Help me protect women and girls from a violent, sexual predator

by Clare*

Help me protect women and girls from a violent, sexual predator

by Clare*
Case Owner
*Name has been changed to protect anonymity
on 18th July 2024
pledged of £5,000 target from 22 pledges
Case Owner
*Name has been changed to protect anonymity

Latest: July 12, 2024

Latest update

Thank you to everyone who has made such generous pledges.

I am writing to provide you with an update on our progress.  It was sadly not possible to prevent the release of my attacker from pr…

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The case

As a child, I was brutally attacked in my own home. The attacker killed one member of my family using a hammer, before he turned the weapon on me, my younger brother and my best friend. All three of us were left with life changing injuries.  The killer also sexually assaulted me.  

Our attacker was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum tariff of 18 years. The judge said when sending him to prison that he was ‘dangerous’ , that he was an ‘ongoing severe risk particularly towards women’ and that he ‘would continue to pose a threat for the foreseeable future’.  The Judge noted that he had a history of sexually motivated offending and serious violence. 

Despite this, the Parole Board has decided that our attacker is to be released into the community next week.   

I believe the Parole Board’s decision is wrong.  It appears from the summary of their reasons that the Parole Board has not properly considered the sexual motivation for his crimes or the fact that he has committed numerous sexual assaults against me. I believe the licence conditions the Parole Board are proposing to impose do nothing to protect against the risk he would pose to women and children in the community.

I want to bring judicial review proceedings against the Parole Board to challenge their decision to direct the release of our attacker.

My solicitor has written a formal pre-action letter to the Parole Board asking them to withdraw their decision and provide us with all the information and documents they considered when deciding he was safe to be released.  If the Parole Board does not agree, then I may need to bring urgent judicial review proceedings to challenge the decision.  I may need to also make an urgent application to ask the Court to ‘stay’ the Parole Board’s decision so that my attacker cannot be released until this case is properly considered.

It is too late for my family to be protected from this man, but I want to ensure that no one else is made to suffer by him.

How much is being raised and why

In our pre-action letter we have asked the Parole Board to agree that they will not seek their legal costs from me if my claim does not succeed.  However, if they do not agree to this, I will need to ensure I have sufficient funds to protect me against the risk of paying their lawyers’ fees if I do not win my case. 

An initial amount of £5,000 is being raised. My lawyers have agreed to act at significantly discounted rates capped at the amount I am able to raise on CrowdJustice and after any deductions necessary to pay the Parole Board’s legal costs. 


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Update 2


July 12, 2024

Latest update

Thank you to everyone who has made such generous pledges.

I am writing to provide you with an update on our progress.  It was sadly not possible to prevent the release of my attacker from prison.  However, we have been successful in persuading the Secretary of State for Justice and the Parole Board to provide me with more detailed reasons for their decisions.  I remain dissatisfied with the reasons they have provided, so we are continuing our correspondence with them to try to get answers to my concerns about the risks posed by this man.

I will keep you updated on any further developments.  I’m very grateful to each of you for your pledges and for the support you have shown me through your comments. 

Update 1


June 20, 2024


Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.  It means so much to me.

On Friday 14 June, my solicitor wrote a formal pre-action letter to the Parole Board asking them to withdraw their decision and provide us with all the information and documents they considered when deciding my attacker was safe to be released.

Yesterday we received their response. They have not provided us with any of the documents or evidence we have requested and have not given any further explanation as to why they have concluded my attacker is safe to be released.   

In the meantime, he could be released as early as Monday 24 June. 

I am now urgently seeking funding to allow us to challenge the Parole Board’s decision in Court and to ask for my attacker to remain behind bars until I can be reassured that he is safe to be released.  

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