHS guidelines deny patients lawful access, despite the law that any person can be prescribed cannabis for any condition, so long as by GMC registered specialist.

 Therefore, if you wish to access cannabis for medical purposes you must pay through the nose for a private  prescription.

 Or you can risk your health, future and personal security by buying from the unlicensed and uncontrolled cannabis market.

 Or you can risk prosecution if you choose to home grow for assured quality, affordability and sustainability.

 But what real choice remains for a poor person who has no way to afford a private prescription, but can afford seeds and soil?

 At least now there is potential for the spotlight to finally shine upon cannabis prohibition laws and whether they are fit for purpose. Or another opportunity for the British government to mislead the People by maintaining their lie that is cannabis prohibition.

 Aside from the fact that cannabis has great therapeutic benefits, it also holds the solutions to the impending environmental collapse that the fossil fuel industry seems hell bent on delivering us.

 Cannabis prohibition laws have been crimes against humanity that have caused devastation to our planet and the health of the people.
 The time for change is now.

The WTU will be once again writing to the Home Office, Department of Public Prosecutions, all Police Crime Commisioners & Chief Constables and MPs to highlight the financial, social and medical discrimination caused by their cannabis prohibition laws: to question EXACTLY when is it in the public interest to prosecute non-violent, peaceful people who choose to consume or cultivate cannabis for private purposes and to once again call for peace and the end of their war against the CannaCommunity and our preferred way of life.

 Please join the WTU movement to help make it happen sooner rather than later.

Please subscribe to the WTU Youtube channel 
 Phil Monk

Update 11

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

July 26, 2019

US Congress Cannabis scheduling debate!

Hi there CannaComrades!

My apologies for the lack of updates, but chronic pain is a merciless master. I do hope you are all as well as can be and in High Spirits.

Since my last update I have attended the CBD expo in London to reach out to various businesses in a hope to gain more support for the #WTU legal campaign to take the pressure of the poor, sick and disabled people who have so far mostly funded. I also had a chance to have a nice informal chat with the #WTU solicitor Robert Jappie. We had a good talk about the writings of Ethan Russo and the recent USA Congress debate about the inappropriate scheduling of cannabis, it's fraudulent racial and corrupt foundation in history.

In short, the US Congress concluded that “The War on Cannabis” {or as it should more rightly be known as “The War on the CannaCommunity”} is nothing less than fraud, conspiracy and terrorism. Perpetrated by significant American political and corporate interests, namely Harry J. Anslinger, William Randolph Hearst and Dupont, who are the founding fathers of the most nefarious socially destructive, divisive and devastating political policy of Prohibition.

The so-called War on Cannabis is actually a government driven ideological war against the CannaCommunity, which is based on lies and conflicted political interests for profit and control. The war on the CannaCommunity is fraud, conspiracy and terrorism. While the UK is being held behind by politicians with conflicted interests, the US Congress is finally discussing the prohibition of cannabis.

How can a law which is based on lies, bigotry, racism and misinformation for political purposes ever be lawful?

The enforcement of cannabis prohibition laws cannot be lawful and therefore they must cease enforcement immediately to prevent further miscarriage of justice and reduce greater need for expungements or reparations.

The truth of cannabis prohibition is herein revealed for the nefarious, socially destructive political policy it is for declaring war on all who choose cannabis to manage their own health, well-being and happiness to protect PoliticoCorporate interests.

Update 10

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

July 2, 2019

Stage 1 Fundraising succesful- paused until stage 2

WTU weekly (ish) update!

 Good afternoon WTU I hope you are all as well as can be and in high spirits πŸ’š

 I'm happy to announce that the Crowd Justice fundraiser page is now paused until we receive the final advice from the barrister on the merits of our case and whether WTU can challenge the government's political policy of cannabis prohibition. 

 Thanks to the amazing sacrifice and contribution of all those who managed to pledge to the crowd justice legal fundraiser

 Because of your sacrifice WTU have raised adequate funds to take us up to Counsel providing a revised advice.

 403 pledges from 299 backers has raised an amazing £8,659 that has been transferred directly  to the solicitor and will cover the costs of the expert report from Professor Nutt and the full consideration of the merits of our case by a top human rights barrister. 

 Amazing and humbling and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and contribution to the WTU campaign. 

 The barrister will then need to provide an addendum to his previous advice once he has been able to consider our expert reports and our case studies.

 It will be the barrister's revised advice that will set out whether we have grounds to make a Declaration of Incompatibility against the MODA and Human Rights laws.


 In the event that the barrister advises positively, that’s when the next stage of fund raising will need to commence.

 In the meantime, raising  awareness and distributing and collecting the WTU case studies will be of utmost importance.

 Parliament will soon break for recess and the reports are not expected before the end of July, so we have until Parliament reconvenes to collate as many supporting case studies as possible to support the expert reports. 

 20 WTU Tshirts coming in tomorrow, 30 Tshirts with QR codes & 10 baseball caps due on 18th/7 and plenty of flyers ready to be sent out so please email me your address and size if you would like some.

 [email protected] 

 WTU is still raising money for the WTU merchandise fund so Tshirts, wristbands, flyers, badges and slaps can be made to give away and to help fund WTU attending events to raise awareness, so all donations are gratefully received through our PayPal donate button on our website merchandise page below. 

 A HUGE thanks to those who have donated to the merchandise  fund  and by placing items for auction in our CannaCommunity group. You have all helped raise an amazing £486 that can all be reinvested into more WTU merchandise to give away and spread our message around the UK. 


 We should not be prosecuted nor persecuted for our fundamental health choice to recognise and utilise cannabis for its many benefits. 

 As such, I am considering replacing my battered old gazebo with a more professional pop up gazebo for when WTU attends events such as the coming Borofest and your sacrifice, generosity and faith are making it all possible and some businesses are starting to build new synergistic relationships with WTU too.

 WTU has always been greater than Phil Monk. WTU has always been about all of the CannaCommunity. 

 I often get messages from people thanking me and praising me for my efforts for The CannaCause and for the freedom for all to be able to choose cannabis. These messages help sustain me thank you all xx.

 Many often say they wish they could do more to help.

 Well you can!

 Each and every person in WTU has a powerful and vital role to play in a achieving reform. WTU needs to starts making some noise to get a bit more notice in the mainstream. 

 Please tell all your friends, write to your fave celebrities, artists, MPs, PCCs, local and national newspapers and anyone you can think of, telling them all of the freedom and equality WTU is trying to achieve.

 You can help grow WTU by sharing our group and inviting like minded folks to join us in our struggle for freedom and equality for all in British law and society. 

 Thank you for your support and contribution to the #WTU campaign

Please join our closed Facebook CannaCommunity to follow live updates.


Update 9

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

June 14, 2019

Professor Mike Barnes promises WTU a report Pro Bono (free)

My apologies for the delay in updating, I have been incapacitated paying the pain price after attending the recent Cannabis Trades Association conference last Sunday and talking last Saturday at the Birmingham Division Cannabis Compassion Club.

I'm happy to say it was worth the pain, as I can happily announce that Professor Mike Barnes has promised to write a report for the WTU evidence file Pro Bono (no charge).

This is amazing news, as most of the backers to this campaign so far are broke, sick, disabled and dependent on benefits. So a huge thank you to the professor for his generosity and compassion. I had an in depth discussion with professor Barnes and I look forward to reading his report around the end of July.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Tommy Corbyn, who also was present when I shared some of my story at the Birmingham event. I'm happy to say that after hearing my story and learning about the #WTU campaign, he has joined our FaceBook group and has invited me to share my story at the opening ceremony of his new shop, where his dad will be present also. This will be an excellent opportunity to develop some more support for the #WTU movement.

I have also contacted Dr. Ethan Russo, who has emailed me copies of much of his research that is relevant to the case we are building.

The main media are still ignoring/muting our voices, so our story has yet to break mainstream, but independent media are starting to report about #WTU. Thank you to the CBD & Hemp Mag, The Extract, The Grow Street Journals for giving voice to the #WTU campaign.

We are making slow but steady progress.

Please continue to share the Crowd Justice campaign to raise awreness and grow more support.

If you have pledged then please email me at [email protected] with your address so that I can post you a #WTU pin badge to say thank you for your support and contribution to #WTU.

Update 8

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

June 6, 2019

Professor Nutt is very enthusiastic to work with WTU

Hi Phil,


An update for you – I spoke with David Nutt today. He hates the decision in Quayle and was very enthusiastic about supporting your case – so that is great news!


He has agreed to prepare an initial report which can be submitted to counsel. He has advised his hourly rate is £200 and the report will require 8 hours work. His fee would therefore be £1,600, which is quite reasonable I think.


Please let me know your thoughts on this.


I will update the Barrister, and remind him to provide us with his initial position which can be distributed to WTU members accordingly.


Let me know if you have any questions.



Update 7

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

June 6, 2019

Update after initial conference with human rights barrister 31/5/19

Update after initial conference with human rights barrister 31/5/19


 What a demanding day.

 In short, the human rights barrister said "we are seeking a radical law change from a conservative judiciary which supports a conservative government."

 Our chances of success are almost none, but not none!

 Due the differences in legal systems between UK, South Africa, Mexico and Canada it will be difficult to find the angle to make the challenge,  due to precedents set in the involving Mr. Ditchfield et al in the Regina vs Quayle 2005.

 Some aspects support the WTU case and some go against it. 

 So we need to develop a solid evidence base for the foundation of any potential challenge.

 The narrow medical focus was identified as more achievable than the broader human rights issue, as there is established science to support medical usage, but not recreational, creative or spiritual. They felt the judge would not entertain spiritual or creative benefits, unless we can produce some kind of concrete evidence supporting such benefits. 

 I emphasised, with my usual passion, that WTU seeks the broader human rights challenge and won't be swayed to only the narrow medical focus. 

 Next stages:

 1. Barrister to prepare brief overview of today's conference to update  the WTU CannaCommunity soon.

 2. Resume fundraising to fund contacting independent experts for reports into:

 A. Balance of potential harms to benefits of cannabis. Proposed- Professor David Nutt.

 B. Therapeutic efficacy of cannabis- proposed Prof. Mike Barnes- Dr. Frank D'Ambrosio.

 C. The nutritional properties of cannabis. Proposed- Dr. Ethan Russo and Dr William Courtney. 

 D. The creative benefits of cannabis. Research required 

 E. The spiritual benefits of cannabis- research required. 

 3. Collate further evidence/research relating to cannabis. Acmd reports, international human rights cannabis rulings.

 4. Once reports and evidence have been collated and submitted to barrister then he will review all information, national and international case precedent and then provide his written advice as to our possible ways forward.

Update 6

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

May 23, 2019

Initial conference with HR barrister is now booked!

WTU Campaign update: 22/5/19

 Hi there WTU CannaFam,

Thank you all for your amazing support for the WTU Campaign, I now have an initial conference with the WTU solicitor and HR Barrister to discuss booked for 31st May so preparation for this is now my no. 1 priority.

I have now received the Letter of engagement and terms of business from the WTU solicitor Mackrell, Turner & Garrett confirming that they will represent WTU, if the barrister confirms we have grounds for litigation.

 The costs have been determined for this first stage at £6000 (see email below).

All this has been made possible thanks to your pledges to the WTU Crowd Justice Fundraiser page, which is at an amazing £7,929 from 357 pledges.

So I think we should chill for now until we know the conference outcome.

Our WTU closed CannaCommunity group is growing well and we are now at 4,300 members, so please keep sharing our campaign, group and inviting like minded people to join us in our struggle for to make a stand freedom and equality in British law and society for all CannaConsumers!

Interestingly, so far, no media has responsed to the multiple letters, emails and calls from both myself and other members of WTU alike. It suggests a strictly defined narrative is being set by the media and the establishment to maintain and justify the political policy of the prohibition paradigm, but we must keep pushing.

That said, the story of the WTU Movement will be featuring in the coming CBD and Hemp Expo magazine, so we have a little break in the dam, with more business support growing all the time.

 I have also begun exploring the potential support for WTU members in the process of cannabis related criminal proceedings, as if the WTU has a case to move forward, all other cannabis related cases might be affected by the outcome, so should be postponed with a stay of excecution until the outcome of the WTU challenge, as with the Dagga Case in South Africa. 

Please join the WTU facebook closed group community for more live feed updates.

Keep strong folks and keep your spirits high.



 Copy of the costing email from the WTU solicitor:

 Hi Phil,

 The cost for the conference and the initial written advice from counsel will be £5,000 plus VAT (£6,000). This includes both my fees and counsel’s fees.

 We can bill on an hourly rate but it’s always preferable for clients to have a fixed fee. The fixed fee is calculated on an estimate of the likely number of hours involved in carrying out the requested work. So in this instance we have estimated that it will require in the region of 15 hours work at an hourly rate of £350 plus VAT. This estimate includes:

 - Taking your instructions

 - Arranging conference

 - Briefing counsel

 - Attending conference

 - Collating additional evidence

 - Drafting and finalising written advice

 It also means there is still some funds remaining in the pot which can be used towards the next stage of the proceedings in the event of a positive advice from counsel. I hope this information is sufficient for your needs.

 Are these criminal proceedings that you are referring to Phil (that the WTU members are facing)? I am certainly able to provide a letter of support once we have the advice from counsel. That may be very useful to anyone facing such proceedings. 

 Kind regards 


Update 5

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

May 14, 2019

A fantastic beginning-the wheels are turning

Dear WTU campaign supporters and contributors,

Thank you for taking part in the potential making of history.

Despite the extreme hardship many of WTU have to endure, we have raised whopping £6774 within our initial target 30 day cut off!

Granted, this is small change to those who oppose us and they likely amuse themselves at our struggle to raise our required funds, but this amazing amaount has been raised by a mere 300 contributors. So just imagine the potential if EVERY CannaConsumer and believer in freedom chose to make a stand with WTU and pledged only £5 to the cause, then there would be ample legal funds to raise legal challenge against the Government political policy of war on the CannaCommunity.

£10,000 is the estimated figure to have our case considered by human rights barristers, so our target has now progressed to the next level and all future pledges shall be deducted within 48hrs from pledging.

In unity lies strength!

As the copy of the below correspondence helps to show, a combined CannaCommunity effort can make wheels of change start to turn.


"Dear Phil,

I received a notification that you hit your initial target of £6,000 which is great news. And, I see that you have raised the target which I think is sensible.

 With your permission, I’d like to start the process of on-boarding counsel so that we can have an initial conference. We don’t need you to collate your file of evidence just yet. I think it would be good to sit down with counsel to have an initial discussion and then we can proceed to the evidence stage, before we ask counsel to write us a formal advice. 

How does that sound to you?

Kind regards 



Needless to say I await the meeting time and place and will update as soon as possible.

I am fighting constant, debilitating pain, so this impedes me a lot of the time.

Please make sure to join our Facebook group, Undersign in our guest book and write to as many people as possible to raise more awareness and support.

WTU pin badges or wristbands are available for all pledgers so please email me your address to I can post one out to say thanks as soon as pain allows. 

Update 4

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

May 2, 2019

Wow. Amazing start.

No one should ever be criminalised for the fundamental health choice that is cannabis for any reason and WTU seeks to end this political policy of cannabis prohibition through the courts.

 I have dedicated myself and, as I'm disabled my wonderful and supportive wife and children have become dedicated too, for the last year to the cause of We The Undersigned, after the overwhelming response to the invitation I made for people to Undersign to WTU, in our quest for a human rights solicitor prepared to raise a legal challenge as a United CannaCommunity against the government's political policy of cannabis prohibition. 

This last year has caused me untold levels of pain and has become damaging to my health. I never set out to seek fame nor glory. Just the freedom for all to have the right to grow or buy their own cannabis, for their own purposes, without the extreme prejudice and malice from the State. 

In doing so, I have also risked everything that I love and cherish in my life: my wife, children, home and liberty. I was never asked to take on this role nor did I even plan to end up where WTU is today.

 Your beliefs in our fundamental human rights to freedom of consciousness, expression of identity, peaceful association, private beliefs and practises in the many benefits of cannabis and our rights to be able to determine for ourselves what is best for our health, is what has made WTU grow as quickly as we have. You are the WTU CannaCommunity. 

But I have done almost all I can do to get our human rights claim before the barristers for review.

 I can do NO more and now it MUST come down to YOU! 

As broke as we all are, we have to find a way as a community to make this happen. It is incredible the progress so far! 

A huge thank you to all who have contributed to the crowd justice fundraiser campaign to try and make this happen. 

The £3229 raised so far is amazing and we are just over half way to the initial target that we must meet in the remaining 18 days, or else the cause flops! 

And with it WTU! But it is also disappointing to see that, although WTU has over 3600 members now, only 135 members have pledged to the campaign. 

I understand about poverty, I have lived it for too many years. Hence the WTU Health and Family First Policy. 

But if the campaign continues at this rate it will not have any hope of success. 

So if you believe in freedom and the WTU aims please share the campaign every where you can, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, write to your favourite celebrity, magazine or newspaper. 

Tell friends and family. 

We need to get this out there for maximum exposure and increase hope of success. 

Also, More pledges are needed, otherwise it will have all been for nought and WTU will end with the crowd justice fundraiser. 

All petitions are ignored. Democracy denied. This could be the only way to end the government driven ideological war on the CannaCommunity. Here is the link to the  fundraiser page.

 Please share on all platforms and contribute what you can. 

Together we can do this! Phil Monk WTU πŸ‘­πŸ‘­βœŠβœŠπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸŒ±βœŒβœŒπŸ™πŸ™

Update 3

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

April 21, 2019

Want to become one of We The Undersigned?

Are you human?

Do you believe that you have a human right to access cannabis?

To do so without prejudice or prosecution?

Either through growing your own preferred strains, exchanging for appreciation/health through UKCSC Cannabis Social Clubs or other Independent Cannabis Compassion Clubs or by purchasing quality assured herbal cannabis/products from licensed cultivators and vendors?

If you believe that decriminalised access to cannabis is a human right, then please come and stand with WTU, by logging into our guest book on our website, to become one of We The Undersigned Have Sovereign Right to Cannabis.

WTU solidarity wristbands and pin badges are availble to all who donate to WTU and who become undersigned to our campaign for freedom and equality for the CannaCommunity, so please contact: [email protected] to leave your name and address then you can receive your token of gratitude and show your support for WTU.

Many thanks for your support.

Update 1

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis WTU

April 21, 2019

WOW! What a launch! What holds you back?

Hi there,

I would like to say a huge thank you to those who have already pledged support for the WTU case against the government and it's hypocritical, moralistic, ideological political policy of cannabis prohibition.

Please share this campaign on all social media platforms, with all your contacts and local news to tell them you stand with WTU.

Amazingly, with your support and faith in WTU, in less than 24 hours since launch, our page has had 508 views, yet only 45 pledges, but those pledges have already raised 23% of our initial targe,t with £1399 of the initial target of £6000 to get the case reviewed by the barristers. 

I would be interested in learning what holds folks back from donating to a cause that is for all of the oppressed CannaCommunity

What doubts do you have?

Please email me any questions to [email protected] and I will attempt to ease any of your doubts if I am able. This campaign really does need widespread support from people from all walks of life, who simply believe in the freedom of choice and the end of The State dictating our health choices and available states of consciousness, upon pain of prosecution and persecution.

No Harm, No Victim, No Crime!

Our Body, OurHealth Our Choice!

After reaching our initial target of £6-10,000 to initiate the barrister review, we will then need to crowd fund the rest of the required legal fees to raise the potential £100s of thousands of pounds to raise this litigation.

If every CannaConsumer and believer in freedom donated only £4.20 to the WTU Crowd Justice fund, then the oppressed CannaCommunity would easily raise the required funds to take the government to court, hold it to account and achieve our human rights to self-determination, freedom of consciousness, expression of identity, private beliefs and practises, and autonomy of health, so that any who wish to can manage their health, well-being and happiness with natural herbal cannabis or seek herbal independence by growing their own, free from extreme prejudice and violent interference from the State.

Please visit to learn more and comment in the WTU guest book if you wish to become one of We the Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis.

508 45 23%

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