Support my sexual harassment case against Mike Hill MP

by Ms A

Support my sexual harassment case against Mike Hill MP

by Ms A
on 12th May 2021
pledged of £25,000 stretch target from 343 pledges

Latest: March 13, 2023

Campaign Update

My decision to speak out against Mike Hill MP’s sexual abuse led to his political downfall and forced him to resign in March 2021. He resigned after the Independent Expert Panel had found that …

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I have, since August 2019, been fighting a claim in the employment tribunals of sexual harassment and victimisation against Mike Hill MP who was the Labour MP for Hartlepool until his resignation earlier this year.

The final hearing of my case started on May 10th 2021 at London Central Employment Tribunal and the Judgment is due in June 2021. In the meantime, Parliament’s Independent Expert Panel has found Mr Hill guilty of physical sexual misconduct against me. The report was published on 20 May 2021.

This is an important and high-profile matter which I am determined to bring in order to highlight what I allege to be the significant abuse of power by a public figure whose behaviour should be challenged and dealt with in a public forum outside of parliament. 

I am seeking to raise £25,000 to assist with my legal fees as if I will there be a further Tribunal hearing to determine what I should be awarded.  My lawyers, Farore Law, have done a huge amount of work on my case for free, and on helping me make submissions to the Independent Expert Panel. This is why I need your help.

I want to give very warm thanks to all those who have supported me so far on this page, with their kind donations and compassionate words.

If I do not continue to fight my case this man will face no consequences for his actions.  I on the other hand have had to live with and will continue to live with the consequences, my mental health and ability to work having been severely impacted by his actions. The financial consequences for me have been devastating.

I want to encourage other victims to speak out against their abusers, we should not be silenced and be the ones to suffer the consequences for their actions.

See a link to the IEP report here: The Independent Expert Panel (IEP) finds Mike Hill breached Parliament’s Sexual Misconduct Policy - UK Parliament

Thank you so much for reading, and for any help you can give with either sharing the CrowdJustice link and/or making a donation.

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Update 1

Ms A

March 13, 2023

Campaign Update

My decision to speak out against Mike Hill MP’s sexual abuse led to his political downfall and forced him to resign in March 2021. He resigned after the Independent Expert Panel had found that he was in breach of Parliament’s sexual misconduct policy. The IEP had stated that, were it not for Mr Hill’s resignation, they would have considered imposing a significant sanction against him.

Although the IEP decision led to his political downfall, Mr Hill showed no express or remorse. He did not even try and apologise to me or demonstrate any regrets. All he had said to the IEP was that he was “mortified” of their decision and that he had gotten himself “into a stupid situation” of his own making. To describe him sexually assaulting me and abusing his power as my former employer as a “stupid situation” is extremely insulting. It’s abundantly clear that Mr Hill only cares about saving his own skin.

It became clear from the IEP outcome that, although Mr Hill’s political career was finished, he was someone unwilling to be held accountable and admit to his wrongdoing. It was not until I succeeded in my Employment Tribunal claim against Mr Hill that I thought there was some hope of holding him to account.

I was successful in the Liability Hearing at London Central Employment Tribunal in May 2021. Employment Judge Joffe handed down her judgment in July 2021, which upheld my sexual harassment and victimisation claims against Mike Hill MP. Significantly, the Tribunal made a series of findings that I was sexually assaulted by Mike Hill MP, which are set out at paragraphs 416, 417, 420 and 426 of the Liability Judgment. The Liability Judgment can be accessed here: Ms_A_vs_Mr_M_Hill.pdf (

The Employment Tribunal then handed down its Remedies Judgment on 16 May 2022, in which I was awarded £434,435.39, which can be accessed here: Ms_A_vs_Mr_M_Hill_remedy.pdf ( The Tribunal had told Mr Hill that he had until 2 June 2022 to pay me the money.

Unfortunately, he did not pay me. Not only did he fail to do this, but he acted evasively. 

After I won my case, Mr Hill left his family home in Hartlepool and his lawyers did not provide me any information about his whereabouts. His lawyers also did not inform me how Mr Hill intended to make payment of the Tribunal Judgment.

Because Mr Hill was extremely uncooperative and evasive, I had no choice but to take steps to enforce my Tribunal judgment against him. I was surprised to discover that enforcing an Employment Tribunal judgment is not a straightforward process. For example, I could not simply go and ask the Employment Tribunal to enforce the judgment against Mr Hill’s assets. This is despite the fact that Mr Hill has a very valuable pension and could use some of his pension money to pay me. Rather, I would have to begin separate court proceedings in the County Court to do this.

I was devastated to find out that, after 3 years of trying to get justice, I would be forced to continue litigating against Mr Hill. I was also devastated to discover that enforcing my Employment Tribunal judgment in the County Court is a very complex process.

The first steps taken to enforce my judgment against Mr Hill has been no easy task. Because Mr Hill was being extremely evasive, I was required to incur fees to ascertain his whereabouts and serve him court papers to attend the County Court to provide information about his assets and finances. The County Court hearing had to be postponed in November 2022 because the process servers had to take their time to find Mr Hill.

We eventually found Mr Hill’s whereabouts and served him the court papers so that he could attend court and provide information in February 2023. However, I then discovered that I had to make an anonymity application to the County Court, despite being granted anonymity in the Employment Tribunal for being a victim of a sexual offence. I had no choice but to request that the February hearing be adjourned so that I could protect my anonymity rights. This is not only delaying the court process, but it is costing me a lot of money.

When Mr Hill eventually attends court and provides information about his finances, this will not be the end of the process. I will then have to make more applications to enforce the Employment Tribunal judgment against his assets or his salary. This will be a very time consuming and expensive process, but I do not think it is just if I would allow Mr Hill to get away with not compensating me for the traumatic experiences I had to endure when I was his employee.

Because of Mr Hill’s acts, I was left homeless for three years. My housing situation following my employment with Mr Hill exacerbated the PTSD and severe depression that I developed as a result of his sexual assaults and harassment.

To allow him to get away with not paying his debts is extremely insulting and shows that this man has zero remorse.

Unfortunately, I do not have the financial means to incur more legal expenses, which is why I need your help. Any contribution from you will make all the difference to allow me to continue exploring ways of enforcing my judgment against Mr Hill. Importantly, your contribution will allow justice to be done. Mr Hill needs to learn about the consequences of his actions and I do not think he has done so despite me succeeding in the Employment Tribunal and his political downfall.

 The fight continues.

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