Discrimination is rampant in the probation service, help me stop it

by Charlotte hale

Discrimination is rampant in the probation service, help me stop it

by Charlotte hale
Charlotte hale
Case Owner
my name is charlotte I am a 31-year-old law graduate with cerebral palsy and neurodivergent, battling against chronic pain 24/7in a wheelchair. fighting discrimination in employment. I need your help!
on 24th June 2023
pledged of £15,000 target from 2 pledges
Charlotte hale
Case Owner
my name is charlotte I am a 31-year-old law graduate with cerebral palsy and neurodivergent, battling against chronic pain 24/7in a wheelchair. fighting discrimination in employment. I need your help!

Imagine working your ass off to get a dream job only to have it become a total nightmare.  

**** Please help!! this case will end without your help!! which is exactly what they want!! they want to economically bar cases like mine so the public never knows how they treat people who are different!! race, sex, age, class, disability ***

Who am I? 

my name is charlotte I am a 31-year-old law graduate with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair. I am also neurodivergent and I battle against chronic pain 24 hours a day. I have 12 hours of care and a very strict treatment plan that enables me to live each day to the fullest. I am an incredibly ambitious and hard-working young woman who has never let my diversity slow me down. I am totally independent and self-sufficient its just how I was raised.  I have a burning desire to help those who can not help themselves.

I take pride in my ability to challenge views on disability and have spent most of my life advocating for the underdog. I believe in justice and equality for all, regardless of their background or circumstances. I will continue to do that with every challenge life throws at me, and I want to be there for those who need it most.


I decided to apply those skills to the graduate programme with His Majesty's Prison and probation service and was overjoyed when they gave me a position helping people make positive changes. I thought I was the luckiest person in the world. Unfortunately, my three years at HMPPS became an endless fight for reasonable adjustment, fair treatment, acceptance, equality or support. These years caused the complete destruction of my faith in the organisation. some notable events include;

  • slander and character assassination
  • which included a disciplinary attempt for data entry issues when they didn't provide the tech needed to do the role. 
  • bullying over IT issues and disabilities threats from other staff 
  • being held back over my disables 
  • a grievance that is still outstanding over a year after it has been raised.
  •  hiding SAR documents
  • lies and false allegations, 
  • threats to colleges if they speak to me 
  •  tampering with reports and documents
  • 6 months off sick due to stress and depression 
  • emails between management questioning the validity of my disabilities

 I resigned sighting constructive dismissal, discrimination, failure to make reasonable adjustments, bullying and victimization. 

I am not alone; many black, disabled, transgender women and young staff have raised grievances and taken them to court. 

Miss J Hyland v Cheshire & Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd: 2424492/2017 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Mr D Reed v Secretary of State for Justice: 3331205/2018 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Mr B Plaistow v Secretary of State for Justice: 3400502/2016 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Leanne Prins v National Offender Management Service and others: 1600525/2018 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Mr_G_Parkes_v_Secretary_of_State_for_Justice_-_2402025_2019.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

 Mr_D_Muzi-Mabaso__vs__The_Secretary_of_State_for_Justice_.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk) 

Ms L Douglas v National Probation Service: 2501444/2020 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Mrs S Virdi v Secretary of State for Justice: 3303485/2020 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Mrs T Pattinson v Secretary of State for Justice (Sued As HMPPS): 3201986/2019 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Ms C Skervin v Secretary of State for Justice (Sued as HMPPS): 1303024/2018 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Call to action

Are you a diverse human, or know someone who is? Have you ever been silenced or judged for your differences by those who should do better or know better? Have you been denied justice because it's too expensive? Have you ever wished you could stand up to a bully?

if you said yes to any of this, I need you and the people you know. Please help me make a difference and get some justice. donate, share, and get the word out because, without your help, I become just another tragic story, and HMPPS get away with it again.

What are we trying to achieve? 

I have never been one to ask for help or want to approach people for support but the fact is, without your help, my case ends here. without you, HMPPS is free to do this again to someone else. I need you and future victims do too. 

I hope you will see the value in my case and want to help me bring a very important case to the tribunal and hold large companies accountable for their systemic and rampant discrimination against staff. Every year dozens of staff raise grievances, but more so those who are diverse and need extra support. HMPPS calls itself an equal opportunity employer and this is so far from the truth it's an insult. 


I am trying to raise money to fund my case and avoid taking out any more loans or credit cards.

What is the next step in the case? 

so far, HMPPS has refused our negotiated exit,  turned down early consolation, and consider settlement only to retract that, and we have submitted our case to the tribunal. it seems as though they are lengthening this process so that I will run out of funds or the toll on my body and mind will be too much. 

I am waiting on hearing dates and directions from the tribunal but my solicitor now wants 6,000 on top of what I have given to prep for this and says she can't quote me for the rest of the costs at this time. she has given a rough estimate, however, and it is more than I can afford without further debt at this stage in my life. 

How much are we raising and why? 

so here goes the uncomfortable bit, guys... 

I want to raise roughly 15,000- 20,000 pounds (or as close to it as possible)  to cover my legal fees. I realise that is a lot in this economy, but I believe this case could be a turning point and could protect those victims from discrimination. I have approached my trade unions, and contents insurers, spent over 9,000 in credit card bills, and approached the bank for loans. I fear that if I continue on my own, I will destroy my credit score trying to get justice or have to give up. which, if I am honest, would break me emotionally.  bullies should never win and organisations should be held accountable for their actions. 

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate you all!

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