XR Surrey Hills Group
XR Surrey Hills Group

Life on Earth is in crisis.
There is irrefutable scientific evidence that we have less than 10 years to prevent irreversible climate destruction leading to the breakdown of the food chain, the environment, the economy and society. Since the government is failing to tackle the climate crisis we must take action now.
That is why members of XR Surrey Hills have been joining in mass peaceful civil disobedience actions with some of us choosing to get arrested to highlight this climate emergency.
The legal process is expensive and so we are appealing to you to help raise funds so our members who have been arrested can carry on fighting for the future of all our children, our grandchildren and the planet.
Below are stories from three of our arrestees.
- Who I am - I live in Dorking, Surrey and I have been campaigning for something to be done about global warming for 20 years. Yet the problem gets worse and we are now accelerating towards environmental collapse.
- Why I was arrested - In November last year I was arrested for digging up a piece of turf in Parliament Square which was part of a coffin burial ceremony to signify the death of our planet. I was compelled to take disruptive but peaceful direct action against our governments’ almost total lack of concern about the imminent collapse of society as we continue to invest huge sums of money to support the fossil fuel industry.
- What happened in court - Having pleaded not guilty I subsequently had the opportunity in court to say that I felt it was my duty to do whatever I could to protect the future life of my children and grandchildren. At the October 2019 protests in London I shall be again taking part in NVDA and fully expect to be given the opportunity again in a court room to re-emphasise that I will not give up this fight. I will not be led quietly and obediently to extinction.
- Who I am - I am a mother and recent Open University graduate - my degree focussed on social and environmental issues.
- Why I was arrested - I joined XR because its approach to driving change through nonviolent mass civil disobedience seems to me to be the only option, as our Government continues to support fossil fuel interests and acts for short-term gain and profit for a few, against the common good. The science is clear and I cannot stand by and watch as my children’s future is being destroyed by our government’s failure to act on the climate and ecological emergency. I was arrested at the XR Protests in London in April under Section 14 of the Public Disorder Act whilst blockading Waterloo Bridge.
- What happened in court - I pleaded not guilty at the plea hearing on the grounds that I am trying to prevent loss of life and will appear in court on 24th January. I did not take this action lightly. People are dying now from the effects of climate and ecological breakdown.
- Who I am - My name is John. I live in Dorking and work in the environment, with much of my work centred around Boxhill and Dorking.
- Why I was arrested - I had become increasingly frustrated by the government ignoring the scientific evidence on climate change and failing to take action. I realised action would have to happen from the - bottom up and that is what XR offered for the first time ever through acts of peaceful mass civil disobedience. I was arrested during the XR action in London in April. I was helping to blockade Waterloo Bridge and was arrested for contravening Section 14 of the public disorder act.
- What happened in court - I pleaded not guilty at the plea hearing and will plead not guilty when I go to court. My court appearance is just as important as my arrest because I will be able to stand up in court and ask why there is a law to stop me blockading a bridge in an attempt to make the government prevent irreversible climate breakdown but no law to stop oil and agro-chemical industries destroying our environment and climate in a daily basis.
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