Help Byline Times legal costs for our Wootton, GBNews & Ofcom Work
Help Byline Times legal costs for our Wootton, GBNews & Ofcom Work

Byline Times has spent the last six months investigating various #MediaToo abuses - particularly our investigation into Dan Wootton, the GB News presenter, in the face of both extraordinary legal threats. While other media outlets have been cowed into silence over reporting these allegations, Byline Times has kept going.
We have successfully fought off these threats so far. Our stories about Wootton, News UK, the Mail and the role of Palace officials have resulted in voluminous correspondence. Besides that, we also launched a complex and formal complaint to Ofcom, helped whistleblowers with legal advice and liaised with various other authorities including Parliament and the Anti-Slapp coalition.
But even though we are confident of our case the legal correspondence is costly - so far our legal bills have amounted to £45,000
We prefer to spend that money on journalism. So if you can help cover some of the legal cost, that will mean we can keep on investigating these stories - and many more - without fear or favour.
Our previous MediaToo crowdfunder only covered the costs of employing journalists editors and designers
If you can help with the legal costs, you'll be helping us investigate more
Thanks for reading this far. We know many people are short of money, and if all you can afford is offering your moral support, we're thankful for that too.
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