JUSTICE FOR THE INNOCENT, the story of Robert Stover aka Dobber
JUSTICE FOR THE INNOCENT, the story of Robert Stover aka Dobber

JUSTICE FOR THE INNOCENT, the story of Robert Stover aka Dobber
With a nudge and encouragement from family and friends, I am crowdfunding for myself, Robert Stover.
As I reflect back on my journey in life, I think to myself, wow, I really have had a good life. I’ve had and still have great friends, great family, great job, etc. I really consider myself blessed.
I say that but lately all I can seem to think about these days is what if my life was taken away from me at a moment’s notice? Not by death, but by incarceration. That’s prison time and possibly for life. I mean, what would YOU do? It is absolutely the last place I thought I would find myself at the age of 51.
I ask as you read my story, that you read it with an open mind and with the thought that there is no greater injustice in this country than when we presume a man guilty until proven innocent instead of innocent until proven guilty. That has been my journey since December 12th, 2014.
3 ½ years ago, on Friday, December 12th I was literally at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, it is no secret to many that I have ridden with an m/c club for years. I rode up to a neighborhood bar that we had been to many times and within seconds of walking into the front door, gun fire erupted. It was one of the most horrific, traumatic and scariest nights of my entire life. I had absolutely no idea what to do other than to help people get out, including myself. I had no protection on my person to even think about defending myself or those being fired upon. It was seriously a moment of RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. Needless to say, I got out but not without the fight of my life and a knife wound to the face. Others were shot and stabbed and I did not realize until several hours later that a man had lost his life. That man was Geoffrey Brady. This was a man with a wife, kids, friends and family. I was absolutely sick over the entire ordeal. I mean sick. Well, on Monday, December 15th I was in shock and disbelief when I was called to the front reception area of my job of 23 years where I was arrested by the Fort Worth Gang Task Force for the death of Mr. Brady in front of my Supervisor, my staff and numerous other employees who also stood and watched in horror and disbelief. I did not know Mr. Brady at all. I had never met him or seen him before but I absolutely thought that his death was a terrible tragedy. I can tell you that as bad as I felt at that time about his death and everything that happened that night, one thing I know to be 100% absolute fact and truth is that I had nothing to do with his death or anything surrounding that night. I was just as shocked as my friends and family to see my face plastered all over every news station in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It was the absolute lowest time in my entire life. A man lost his life and it was being broadcasted that I in some way was associated with it. I knew that was absolutely not the truth and quite frankly it was outright lies. Upon the arrival of the police the night of the incident, there was one story given and one story believed and it has been a one sided botched story every since.
As like Mr. Brady, I am a husband, a dad, a friend, and countless other things to many other people in my life. I still as of today sit in shock that I have been on this terrible journey of fighting for my innocence. I’ve been harassed, followed, degraded, belittled, shamed personally and financially and had my character destroyed over lies and corruption. I have learned that there is no place the prosecution will not go to destroy you if they see fit. What has been done to me and many other people in Fort Worth is unethical and criminal. No one man or woman should EVER have the power to destroy and bankrupt a man over lies. That is not justice. The truth should be sought out in every way form and fashion to prove the innocence of a person. These are lives they are destroying and people do need to pay attention to this. It is scary to think that this could happen to anyone. You could just randomly be targeted and that’s it, your life is destroyed and to be honest with not one ounce of conscience of wrong doing. It’s absolutely sickening to me.
One thing remains the same though and that is that the thought of going to prison for life is a very real probability for me. This is where, as a man, it is extremely hard for me to put myself out there and ask for the help of others financially. When charges like mine are put on you, one thing you learn is that it is much bigger than you could ever imagine and that in order to have a remote chance of an innocent verdict is to have a top notch set of attorneys and that is financially overwhelming. I have just that though, a fantastic defense team. They are passionate about defending me and exposing the truth about my case but also about the prosecutorial blindness surrounding my case. I am very blessed to have Frank Sellers and Casie Gotro representing me but with exceptional counsel come exceptional cost.
In the spirit of being transparent, we have already paid approximately $150k in all sorts of fees related to my case. With the trial rapidly approaching on August 31st, we are still in need of approximately $75k. ANY AND ALL monies raised will go directly to my attorneys, NOT ME.
I ask that you really think on this. Pray about it, talk to your spouse about it, etc. I need help friends and I am asking for it. The thing is, this is truly not out of the realm of possibility to happen to anyone. It is so important that cases like mine are fought fiercely and that exposure to the real truth is revealed. At this point, that is the only vindication that I feel could bring me justice. Justice for me is Justice for another. Exposing lies and corruption, that is justice and that’s what I want to happen.
If you can or feel led, please make a monetary gift to the cause of proving my innocence. I am innocent! I would never, ever ask anyone for anything if I were guilty. It’s simply not in my character. Thank you for your support and your prayers.
My best,
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