The Ukrainian People need our support
The Ukrainian People need our support

Latest: March 28, 2022
Mayor of London Announces Match Funding
The Mayor of London has announced up to £50K of match funding to double donations made to Here for Good's Ukraine Advice Project.
Since the project launched on 14 March, we've already re…
Read moreOn Thursday 24 February, Russia invaded Ukraine. On Saturday 26 February, Valentyna arrived in Paris, having travelled thousands of miles in conditions we can only imagine, with the hope of joining her daughter in the UK. She was denied entry by the UK Border Force and told she would need to apply for a visa.
Fortunately, Valentyna was offered free advice and assistance from an immigration lawyer. A visa application was prepared and submitted. Her case made the news and resulted in a question in Parliament to the Home Secretary. After significant legal and political pressure, she arrived in the UK on Tuesday 01 March.
Valentyna's story had a happy ending, but there are thousands of Ukrainians fleeing conflict that could fall foul of the Home Office's complex immigration rules. Some already are.
Many urgently need legal advice to secure their rights and begin rebuilding their lives. That advice can only be given in volume if there are lawyers funded to provide it.
What We Can Do With Your Support
Here for Good are crowdfunding to raise funds for a full time not-for-profit caseworker role to be based at the London office of Wilson Solicitors LLP. This person, who can begin work immediately, will be dedicated solely to supporting Ukrainian citizens and their family members to secure their immigration rights in the UK.
There is lots of goodwill within the legal community which is already going a long way to supporting those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, and we look forward to working with anyone who shares our commitment to supporting vulnerable migrants - including existing pro bono initiatives.
However, from experience we know that traditional pro bono can only go so far, so we want to increase capacity in the sector through a full time role. Whilst legal aid may be available in some circumstances, law firms with legal aid contracts are stretched and already at full capacity.
How The Money Will Be Spent
We are starting our target low so that we can guarantee some funding for this role.
If we reach £17,500, we will be able to fund a full-time caseworker for 3 months. These funds will cover the salary, overheads, and supervision costs of the post. Beyond this, with more funding, we will look to extend the time the caseworker dedicates to these cases (e.g. to 6 months) based on need. Any excess funds will be directly spent by Here for Good in providing free immigration advice to other in-need European nationals and their family members.
Why This Model Will Work
Here for Good is a trusted charity in the sector. Its successful model of partnering with law firms to deliver high quality legal advice that is free for its beneficiaries has seen the charity partner with the EU Delegation, Mayor of London, UN Migration Agency, and other NGOs. It's a tried and tested model that has ensured thousands of European migrants have successfully secured their rights in the UK, as well as the Home Office making significant policy concessions as a result of strategic litigation.
The model has also been tested with Wilson Solicitors and a small number of other organisations. A Here for Good caseworker was based at Wilson Solicitors for the entirety of 2021, and continues to conclude cases relating to European nationals and their families.
One beneficiary said: "I would thank Here For Good, Wilson Solicitors and my deepest gratitude to [my caseworker] for her outstanding work...Thank you for your help, you basically saved my life...if it wasn’t for your kindness, compassion and knowledge, surely I would be doomed. Remarkable charity organisation and superb solicitors chamber."
About Here for Good and Wilson Solicitors
Here for Good is a legal charity founded in 2018 to support in-need EEA nationals and their family members to secure their status in the UK. With a wide network of volunteer lawyers supporting its team of full-time caseworkers, it is well-placed to extend its beneficiaries to support Ukrainian nationals during the current crisis.
Wilson Solicitors is a leading immigration, public, and family law firm based in London. Chambers UK describes the firm's "dedication and expertise" as "exceptional". In 2021 it was awarded the Law Society Excellence award for Access to Justice in part for its collaboration with Here for Good to increase capacity in the sector. The firm has already been supporting Ukrainian nationals since the start of the 2022 conflict.
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Here For Good
March 28, 2022
Mayor of London Announces Match Funding
The Mayor of London has announced up to £50K of match funding to double donations made to Here for Good's Ukraine Advice Project.
Since the project launched on 14 March, we've already received 40 referrals for expert legal advice support.
This includes two unaccompanied young people (16 and 17) who need urgent immigration advice. One of their father's was unable to travel with them due to the Ukrainian Government's mandate, and their mother didn't want to leave him. Thousands of young people will be in similar positions given there are, at present, no provisions in the current sponsorship scheme for unaccompanied young people.
This game-changing funding will ensure the Ukrainian people can be supported at an even greater pace and scale.
Your continued generosity will go twice as far. Please donate and share.

Here For Good
March 8, 2022
We Can Help Even More People
We have been blown away by your generosity.
In just four days, we have raised more than double our initial target. The more money we raise, the more people we can support.
The UN says that the current exodus is the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War. Millions of people need our support.
Our tested model means that we can increase capacity at pace, ultimately supporting more people if we raise more money.
We are meeting with our partners at Wilson Solicitors LLP today to begin implementing our plans. Free advice for Ukrainian nationals and their families should begin soon.
Please continue to share and donate. We can make every pound go a long way.
Together, we can help people start rebuilding their lives.
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