No Second Railroad Bridge over Idaho's Largest Lake!
No Second Railroad Bridge over Idaho's Largest Lake!

Latest: Nov. 19, 2018
Thanks to November Contributors!
Along with the 23 backers who have raised $1,455 for the No Second Railroad Bridge over Idaho's Largest Lake! crowdfunding campaign, supporting the WIRT lawsuit against a state permit for BNSF&…
Read moreThe Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) activist collective, a registered, Idaho, non-profit organization, urgently needs your financial assistance with our petition for judicial review appealing the June 21, 2018, Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) permit for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway’s (BNSF) bridge and track expansion in north Idaho. We are seeking contributions toward the current and upcoming, court case expenses of attorney, administrative record, bond, filing, and printing fees.
Numerous citizens, groups, and government officials have offered written comments, hearing testimonies, public protests, and media outreach during the last few years, expressing our concerns for BNSF construction and operation of three permanent and two temporary bridges adjacent to the present rail route across Sandpoint, Sand Creek, and almost a mile over Lake Pend Oreille. But the state of Idaho has dismissed our input, with its encroachment permit approval of BNSF’s Sandpoint Junction Connector project. We are requesting that the Idaho First District Court in Bonner County conduct a rigorous, judicial review of the IDL record, and remand this agency decision for further IDL consideration.
Support this crucial litigation aimed at protecting our regional water, environment, and economy from the ongoing and potentially increased traffic, noise, pollution, derailment and collision risks, and catastrophic spills of coal, oil, tar sands, hazardous materials, and other “pipeline-on-wheels” trains over Idaho’s largest, deepest lake and throughout the Northwest. As our online petition to deny and revoke project permits states, the proposed, parallel, railroad bridges would significantly, cumulatively, and adversely impact many aspects of our lives and livelihoods, by jeopardizing [1]:
* Lake and aquifer water sources, air and water quality, and climate change already degraded by coal train dust, diesel emissions, and fossil fuels transportation and combustion
* Native, aquatic life, fish, wildlife, and endangered species like threatened bull trout, and their wetland, shoreline, creek, and lake habitats
* Indigenous rights and cultures, subsistence and sport fishing, hunting, and gathering, boat navigation, and the aesthetic beauty and enjoyment of the area by residents and visitors
* Human and environmental health and safety, timely emergency response capacities and vehicle travel at rail crossings, and railroad disaster and earthquake resilience
* Local tourism and recreation activities, businesses, residences, properties, and economic values, historic sites, and other, public interest factors
Please visit the WIRT facebook and website pages for litigation updates, and contact WIRT for further information about this appeal. Share this CrowdJustice campaign among your network, and contribute generously to our legal fund through this crowdfunding platform, the “Donate to WIRT” buttons on our website, or our Sandpoint and Moscow, Idaho, mail boxes. Thanks for protecting Lake Pend Oreille and local, community values!
[1] Sign this petition supporting our lawsuit claims and issue concerns, too!
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Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT)
Nov. 19, 2018
Thanks to November Contributors!
Along with the 23 backers who have raised $1,455 for the No Second Railroad Bridge over Idaho's Largest Lake! crowdfunding campaign, supporting the WIRT lawsuit against a state permit for BNSF's proposed, parallel, fossil fuels facilitating, rail bridges across Lake Pend Oreille and Sand Creek, WIRT offers our hearty thanks to Bev Bassett, Shelley Brock, Sharon Cousins, Larry Evans, Kristen Owenreay, Steve Thompson, Barbara and Richard Wells, Rusty West, and Sandy Wikum, who each contributed $25 to $100, and together $450, between November 5 and 17. We can't wait to publicly share big case news with you!

Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT)
Nov. 5, 2018
Thanks to Early November Contributors!
Thanks to Bill Beck, David Brookbank, Bob Loftus, Ben Rall, and an anonymous contributor, who each donated $15 to $25 during the last week, and helped us reach our initial, $1,000, threshold goal, at which CrowdJustice coverts pledges into payments. As we respond to significant filings since October 29, and await the results of a November 7, scheduling hearing, WIRT activists are grateful for regional community support of our petition for judicial review, challenging a state agency permit that facilitates expanded, railroad industry pollution and endangerment of not only Lake Pend Oreille, Sand Creek, north Idaho, and their residents, but all Northwest, rail-side environments and communities. Please continue to pitch in!

Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT)
Oct. 31, 2018
Thanks to Late October Contributors!
Thanks to an anonymous, $500 contributor and to 350Sandpoint organizer Jean Gerth and Sandpoint #No2ndBridge and WIRT activist Denise Dombrowski, who respectively contributed $50 and $40 via the CrowdJustice fundraising page, and to Joan Temple of Seattle, for her $30 mailed donation, all supporting the WIRT petition for judicial review of the Idaho Department of Lands encroachment permit for BNSF's four proposed, railroad, and temporary work bridges over Lake Pend Oreille and Sand Creek in north Idaho. WE STILL NEED HELP reaching our $1,000 threshold goal, when we start receiving funds directly applied to $1,500 in attorney fees due by Friday, November 2, and our ultimate target of $15,000, which would likely cover the entire cost of this litigation. Please share this CrowdJustice fundraising campaign with your network, as WIRT anticipates big, breaking news about this case in the next few days!

Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT)
Oct. 25, 2018
Thanks to October 24 Contributors!
Thanks to Judy Butler, Nicholas Cloke, Bob Greene, John Kemmick, David Perk, and Nancy Shimeall, who together contributed $325 to this #No2ndBridge legal effort, via the CrowdJustice and WIRT websites! Your generous donations protect Idaho’s greatest asset, Lake Pend Oreille and its 43 percent of Columbia River basin water, from fossil fuels and hazardous materials pollution, derailments, and spills facilitated by this lawsuit-challenged, Idaho permit for BNSF’s Sandpoint Junction Connector project. Other Northwest and continent-wide activists, please join this giving campaign!

Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT)
Oct. 24, 2018
Thanks to Our First Case Contributors!
Thanks to Penny Gideon, Sue Koller, Ellen Roskovich, Christine Sugg, and Sandpoint Farmers’ Market WIRT outreach table visitors, who have together contributed $1100 toward the $4,656 WIRT expenses of this lawsuit between July 20, when we first filed our notice of appeal and petition for judicial review of IDL’s encroachment permit for BNSF’s Sandpoint Junction Connector project, and October 23, when we launched this No Second Railroad Bridge over Idaho’s Largest Lake! crowdfunding campaign on CrowdJustice! We also offer our gratitude to core WIRT activist and tar sands megaload protester extraordinaire Herb Goodwin, for donating the first $25 in CrowdJustice pledges! By October 31, WIRT still needs to raise for our attorney $1500, a huge amount (along with an initial $3500) for low-income, volunteer, grassroots activists.
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