Defending our Farm

by John Fraser Mckenzie

Defending our Farm

by John Fraser Mckenzie
John Fraser Mckenzie
Case Owner
I served in the Army for 9 years before setting up my own farm from scratch. Throughout my life i have helped others, this is the first time i have ever asked for help which i do not find easy to do.
days to go
pledged of £12,000 stretch target from 38 pledges
Pledge now
John Fraser Mckenzie
Case Owner
I served in the Army for 9 years before setting up my own farm from scratch. Throughout my life i have helped others, this is the first time i have ever asked for help which i do not find easy to do.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Oct. 20, 2024

The Cover Ups Continue & are becoming more ser

A number of people have been in touch following concerns over false statements given at the GlenWyvis AGM. Our legal team are reviewing recordings & documents.

2 directors have provided informatio…

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We are a small farm in the Highlands of Scotland, our existence has been under threat since refusing to do what a large group including a professional investor looking to make money who lives 5000miles away wanted us to do. The farm is our life.

We have been attacked twice through litigation whilst only wanting to exist peacefully. A letter we received from 5000miles away states to buckle up and that a group with deep pockets will take up all our time and resources because we won`t do what they want. It states we are in for the fight of our lives.

Our farm was started in 2006 from nothing-blood, sweat and tears as well as a understanding bank helped us create something we are proud of. We rent some land to the group for £1 which was to assist the local area however the project has been hijacked in ways we can still not believe.

A very real threat exists that those with deeper pockets than us will force us out.

Please help us and our 50 cows and calves to survive fighting 5 lawyers with vast knowledge of the legal systems.

Thank you for help it means so much to us


Update 14

John Fraser Mckenzie

Oct. 20, 2024

The Cover Ups Continue & are becoming more ser

A number of people have been in touch following concerns over false statements given at the GlenWyvis AGM. Our legal team are reviewing recordings & documents.

2 directors have provided information in relation to the Inchberry Farm Building fiasco which has wasted over £100,000 of our community money. We are bringing this to the wider membership & publics attention who are at risk from the cover ups.

The attached letter was randomly sent last week & appears to be yet another attempt to stop the public finding out the truth!

It remains in Dingwall’s best interests to put the truth in everyones hands so the public can decide how to proceed-DEMOCRATICALLY & TRANSPARENTLY.

John F McKenzie 

Update 13

John Fraser Mckenzie

Sept. 8, 2024

Court Case Sisted

The second court case against us by GlenWyvis Distillery has been sisted. That means put on hold…

A BIG Dingwall thank you to our legal team but also to some incredibly supportive & patriotic individuals.

Its been a busy few weeks with a lot going on behind the scenes.

Thanks to the local newspaper the ross shire journal for bringing the unpleasantness of whats been going on for a number of years now to their front page-the messages of support we have received are incredible.

There WILL be no repeat of the Logie Farm Fraud. A number of media sources are working on some big this space!

John McKenzie 

Update 12

John Fraser Mckenzie

Aug. 13, 2024

Court Hearing tomr 14th AugStatement from founder of GlenWyvis Distillery

Despite requests from our solicitors to have this misleading statement removed it remains online. We are aware of a highly contradictory statement by the current management of GlenWyvis Distillery which appeared online over the weekend, this followed a newspaper article by the press and journal following a court ruling made after litigation was instigated by GlenWyvis Distillery on 29th Nov 2021. A second litigation was instigated by the distillery in April 2024. I want to thank everyone for their incredible support & ask that they continue to question the misinformation put out by GlenWyvis Distillery against myself. I have been denied access to management committee information since May 2021 despite what the joint statement says.
John McKenzie 

Update 11

John Fraser Mckenzie

Aug. 4, 2024

Standing up for Dingwall

The facts speak for themselves. All of our investment was given to develop DinGWall through environmentally sustainable processes. Wasting everyone’s money on the Inchberry development is reckless & a betrayal to DinGWall.

John McKenzie 

Update 10

John Fraser Mckenzie

July 15, 2024

Deep pockets should NEVER control the law some detective work during today’s update we have confirmed there are active attempts to sabotage this crowdJUSTICE by a supposed ‘backer’ of the fundraiser. Things are becoming very interesting/newsworthy!

Crowdjustice have asked for a further update to be added..with link.

A link is attached which provides some(not all)of the problems we have been up against (and involving whom) over the past 5 years.

Justice WILL come, like the post office and Alan Bates it sometimes takes time and the will to ensure cover ups do not succeed.

John McKenzie 

Update 9

John Fraser Mckenzie

June 16, 2024

Crowdfunder owns Crowdjustice, Crowdfunder are investors in GlenWyvis Distillery

A conflict of interest has been uncovered where we have been alerted that crowdfunder owns crowdjustice.,a%20lasting%20impact%20on%20society.

GlenWyvis Distillery ltd who our case is against are currently raising money for unknown purposes on Crowdfunder!

Both crowdjustice & crowdfunder have been alerted to the legal matters between parties & we await responses.

John F Mck

Update 8

John Fraser Mckenzie

June 10, 2024

Fighting for the truth for everyone

On Saturday 8th June I attended GlenWyvis Distillery agm. I was horrified to listen to false information provided to the audience by representatives. Information is recorded as evidence for future hearings. What can you do? The post office enquiry has brought to all our attention the levels individuals & a large organisation will go to to cover up financial irregularities. If you are a member or know a member of GlenWyvis Distillery you can bring to their attention the lack of transparency within this community organisation. A fellow retired soldier & member of the distillery contacted me after the agm to advise that questions he had posted online on the live agm Q & A were not shown but removed. The level of deceit can only be described as akin to the sort of communication control in Russia. It has been brought to my attention that a anonymous backer of this crowdjustice may be linked to the distillery, now that is true espionage Russian style!
Fighting for truth & transparency for all, if the spy is reading this we are not afraid 💪John McKenzie

Update 7

John Fraser Mckenzie

June 2, 2024

Police to review case of £1million Farm Fraud

Update 6

John Fraser Mckenzie

May 28, 2024

We’ve got a court date!

A hearing will be held on the 17th of July to decide how evidence will be presented to the court against GlenWyvis Distillery.

Update 5

John Fraser Mckenzie

May 22, 2024

Success! A little from a lot goes a long way!

Crowdfunding for legal fees against individuals controlling a democratic organisation i founded was not something i ever envisioned. Although i am defending our farm it is of course about defending what was created by us over many years. GlenWyvis Distillery was to be community owned, run & above all democratic. The professional elite with their ‘deep pockets’. skills & knowledge of various financial systems must not be allowed to take my farm or a locally owned distillery from Dingwall. Once the truth is out there(the whole truth) i am confident as a group we can defend against these strategic take overs.

Stronger Together 


Update 4

John Fraser Mckenzie

May 9, 2024

Whisky Wars GlenWyvis Distillery

Thank you so much for your pledge-Under 2 weeks to go! 

It would be amazing if you could send this link to anyone you think could support our case!

More information is available here

Update 3

John Fraser Mckenzie

April 28, 2024

Whisky App Bevvy tells our story

Whisky App Bevvy has written & published an article. The truth is now out there.

Update 2

John Fraser Mckenzie

April 26, 2024

Video 5 years BEFORE the distillery was conceived-14 years before Court

A short video tour around the energy systems we installed in 2010..

 John Mackenzie shows us round the renewable tenchologies on his Dingwall Farm - YouTube

Update 1

John Fraser Mckenzie

April 26, 2024

The REAL Facts on who owns the Farm Renewable Energy Systems

The following article appeared in the press in 2023. It is important that the public are made aware that our farm owns the renewable energy systems not the distillery-we manages the farm electricity system daily that GlenWyvis distillery draws energy from for free. Despite repeated formal requests by solicitors the distillery has refused to pay for the increasing costs of imported electricity despite mentioning the increases in the article below! Is it all a game to the legal eagles within the distillery? You decide..

Glen Wyvis distillery keeps costs down to benefit community causes (

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