Immigrant fights the Chicago Way and North Park Elementary School
Immigrant fights the Chicago Way and North Park Elementary School

RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) case against North Park Elementary School in Chicago.
The private school and city went as far as to tell the neighbors and community that I added lead to their soil endangering their schoolchildren. And all this was simply a ploy (which we learned only in discovery when we sued them) to unduly pressure us to sell for their own expansion plans. The local Alderman even screamed that "you are not a member of the community" as school members stood silently.
Some emails from the discovery:
Principal to Board Members: "This needs go be put to rest before the owner has a better understanding of our role throughout the last 3-4 months. I know the Alderman's office will do anything possible to help us get the property."
Principal to Alderman's office: "How silly of him (Chadha) not to accept an offer above appraised value. If we don't get it soon, we'll have to buy it as foreclosed."
Principal to Yahoo group of all parents/community: "We need 47th Ward residents. I'm not suggesting parents say they're from NPES; instead just that they are concerned neighbors ;-).."
If anyone tells you that fighting for justice is easy, be forewarned. The powerful have deeper pockets and can play the game in courts to stifle resolution. It has been said that "justice delayed is justice denied" and that is the case here.
Unfortunately 5 years in the courts is depleting our finances and the Chicago Way is stronger. Want to keep fighting so that others will be inspired to stand up in Chicago.
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