Justice for experienced dedicated to patients senior doctor

by Friends

Justice for experienced dedicated to patients senior doctor

by Friends
Case Owner
We are doctors and friends. We know the fact that damaging highly skilled doctors affect patients' health. We want no other doctor would go through such a terrible injustice.
on 15th March 2019
pledged of £95,000 stretch target from 8 pledges
Case Owner
We are doctors and friends. We know the fact that damaging highly skilled doctors affect patients' health. We want no other doctor would go through such a terrible injustice.

Dr Aqdas Nabili is a long standing Consultant who led a multidisciplinary team of professionals for many years. As student she was a multiple price winner, she was the youngest PhD researcher and as a doctor she was a leading Neuroscientist. 

She successfully worked as an outstanding senior consultant with many years experience of working for the leading University Hospitals including Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

Dr Nabili’s previous employer Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCHC) last formal appraisal concluded that: 

"Dr Nabili provides a good and competent care to the children. She has good communication skills and liked by children and their parents” 

Dr Nabili raised grievance against NCHC who racially discriminated her. She tried helping patients she considered NCHC reorganisation of children services for saving money would harm. 

NCHC unfairly dismissed her in a meeting that went ahead without her knowledge, with no legal representation, without any defence, and whilst Dr Nabili was out of country on compassionate leave to help her mother who not being able to cope with so much stress suffered an stroke and she was paralysed.

NCHC asked Dr Nabili silently to accept the cruel act of dismissal in return for a good reference. NCHC threatened BMA representative that if Dr Nabili considered taking NCHC to an Employment Tribunal, NCHC would retaliate using GMC. Dr Nabili referred NCHC to the fact that patients have been campaigning to see her, she said that NCHC would achieved nothing by referring a doctor patients so much support and love to GMP. 

GMC in 2014 dismissed the false allegation of misconduct for which she was dismissed by NCHC.

On 12/09/2017 Employment Judge D A Pearl Ordered that “the Order of the Tribunal is that the Claimant was unfairly dismissed”.

Soon after winning the Tribunal and whilst she was waiting for an order for reinstatement, GMC arranged for an MPTS hearing for an unsubstantiated allegation that a patient letter allegedly was stored in the bathroom of her sister’s house. GMC confirmed in writing did not have the letter alleged.

Whilst Dr Nabili was admitted to A&E in London for stress caused severe health condition, GMC proceeded with a hearing without her and without any defence or any legal representation. GMC asked MPTS for Dr Nabili’s deregistration.

Why we are raising funds?

MPTS decision about this case is to be heard at the Court of Appeal. Having no legal representation makes any attempt to reach justice almost impossible and we are concerned that she might lose her case and be deregistered.

We are asking for your support to raise the funds needed to appeal against these decisions.

Why is this important?

It is extremely unfortunate and unfair that a dedicated hard working leading consultant has had her career ruined by failure of the system.

We are not doing this to rebuild Dr Nabili’s unjustly ruined reputation, career, health and life.

 Dr Nabili has been forced away from doing the work that she loves, because of a cruel and racially prejudiced campaign against her.   She said has suffocated;

"Please understand Paediatrics work is like breathing and I can’t be without air for long without suffering. I really suffered and suffocated. I hope this stopped and I could return to work ASAP."

Our only wish is to fight against prejudice she has faced, and to ensure that no other doctor would go through such injustice.

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