OUR NHS - Comprehensive Healthcare for All - STAGE 3
OUR NHS - Comprehensive Healthcare for All - STAGE 3

Latest: Sept. 18, 2018
We're about to launch Stage 5 CrowdJustice !
Exciting news! We are about to launch our Stage 5 CrowdJustice !
We've been granted permission to go the Court of Appeal and challenge the Accountable Care Organisation Contract that NH…
Read moreWho we are
We’re all unpaid volunteers - ordinary people with a passion to protect the NHS as a high quality comprehensive public service, free at the point of use for all who need it.
In 2014, 999 Call for the NHS marched 300 miles from Jarrow to London to save the NHS. Over 20,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square to support this urgent call.
We’ve carried on campaigning ever since.
This Judicial Review may be one of few chances to save the NHS as the source of good quality comprehensive healthcare that puts the patient first. Of course, we cannot save the NHS with one Judicial Review. But it will gain us vital time. We have to win this.
We are very pleased that just before Christmas, a Judge gave permission for our JUDICIAL REVIEW of NHS England’s draft Accountable Care Organisation contract to go ahead! We believe that this contract is unlawful under current NHS legislation.
The Judicial Review will take place at Leeds High Court on Tuesday 24th April 2018.
We now need your help for our final crowdfund for legal costs.
Third and final stage of crowdfunding
We are launching this third and final stage of crowdfunding, in order to raise the additional £12k that we need in order to bring the Judicial Review to court.
£10K is needed because the Judge has set our Capped Costs at £25K rather than the £15K we had asked for, plus there are additional £2K court admin costs.
This amount, when added to existing funds donated by hundreds of generous members of the public in 2017, will cover the £37,000 cost of the Judicial Review.
Please can you support the campaign by:
• Giving what you can, every penny helps
• Sharing this page with friends, family and social media networks
• Including our legal case into your campaign group's actions, if you’re part of one
This case is in the public interest
Because our Judicial Review is of huge public interest, the Judge has awarded a Capped Costs Order of £25K, limiting the costs 999 Call for the NHS would have to pay NHS England if we were to lose the case.
This is very positive - it makes it possible for us to bring this case to court.
This Case affects us all!
The NHS must continue to provide comprehensive healthcare to all who need it.
But this is under threat from plans for new local NHS and Social Care organisations - known as Accountable Care Organisations - to provide healthcare for their areas on the basis of a contract drawn up by NHS England, which we believe is based on an unlawful payment mechanism.
Geared to meeting the £22bn+ funding shortfall by 2021 that the government is imposing on the NHS in England, the new ACO contract does not link payment to the number of patients treated and/or the complexity of the medical treatment they need, as is required by the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. Instead, payment would be based on a fixed budget for an area’s population.
The contract allows the Accountable Care Organisations to keep any unspent money left over at the end of the year, while also making them bear the risk of overspending.
This new payment mechanism is supposed to drive efficiency and incentivise Accountable Care Organisations to “manage demand” for NHS and social care services, but we’re concerned that financial decisions not clinical need would determine patients’ access to treatment.
This is what’s happened in other countries, where Accountable Care Organisations have cherry-picked treatments and patients that represent “good value for money”, while failing to comprehensively meet patients’ clinical needs.
How much money we need and why
Added to existing funds, our stage 3 fundraising target of £12K is enough to bring the Judicial Review and have £25K capped costs to pay NHS England if we lose.
Hundreds of people generously donated £21K during Stages One and Two of our Crowd Justice appeal. Stage One covered the costs of public law solicitors Leigh Day’s investigation of grounds for a Judicial Review. Stage Two enabled us to ask the court for permission to bring the judicial review.
Together with £4,000 from 999 Call for the NHS that we had reserved for the judicial review, total funds raised to date are £25,023.09
This is the breakdown of the £37,000 judicial review costs.
• A £4,000 discounted fee agreement with Leigh Day and counsel. (The amount they will claim from us if the judicial review claim fails.)
• £1,000 court fees.
• Additional Court Admin (registration of papers etc) £2,000.
• Our capped costs at £25,000.
• £5,000 for general 999 Call campaign costs.
TOTAL - £37,000
A New Year with New Hope
Our Judicial Review, which affects everyone in England, is a vital opportunity to examine the lawfulness of NHS England’s contentious Accountable Care Organisation contract, that is based on a business model used by the USA’s Medicare/Medicaid system. This only provides a limited range of healthcare for people who are too poor to pay for private health insurance.
Our Judicial Review is urgent. NHS England’s new contract aims to enable Accountable Care Organisations to come into existence from April 2018. Meanwhile, the NHS hospitals regulator, NHS Improvement, is working out how to licence non-NHS organisations as Accountable Care Organisation contract holders.
Join the fight to save our NHS
This Judicial Review is a big step for us and we need your help.
This is a vital matter of public interest. The more we stand together, the better our chance of protecting our NHS. This Judicial Review belongs to us all.
999 Call for the NHS are also campaigning with other grassroots groups across England for the passage of the NHS Reinstatement Bill and the restoration of proper levels of NHS and social care funding - not the fragmentation and downgrade of our NHS to something resembling the USA’s Medicare!
You can find out more here: 999 Call for the NHS website
Thanks from all the 999 Call for the NHS Team
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999 Call for the NHS
Sept. 18, 2018
We're about to launch Stage 5 CrowdJustice !
Exciting news! We are about to launch our Stage 5 CrowdJustice !
We've been granted permission to go the Court of Appeal and challenge the Accountable Care Organisation Contract that NHS England are proposing to introduce.
If you are visiting this page please find us over on Stage 5 - Court of Appeal

999 Call for the NHS
Sept. 3, 2018
We'll be launching our next Stage 5 CrowdJustice soon!
Hello friends
We are busy preparing ourselves for our next court battle - this time we have two days in the Court of Appeal. We know it will be sometime before Christmas. So we are launching our next CrowdJustice Stage 5 on Friday 21st September - 7pm.
We hope you are as excited as we are and that you can continue to support our Appeal. It affects all of us. We will be updating our website periodically so be sure to keep this link handy: http://bit.ly/999Appealing #Justice4NHS
Thanks to everyone for all the kind messages of support.
Jo, Jenny & Steve

999 Call for the NHS
June 8, 2018
We are now moving to Stage 4 - Permission to Appeal
Our Stage 4 CrowdJustice fundraiser goes live tonight at 7pm. We want permission to take our Judicial Review to the Court of Appeal.
Thanks to everyone who has kept supporting us with emails and messages and thanks to our legal team at Leigh Day who have been instrumental in helping us with great advice.
Over 1400 generous people have helped us with this Judicial Review so far.
We could not (and probably would not) have done it without all the fantastic campaigner support from groups and individuals around the country.
Click here to visit STAGE 4 Permission to Appeal

999 Call for the NHS
June 4, 2018
Stick with us!
We are still in discussions with our legal teams and we will be making a formal announcement later this week.
If you have not visited the Judicial Review Rally page - with short testimonies by campaigners from across the country - please do visit.
It is a wonderful reminder that we are all fighting together and the strength of feeling about protecting the founding principle of our NHS as a comprehensive healthcare service for everyone at a time of need.
CLICK HERE to visit the NHS Campaigners #Justice4NHS Rally.
Thannk you. Please keep visiting this page for updates this week.

999 Call for the NHS
May 18, 2018
Disappointed in the ruling
We are saddened and disappointed to report that the Judge who heard our case in Leeds on 24th April has ruled against us.
We are not happy with the ruling he handed over in Manchester on Monday 14th May and we are meeting our legal team early next week to discuss the situation and our next steps. We will issue a full statement as soon as possible.
Thanks to members of Greater Manchester Keep Our NHS Public who joined Jenny at Manchester Civil Court on the day.
We will issue a full statement next week once we have explored all avenues with our legal team at Leigh Day & Landmark Chambers.
Thanks to all our followers who have kept up the support.
Jenny, Jo and Steve
And all the 999 Call for the NHS Team

999 Call for the NHS
May 14, 2018
The Judge who heard our Judicial Review of NHS England’s Accountable Care Organisation contract in Leeds High Court on 24th April is due to announce his decision tomorrow morning (Tuesday 15th MAY) at 10am in Court 45, Civil and Family Justice Centre, Manchester
Apologies for such short notice - the court only published the notice this afternoon - but if you would care to join us outside the courts from 9.00am your presence would be very very welcome.
Thanks to all our campaigner friends and supporters. Please share with all your friends and networks.
No matter what the outcome tomorrow let's show the courts and NHS England that we are not giving up the fight.
Decision is 10am
Court 45 Manchester Civil and Family Justice Centre
1 Bridge Street West
M60 9DJ
LINK: Manchester Civil Court

999 Call for the NHS
May 9, 2018
We await the decision...
Thanks to everyone for their continued support and interest in our case. After a very successful day on the 24th April in Leeds we are now waiting for the Judge to announce his decision.We will update as soon as we hear.
Our report of the day in Leeds is here: 999 Judicial Review Page
Jo, Jenny & Steve
And all the 999 Call for the NHS Team

999 Call for the NHS
April 22, 2018
The Judicial Review Day in Detail
Tuesday 24th April
Leeds Combined Courts
1, Oxford Row, Leeds LS1 3BG
The judge has asked for the hearing to begin at 9.30am and will last for the whole day.
Seating is limited in the courts and we hope you understand that it will be a matter of first come first served (with a few reserved team seats). We will be updating on social media throughout the day and hope you will enjoy helping by sharing with your friends and networks.
FOLLOW US on Twitter with @999callforNHS
And on Facebook LIKE our 999 PAGE
We are using the hashtags #Justice4NHS & #NHS4ALL
Don't forget we are being joined by campaigners from across the country outside the courts at 9am for an hour long rally. National and local press are attending and it is an opportunity to let them know what the case is all about.
This case has been made possible by the generosity of ordinary people coming together. We hope you'll continue to support us in this fight.
Thanks for all your support.
Joanne, Jenny & Steve
And all the 999 Call for the NHS team

999 Call for the NHS
April 21, 2018
Three Days to Go!
After such a long time of planning, relying on your support and working with the legal team we are finally on our way to court this coming Tuesday 24th April. This is a video of Jenny speaking at the Leeds KONP March for the NHS last week and a great reminder why we are going to court and why this case, like others, affects us all.
Please share with friends and if you are in the area please come along and share in the rally outside the courts at 9am.
We'll keep updating throughout the day.
Steve, Jenny & Jo
And all the 999 Call for the NHS Team

999 Call for the NHS
April 6, 2018
Our Day in Leeds
We had a good meeting with our legal team in London yesterday spending over two hours discussing the Judicial Review and how it fits into our campaign around Accountable Care. After a year of work we are finally set to go to court in Leeds on Tuesday 24th April.
We would love supporters and campaigners to join us outside the courts on the morning of the case to show support not only for us but all the local campaigns that our case affects.
Standby for details.

999 Call for the NHS
Feb. 11, 2018
FIXING with #Justice4NHS
It's been a busy week. We wanted to tell about last Saturday. Members of the 999 Call for the NHS team took to the streets with scores of thousands of others on the #fixourNHS march.
Their mission - to explain our Judicial Review and why we are seeking #Justice4NHS.
If you would like the selfie template CLICK here
The cry "We Want #Justice 4 NHS became a chant for our segment of the march. We even made the Washington Post.

999 Call for the NHS
Jan. 30, 2018
Interesting news from Health Service Journal
Today the Health Service Journal reported that the £6bn Greater Manchester ACO contract has been put on hold. Leaked minutes of the Manchester Health and Care Commissioning committee meeting show that one of the considerations in making that decision was our 999 Call for the NHS upcoming judicial review of the draft ACO contract.
Manchester Health and Care Commissioning – a “partnership” created by Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group and Manchester City Council – had hoped to award a new £6bn ACO contract to a consortium of community providers in April.
The fact that NHS England has delayed the introduction of the ACO contract in both Dudley and Manchester - intended as the first two ACO pilots - and that they've now ALSO delayed the 2nd wave Accountable Care Systems, only goes to show what disarray the government and its quango NHS England are in as more people have become aware of what they are proposing.
The generosity of hundreds of supporters means we are having an effect. We could not do this alone. We have everything to win and must fight on.

999 Call for the NHS
Jan. 25, 2018
A date for your diaries
As spring approaches put this date in your diary.
Leeds Combined Court Centre is where we will be to observe the proceedings of our Judicial Review. Have a think about how you might like to help share it on social media and with local press etc. We will be preparing more information as soon as we are able.
Keep checking this page and our website for details.
Thanks everyone.
Steve, Jo and Jenny
And all the 999 Call for the NHS Team

999 Call for the NHS
Jan. 22, 2018
Just a little longer
On advice, because of the new surge of interest and support we have decided to keep the appeal open a little longer. We are again overwhelmed at the public/campaigner response.
We will keep the appeal open until midnight on Friday 26th Jan making it a two week success.
Keep checking back here for more updates.
Thanks again for all your support.

999 Call for the NHS
Jan. 21, 2018
Feeling supported
999 Call for the NHS attended the Health Campaigns Together Northern Conference in Leeds yesterday. The questions, interest and enthusiasm for our Judicial Review was wonderful to experience. It was also really good to come away from the day feeling the campaigner family was a big one with lots of shared knowledge and experience.
We'd like to thank everyone again for their support and friendship. In just over a week you've helped us feel more confident about our work - AND not worrying about personal liability! Thank you everyone who has donated.
Please share this page in one more push to the finish line.
Jenny, Jo & Steve
And all the 999 Call for the NHS Team

999 Call for the NHS
Jan. 19, 2018
Selfie Saturday & Sunday
We are so grateful for all the donations and messages of support that have been coming in.
We deliberately chose bright optimistic colours for #justice4NHS because this case offers some hope for all of us. And this weekend we'd like supporters to add their hope to the campaign - not just a boost for funds but for morale!
Simply take a I/We Want #Justice4NHS Smiley Selfie of you, your family & friends, your sports team or social group and post it online to Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
You can download the selfie template from our 999 Call for the NHS site HERE
But a simple handwritten notice (add your name for a personal touch) will do just as well.
Use the hashtag #Justice4NHS and we will find you.
Thanks so much and here's to making this happen
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