Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

by Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

by Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund
Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund
Case Owner
Thank you for donating to help those who have been left bereaved or seriously disabled as a result of an adverse reaction to a Covid 19 vaccine.
days to go
pledged of £15,000 stretch target from 104 pledges
Pledge now
Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund
Case Owner
Thank you for donating to help those who have been left bereaved or seriously disabled as a result of an adverse reaction to a Covid 19 vaccine.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Oct. 20, 2024

Warning Graphic

Photos were given with permission to be used by fellow vaccine bereaved and injured.

Sadly we need to keep up the momentum in showing the world not only what has happened to so many, but the hard work…

Read more

Who am I? - I am Alex Kelly. My mother died as a result of the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine. I fought successfully for an inquest to get her death recognised as being due to an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I needed to issue proceedings for judicial review against a Coroner before they agreed to hold the inquest, and at which they found my mother died due to the vaccine.

Summary - People who are vaccine injured or bereaved need support. It can be a shattering situation. If they want legal advice and representation to help them deal with inquests and claim compensation, they should be able to access it.

Call to action - Together we can make a difference to make sure the vaccine injured and bereaved are supported. If we all make a small donation then this would make a huge difference to those coping with severe disablement or death due to an adverse reaction to a vaccine.

What are we trying to achieve? No-one should have the death of their loved one swept under the carpet due to an inability to fund legal advice and representation in the inquest process. People who are seriously disabled due to vaccination may be unable to work or earn and have a financial crisis and be unable to afford legal advice. We want to empower people so they can deal with the crisis they face at their time of need. It is totally unfair if the vaccine injured have to face this alone. We all have a responsibility to help as much as we can afford.

What is the next step in the case? The funds donated will be used to support people who are vaccine injured and bereaved get the legal help support they need. the government and the pharmaceutical companies have huge financial resources. yet there is no legal aid available for the vaccine injured. But together we can make a huge difference and enable people to get justice.

If lots of people make a contribution we can make a huge difference together. We can help people find the healing they need.

Thank you for making a difference and helping make the world a better place!

Update 44

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Oct. 20, 2024

Warning Graphic

Photos were given with permission to be used by fellow vaccine bereaved and injured.

Sadly we need to keep up the momentum in showing the world not only what has happened to so many, but the hard work that goes into seeking justice. 

If you can share our legal page on any of your social media sites I would be extremely grateful.

Without you - our amazing Patrons and Donors - cases would not be helped.

I have asked Peter Todd for new testimonials from recent cases, so I hope to have them on here in due course.

Thank you as ever for your continued support💜

Alex and all at CVIB 

Update 43

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Oct. 14, 2024

Disgraceful it’s taken so long but BBC finally reports on C19 Vaccines!

Update 41

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 20, 2024

Peter Todd speaks on Sky News

Peter Todd speaks on Sky News about the VDPS and the heartbreaking case of John Cross, who sadly took his life after the Covid vaccine.

Full interview can be watched on the Sky News channel at 1hr 25

Update 40

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 16, 2024

Dr. Craig’s summary of why vaccines led to heart attacks and excess mortality

Update 39

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 15, 2024

Update 38

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 13, 2024

Update on the Hope Accord

Update 37

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 2, 2024

An update from Peter Todd - with permission

Hi Alex

Sorry for the delay in coming back to you. I have been busy lately.

According to a FOI reply from the NHS Business Services Authority, as at 21st June 2024, there had been 13,884 claims for a vaccine damage payment in respect of a Covid vaccine.

So I think we can safely say that by now that number has gone above 14,000, as the number being filed is about 40 a day.

Only 6,134 have had an initial decision - so less than 50%

180 vaccine damage payments have been awarded

The success rate is about 3%. 97% of claims are declined initially.

358 claims had causation accepted but no award was made due to the disablement being considered insufficiently severe.

Many of these cases have been wrongly determined and we have had several awards made for my clients after submitting representations.

65 awards were made where the Applicant had died.

1,012 requests for a reversal had been filed. 425 have been reassessed and 12 resulted in awards - so the chance of an award on an application for a reversal is about 3%.

20 appeals to the Tribunal have been filed of which fewer than 5 (probably zero) have been determined.

The NHS BSA are now instructing Capsticks solicitors to fight appeals to the Tribunal and they have been obtaining expert reports from various Professors to fight appeals to the Tribunal. The government are happy to throw considerable public funds at solicitors, Counsel and experts to fight claims and appeals. I think this is pretty unfair. Claimants cannot recover legal costs if they win. The government are throwing public funds at fighting the vaccine injured. Legal aid is not available for an appeal to a Tribunal for Claimants but the government is publicly funded in fighting claims.

A small group of Claimants have commenced a claim against Astra Zeneca alleging the vaccine caused Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia (clots with low platelets). Liability is denied and pleadings of case have been exchanged and the case will be subject to case management by the court sometime prior to Christmas 2024. The cases are being run on a no win no fee basis by Leigh Day solicitors but they are not taking on any further claims. The government is indemnifying Astra Zeneca and they are spending millions of pounds paying top commercial solicitors and Barristers and experts to vigorously fight claims.

So in summary - there is a huge unfairness in the resources available.

There have been so many miscarriages of justice - the infected blood cases, the Sub-Post Office Masters, the Grenfell cases in recent years. The common thread of these cases, and the vaccine cases, is a failure of the justice system to deliver justice the first time around. I think the reason for this failure is the lack of equal resources in these claims between big pharma and the government.

There are a number of inquests going on around the country, that I am involved in.

Prior to the general election the then Health Secretary had announced a review of the VDPS system. Since the election the new government has not made any statement about this review - whether it has concluded and whether any changes including legislatory changes should be made. It appears at the moment that the new government have not made this a priority.

I think all the above goes to illustrate that there is a lot going on but there is a lack of justice and fairness in the system and there is a compelling need for your legal fund to help redress the balance in favour of the vaccine injured and bereaved.

I hope this is helpful

Kind regards

Peter Todd, Consultant Solicitor

Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd

Update 36

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Aug. 14, 2024

Humanity Interview. September Issue.

UKCVFamily have worked with David Cross for over 6 months. 

Mum and James are on the front cover as I got the chance to speak with David, at the Covid Inquiry, about their deaths. 

I also spoke with him about the work all of you patrons and donors are doing, in supporting the vaccine injured and bereaved legal cases.

As ever thankyou 💜

Update 35

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

May 22, 2024

Covid Inquiry Vaccine Deaths & Injuries

Video of Anna from Hudgells in action today, via Joe Ward’s (member of VIBUk)  X account. 

Update 34

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

May 17, 2024

Richard Vobes Interview - Update on the fund 💜

I wanted to update all of you wonderful donors and patrons, via Richard Vobes - with how we were all doing here at the fund. 

He kindly spoke with me last year, when my family and I were starting this up.

We talk about the many cases that all of you have helped support and where we go from here.

Thank you again, we continue the fight!

Alex Xxxx

Update 33

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

May 6, 2024

Update 32

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

April 18, 2024


Just a few of the clients YOU have helped💜

Update 31

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

April 18, 2024

Excess Deaths Debate Today

Attending Parliament today for my mum and brother 💜💜💜

and all the V injured and bereaved.💜💜💜

An important day today, as finally Andrew Bridgen has secured a debate on excess deaths.

Hopefully you will be able to see it on Parliament Live TV. 

Freeview channel 232 or BBC i player around 2.30pm

Update 30

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

April 4, 2024

Update 29

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

March 30, 2024

Update 28

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

March 16, 2024


A message from Charlet & Caroline at UKCV FAMILY 💜

We are very happy to announce that after months and months of determined effort, UKCVFamily has been assigned charity status. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an organisation dealing with a condition like ours has ever been formally recognised in the UK.

Having charity status brings about many benefits, particularly in the area of fundraising, but for now, we would like to focus on the recognition that such status brings to our group, our condition, and our needs.

So please use the attached image to let your loved ones and your community know that we exist. You can print it out and hand copies to your healthcare provider or pharmacist (with a smile please, as is the UKCVFamily way!). You can also save the image to your device and post it on your own social media, but please do not tag in the group. Please do not share directly from the group either.

We will be sending this announcement to all UKCVFamily MP, media, and medical contacts; as well as all those who have supported us since our inception in November 2021. But you are welcome to send the image to any of your own contacts in those sectors too.

We hope that this news provides encouragement to our members. Please know that all of us — trustees, admins, and moderators — are working very hard to ensure that our community gets the recognition and support that it needs.

Much love to all

Charlet & Caroline

Update 26

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Feb. 17, 2024

Update 25

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Feb. 16, 2024

The silencing continues

Update 24

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Feb. 11, 2024

Richard Vobes Interview one year on.

A year on from this interview with Richard and we have funded 30 vaccine injured and bereaved cases!
You are all amazing in your support and my family and I thank each and everyone of you.

We have more cases incoming but we fight on!

Update 23

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Jan. 31, 2024

Andrew Bridgen PMQ’s

Update 22

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Jan. 25, 2024

Interview with Jacqui Deevoy about CVIB

I shall be chatting with Jacqui and two ther guests, about CVIB and all you amazing patrons and donors. Tomorrow evening from 7 pm. 💜

Link will be on her Twitter page tomorrow Xxx

Update 21

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Jan. 16, 2024

Excess Deaths Debate in Parliament

For me, it was personally so important to attend the excess deaths debate at Parliament today.

Andrew Bridgen, as ever, leading the way and gathering more M.P's support. A pleasure to meet Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Clare Craig as well. 

Update 20

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Jan. 6, 2024

New Testimonials

As ever we at CVIBLegal Fund can’t thank you all enough! 

New cases are pending for the Covid 19 Vaccine injured and bereaved and Peter is working very hard to help them all. 

We are extremely grateful for your continued support.



Update 19

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Dec. 19, 2023

Update 18

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Dec. 6, 2023

Update 17

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Dec. 2, 2023

Excellent news! It’s about time big pharma were taken on!

Update 16

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Nov. 9, 2023

Goodbye Astra Zeneca

Update 15

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Oct. 22, 2023

Andrew Bridgen Excess Deaths Debate at Parliament

Andrew Bridgen, as ever speaking up for the Vaccine Injured and Bereaved at the request of Fiona our fantastic leader of the TruthBeTold campaign.

It’s a disgrace how few M.P’s we’re in attendance, however the public gallery was packed and he spoke with us after in Parliament Square. 

Also in attendance was Professor Dalgleish, Dr. Ros Maidment, Matt le Tissier, Mark Sexton, Dr Clare Craig and Mike Yeadon.

This is a true M.P!
Working for the people!

Update 14

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Oct. 2, 2023

Excess Deaths - Parliament

As some of you may know Mr. Bridgen has managed to secure a debate in Parliament on excess deaths. October 20th.

We are asking people to contact their M.P’s about attending this and the below template is doing the rounds, should anyone which to use it.

Thank you 


Dear ….

Excess deaths in the U.K. since January/February 2021 are at a catastrophic high, in the hundreds of thousands and this is a national emergency. 

Andrew Bridgen MP has secured a debate in Parliament on the 20th of October 2023 to address this very serious issue that requires immediate government attention and intervention. 

All MP’s must attend this debate in order to find out what is happening to our men, women and children. 

The people of the U.K. DEMAND you both attend and you make sure ALL of your party members attend also. 

There are no excuses because this will be the single most important debate in Parliament in decades. 

The people of the U.K. are dying on masse in all age groups, we know why and so do you. That certain medical intervention rolled out in December 2020.

The British public were told and reassured they would be safe and effective. This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. The game is up, they are dangerous, a weapon against the people and they must be stopped and stopped now. Enough really is enough, no more deaths. 

Thousands of letters and emails are already being sent to all MP’s by the British public as we speak, demanding they attend the debate, support Andrew Bridgen MP and provide much needed answers to the British public. 

We expect you to do the same. 

There will be no plausible deniability for this one. 

All social media platforms are awash with the news of this pending debate to address the issue of excess deaths, so there will be no more hiding from this. 

This is not a political issue, this is a humanitarian issue that must be addressed at the debate if not now, immediately, due to its importance. 

The safeguarding of the British people is paramount and it is your publicly paid duty to act in our best interests and stop these harms, injuries and deaths from continuing.  

Failure to attend this debate by any MP will be considered a dereliction of public duty and those MP’s must be sacked. 

The British people are standing up, we’ve all had enough of this nightmare and we will not tolerate the deaths of our friends, family members, neighbours or colleagues any longer. 

Do your job or stand down and allow the good men and women of the U.K. to protect the people. if MP’s can’t or won’t then we most certainly will. 

Yours sincerely

Update 13

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 28, 2023

Peter Todd’s Tweet on C19 Vaccine conditions

Update 12

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Sept. 14, 2023

Covid 19 Inquiry

Thank you to Anna Morris KC from Hudgell Solicitors for representing and speaking for us all at UKCV Family, VIBUK and ScottishVIG

And I am extremely grateful to UKCV Family for having mum’s case included. 

Time stamp at 1hr 55 minutes.

Update 11

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Aug. 28, 2023


This lovely person took part in the great north swim in Windermere, to raise awareness of our CVIB Legalfund. We are extremely grateful to the donation and that will go straight to Mr.Todd for the next batch of clients, who are in desperate need of legal advice. 

As ever a massive thank you to all our Patrons and Donors. 



Update 10

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Aug. 24, 2023

What a shame for AstraZeneca

Update 9

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

Aug. 4, 2023

Thank You All

By the end of next week my family’s legal fund, in memory of my Mum & my brother, will have helped 24 cases. 

All Within four and a half months. 

CVIBLEGALFUND  will carry on helping the #covid19 #vaccine  injured & bereaved. 

Thank you to everyone for supporting so far ❤️✌🏻

We are stronger together❤️✌🏻

Update 8

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

July 29, 2023

What a shame for AZ - Not!

Update 7

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

July 27, 2023

Professor Dalgleish has been speaking up for ages about this!

Update 6

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

July 8, 2023

EU Parliament - speaking to MEP’s about our fund.Thankyou each & everyone of you

Update 5

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

June 24, 2023

Unbelievable that it’s still out there, after the deaths & injuries it’s caused!

Update 4

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

June 23, 2023

Update 3

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

June 11, 2023

Peter breaks the recent VDPS figures down - his Twitter in the link

Update 2

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

June 8, 2023

Keep up the good fight!

Thank you Michael. Testimonials help our Patrons&Donors see how they are helping people navigate the legal side of vaccine injuries & deaths.
Again, thank you to you all Xxx

Update 1

Covid Vaccines Injured & Bereaved Legal Fund

May 25, 2023

New Testimonials

Again, some lovely testimonials in this week.

People getting help from Peter Todd and it’s thanks to you all


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