Defending Workers’ Rights
Defending Workers’ Rights

Latest: Feb. 9, 2021
Our Litigation Funding Team!
Defending Workers’ Rights Update
Wow, a mega thank you to all our supporters, friends and families. Your generosity and messages have been overwhelming.
You believe like we do, that …
We are a group of former British Airways employees asking for your help to raise funds to contribute to our legal action against BA who we believe have treated their staff appallingly.
Our case
We were made redundant with only 5 days' notice following a fire and rehire imposition which became a 'variation of contract' - and after we raised questions about our unknown salaries and incomplete Terms & Conditions.
BA management have sought to impose inferior terms and conditions for ten years and we believe they have now used the impact of coronavirus as an excuse. This is whilst the CEO paid himself nearly £900,000 bonus on top of his already large salary!
Who we are
Within our group, we have dedicated between 15 to 35 years of our lives to the job we loved. We were passionate, loyal, and unfortunately older employees. Many of us are female and part time. Some are single parent families trying to juggle child care with a job that can have them working away from home. Some were carers for relatives and some were long term sick with serious illnesses. Now we have been made jobless and we believe as a result of questioning the injustice of our ex employer’s opportunistic motives.
Additionally, British Airways have continuously attempted to force us to sign their settlement agreement which would waive our RIGHTS to pursue legal claims against them.
Why are we raising funds?
We need your help to legally challenge large organisations like British Airways - who were branded a ”national disgrace” by the Transport Select Committee in the UK Parliament for trying to cut staff’s terms and conditions.
We are raising a legal fund to pay for a top legal team to fight for us. The team is led by Tara Grossman, founder of Litigation Friend and Partner at Kepler Wolf. Tara has been working on this case for months and she has over 13 years of employment law experience including working at one of the Top law firms in the UK - Herbert Smith Freehills.
How can you help?
We would appreciate any contributions to support our legal fight for justice against ‘Goliath' and stop BA leading the way for other companies using loopholes to dismiss, and to erode terms, conditions and salaries for their employees.
Thank you for your generosity and please share this page.
Siamo un gruppo di ex dipendenti di British Airways che chiedono il vostro aiuto per raccogliere fondi per contribuire alla nostra azione legale contro la compagnia, che crediamo abbia trattato il suo personale in modo spaventoso. Siamo stati licenziati con 5 giorni di preavviso solo perché abbiamo contestato lo sconosciuto stipendio futuro e i termini e le condizioni incompleti del nuovo contratto, inizialmente impostoci facendo seguito ad una minaccia di licenziamento per poterci riassumere con contratti nettamente inferiori e trasformatosi poi in una cosiddetta "variazione del contratto" esistente. British Airways cercava di imporre termini e condizioni inferiori da oltre 10 anni ed ha ora usato il coronavirus come scusa per ottenere i suoi scopi, mentre l'amministratore delegato si è pagato un bonus di un milione di euro in aggiunta al suo esorbitante stipendio. In questo gruppo abbiamo dedicato tra i 15 e i 35 anni delle nostre vite al lavoro che tanto abbiamo amato. Eravamo dipendenti appassionati, fedeli e sfortunatamente più "vecchi", molti di noi donne e part time. Alcuni genitori single hanno cercato di bilanciare la cura dei figli con un lavoro che li portava spesso lontano da casa, altri si occupavano dei vecchi genitori o parenti ed altri ancora erano in malattia da lungo tempo per problemi di salute molto seri. Adesso ci hanno reso tutti disoccupati e noi crediamo come vendetta per la nostra battaglia contro l'ingiustizia e contro i moventi estremamente opportunistici del nostro ex datore di lavoro. Inoltre British Airways ha cercato in tutti i modi di costringerci a firmare un accordo scritto nel quale avremmo dovuto rinunciare a tutti i nostri diritti di poter adire le vie legali contro di loro. Abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto per affrontare legalmente queste grandi compagnie come British Airways, marchiata come "disgrazia Nazionale" dal comitato dei trasporti del parlamento inglese. Abbiamo bisogno delle vostre donazioni per aiutarci nella nostra battaglia legale per avere giustizia contro "Golia" ed evitare che British Airways spiani la strada ad altre compagnie nello sfruttare simili situazioni per licenziare o diminuire ed erodere i termini e le condizioni dei contratti e gli stipendi dei loro dipendenti.
Grazie di cuore per la vostra generosità e solidarietà e vi preghiamo di condividere questa pagina.
Somos un grupo de ex-empleados de British Airways, que solicita su ayuda para recaudar fondos para nuestra acción legal contra la compañía que creemos ha tratado a sus empleados de una forma detestable. Tan solo nos dieron una notificación de despido de 5 días, por cuestionar y defender los cambios que pretendían que aceptásemos a ciegas, para variar las condiciones de nuestros contratos, salarios y convenios ambiguos e incompletos sin determinar ni negociar. La cúpula directiva de BA ha intentado imponer cambios en nuestros contratos los últimos 10 años sin éxito y ahora creemos que usan el Covid 19 como excusa, mientras nuestro Consejero delegado se paga a si mismo un bono 900.000 £, además de su salario exorbitante. Entre nosotros hay gente que ha dedicado de 15 a 35 años de su vida laboral a este trabajo con dedicación. La mayoría del grupo son mujeres en contratos de jornada reducida con personas a cargo ( hijos, padres, enfermos) que tienen que hacer malabares domésticos para poder compaginar el día a día con un trabajo que les obliga a estar mucho tiempo fuera y lejos de sus hogares. Nos hemos quedado sin trabajo y creemos que por como resultado de cuestionar los motivos oportunistas injustos de nuestro ex-empleador. Además British Airways ha intentado intensamente forzarnos a firmar un acuerdo que nos despojaría de nuestros derechos legales a demandarlos. Necesitamos su ayuda en nuestra acción legal, contra una gran empresa como British Airways a la que, el Comité Nacional de Transporte del Reino Unido ha llamado “desgracia nacional” en el Parlamento británico. Agradecemos sus aportaciones para apoyar nuestra causa legal y luchar por los derechos y la justicia contra “Goliath “ y evitar que otras compañías usen los mismos trucos legales para despedir impunemente, reducir salarios y recortar las condiciones de trabajo de sus empleados de manera inaceptable. Gracias por su generosidad.
Por favor comparte esta página.
Nous sommes un groupe "personnel navigant commercial" d'anciens employés de British Airways qui demande votre aide pour collecter des fonds afin de contribuer à notre action en justice contre BA qui, selon nous, a traité son personnel d'une façon déplorable. Nous avons été licenciés avec seulement 5 jours de préavis parce que nous avions remis en question les changements qu'ils voulaient que nous acceptions aveuglément suite à une imposition de licenciement et de réembauche, en variant les conditions de nos contrats, salaires, les termes et conditions de travail d'une manière floue et ambiguë sans explications et négociations. L'équipe de direction de BA a essayé d'imposer des changements à nos contrats au cours des 10 dernières années et nous pensons qu'elle a maintenant utilisé le prétexte du Covid19 comme excuse, tandis que notre PDG s'est octroyé une prime de 900 000£ en plus de son salaire exorbitant! Au sein de notre groupe, nous avons consacré entre 15 et 35 ans de notre vie au métier que nous aimions. Nous étions des employés passionnés, fidèles, dévoués et malheureusement plus âgés que les nouveaux arrivants. Beaucoup d'entre nous sont des femmes qui travaillaient à temps partiel. Certains salariés ont des familles monoparentales et essayaient de gérer la garde d'enfants et un emploi loin de chez eux. Certains soignaient des proches et certains étaient en longue maladie souffrant de pathologies graves. Maintenant, nous sommes sans travail et pensons que ceci est dû à la raison de la remise en cause des motivations opportunistes de notre ancien employeur. De surcroit, British Airways a continuellement tenté de nous forcer à signer un accord qui nous priverait de nos DROITS légaux et de les poursuivre en justice. Nous avons besoin de votre aide dans notre bataille juridique contre une grande entreprise comme British Airways, qui a été qualifiée de "honte nationale" par le Comité National des transports du Royaume-Uni au Parlement britannique pour essayer de changer les termes et conditions de travail du personnel. Les députés ont qualifié British Airways de « honte nationale » pour tenter de diminuer les droits et conditions des employés / British Airways / The Guardian Nous apprécions toutes contributions pour soutenir notre cause juridique et lutter pour les droits et la justice contre «Goliath» et empêcher BA de montrer la voie à d'autres entreprises utilisant les mêmes procédés en toute impunité pour licencier et altérer les termes et conditions de travail des employés de manière inacceptable. Merci pour votre générosité et partagez cette page.
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Feb. 9, 2021
Our Litigation Funding Team!
Defending Workers’ Rights Update
Wow, a mega thank you to all our supporters, friends and families. Your generosity and messages have been overwhelming.
You believe like we do, that British Airways have been despicable towards us and thousands of their employees. And all of you are flabbergasted that a large organisation like British Airways PLC did not disclose actual salaries and complete terms and conditions for any of us nor our colleagues! It is apparent that other large companies are utilising fire and rehire tactics to suppress workers’ rights!
We are also receiving messages of support from passengers and BA Executive Club Cardholders who feel grieved by BA’s actions over the last few years.
Please continue to share our story, share the link and share our mission to make BA accountable for their immoral, unethical and what we believe are illegal actions.
Litigation is expensive, BA appear to have unlimited finances for legal battles. We have lost our jobs because we exercised our legal right to question unknown salaries and unknown variations of terms and conditions. Unite the Union have also confirmed their refusal to represent us. No employee in the United Kingdom should be subjected to this indignity.
Our legal team consists of:
Michael Duggan QC – one of the top employment barristers in the UK who has already been advising BA employees and claimants on this case.
Tara Grossman - Founder of Litigation Friend ( and Partner at Kepler Wolf. Over 13 years of employment law experience including working at one of the Top law firms in the UK – Herbert Smith Freehills.
Kepler Wolf (
John Haggis - Founding Partner of Kepler Wolf, an experienced solicitor providing commercial and strategic advice to business and individuals, including providing strategy advice on high value disputes. John was previously a partner at a leading UK law firm.
Jake Filson - An experienced employment solicitor who has acted for both claimants and respondents in the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the full spectrum of employment claims.
Megan Domas - Megan is an associate solicitor who recently joined Kepler Wolf from PwC. Megan supports the partners at Kepler Wolf across a range of legal matters.
Our legal team totally believe in our case to achieve justice, and that employers should be compliant with Employment Laws.
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