Is the Prime Minister a Climate Leader or a Climate Loser?

by Chris Packham

Is the Prime Minister a Climate Leader or a Climate Loser?

by Chris Packham
Chris Packham
Case Owner
I'm a naturalist, campaigner and TV broadcaster. I have dedicated my life's work to the conservation of the natural world. In a Climate and Biodiversity Crisis we must step up and take bold action.
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Chris Packham
Case Owner
I'm a naturalist, campaigner and TV broadcaster. I have dedicated my life's work to the conservation of the natural world. In a Climate and Biodiversity Crisis we must step up and take bold action.
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Latest: Aug. 28, 2024

The New Government Won't Back Down

Almost a year ago I initiated legal proceedings over the then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's rowing back of key Net Zero policies.

Since then a lot has changed, we were granted Judicial Review in Ma…

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On 20 September 2023 Rishi Sunak announced his government would delay or abandon key climate targets around vehicles and gas boilers. 

I believe those decisions were unlawfully made and we are raising £75,000 to mount a judicial review in the High Court.

The decisions to delay and abandon key Net Zero policies and proposals were made by Claire Coutinho MP, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero and Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Transport on the same day they were announced by the PM.

The decisions flout decision-making processes set down in the Climate Change Act 2008 to ensure legally binding targets for emission reductions can be met and undermine years of careful policy making on these issues. Once published, the public and industry should be able to rely on the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan, expect it to be delivered and should be notified and consulted if the Government wishes to vary, delay or abandon key policies within it.

At a time of escalating global heating and biodiversity loss we must hold our elected representatives to account. 

Now is a time for truth, for action, for accountability. 

For a government to drop key policies and proposals without other measures in place to ensure emissions targets can be met is simply unacceptable. 

Their decisions affect each and every one of us, now and in the future. 

Is the Prime Minister a Climate Leader or a Climate Loser?

We say the courts should decide.

To delay key proposals is to delay action during the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. 

To abandon key policies is to abandon responsibility for current and future generations of all life, nationally and globally. 

This case will set a precedent that our leaders cannot act 'on a whim' without facing the legal consequences. It will enable legal scrutiny of decisions made, particularly ones which have such severe consequences in our changing world. Our politicians are not beyond the law.

In this claim, we want the Court to affirm that the inclusion of a proposal or policy within a Carbon Budget Delivery Plan is legally meaningful. Once published, the public and industry should be able to rely on the Plan to arrange their affairs and should be notified and consulted if the Government wishes to vary, delay or abandon key policies within it.  

We are raising £75,000 to cover legal costs of this Judicial Review.

Thank you for your support.

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Update 3

Chris Packham

Aug. 28, 2024

The New Government Won't Back Down

Almost a year ago I initiated legal proceedings over the then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's rowing back of key Net Zero policies.

Since then a lot has changed, we were granted Judicial Review in March of this year, and we've had a change of government – yet there is still no indication that this new administration will reinstate these key initiatives to help us hit Net Zero.

We must hold the government's feet to the fire of climate breakdown – please donate below.

Update 2

Chris Packham

March 19, 2024

We've Been Granted Judicial Review

We’ve won the next stage in our challenge to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Energy Security & Net Zero and Transport over their rolling back of Net Zero policies. That's right, we're taking the UK government to court.

Watch my announcement video below & sign up to my mailing list to be the first to hear any updates.

More news to come on this in late 2024. 

Update 1

Chris Packham

Dec. 9, 2023

We've hit our goal of £75,000!

We’ve hit our funding goal 72 hours after launching – thank you to all those who have pledged their support.

See you in court, Prime Minister.

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