I am being sued by Stephanie Hayden

by Sean Doyle

I am being sued by Stephanie Hayden

by Sean Doyle
Sean Doyle
Case Owner
raised by me single mum and 4 older sisters… Husband and granddad. Medically retired after meningitis Animal lover and rescuer Hate injustice and Bullies “never give in and never give up”
on 02nd March 2024
pledged of £15,000 stretch target from 243 pledges
Sean Doyle
Case Owner
raised by me single mum and 4 older sisters… Husband and granddad. Medically retired after meningitis Animal lover and rescuer Hate injustice and Bullies “never give in and never give up”

Hello, my name is Sean Doyle.

Stephanie Hayden has filed a lawsuit against me for £10,000 regarding tweets that were posted and alleged harassment. In the court documents I received, there were personal details about my children, a photo of the front of our home, and a picture of myself, my wife, and my 3-year-old granddaughter who had been  abducted in 2017

To clarify, my Twitter handle is @thehoodedclaw66. I want to emphasize that everything I posted was factual and sourced from information that has been available online for years on various forums and websites.

I was able to successfully set aside the £10,000 claim by presenting evidence of my attempts to respond, and the judge was understanding of my situation.

I do not have the financial means to hire a solicitor, but I have been informed about Crowd Justice, where all funds raised will go directly to them.

I have a limited amount of time to prepare statements for both the county court and the High Court before the case is heard at the Royal Courts of Justice on March 18th. I am unsure of the solicitor's fees, but any donations received will be used to cover those costs.

I have received, what people are telling me, is the usual threats. A tweet threatening to kill me by throwing me in the Grand Union Canal. 

An email threatening to release damming information that they have on me.

 Many twitter accounts have suddenly appeared abusing me and people i follow but i have come up against bigger and better before and i am still here fighting the good fight.

I will not be intimidated by anyone 

I am grateful for the outpouring of support and kindness I have received from Twitter and those who showed up at Willesden County Court. Thank you to everyone who has reached out with messages of encouragement.

Thank you,


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