Latest: Feb. 12, 2017
Update and New Fundraising Effort
Dear Friends and Supporters.
We need your help in our final push to determine whether legal action can be started against those responsible for sending our loved ones to fight and die in an unjust and…
Read moreThanks to the overwhelming support and generosity of the British public and beyond, we have met our stretch fund-raising target of £150,000. We are humbled by the kindness each and every one of our donors has shown by backing us. Our legal team is now hard at work carrying out their task.
Please watch this space for further updates.
We are Roger Bacon and Reg Keys. Our sons, Matthew Bacon and Tom Keys, were killed in the Second Iraq War.
We represent the Iraq War Families Campaign Group, campaigning for the families of the 179 servicemen and women killed in the conflict.
We are seeking to bring to justice those responsible for the War and the deaths of our loved ones.
Before Matthew, Tom, and so many of their fellow servicemen and women died, we knew the risks all British military personnel assume when serving Queen and country. However, the long-awaited Iraq Inquiry (Chilcot) Report has confirmed that there were serious failings in the lead-up to, planning and conduct of the War, which led to so many unnecessary deaths. Our armed forces must never again be so callously sacrificed by political ambition and the irresponsibility and failings of Government and Whitehall.
Those responsible should be held to account.
Now it is down to us, the Families, to ensure that justice is done. Not only for the sake of our children, siblings, parents and spouses, whose lives we can never get back, but to deter our state officials from ever again abusing their positions with such tragic and far-reaching consequences.
As the Chilcot Report says, the lawfulness of state officials’ actions can “only be resolved by a properly constituted and internationally recognised court”. However:
- A referral to the International Criminal Court is not possible.
- The British state almost certainly will not carry out any arrests or bring criminal proceedings.
- Parliamentary action such as impeachment or contempt of parliament will not result in a conviction.
So, the only remaining option is to take legal action of our own. It’s down to us – and we hope you will help – to seek justice where there has been none. We want to fight on for the memory of our loved ones. We want to say that we as families are not powerless – we can stand up to those who behaved so unconscionably in sending them to war for no just cause or reason.
There has been much speculation in the media that former Prime Minister Tony Blair and other state officials criticised by the Chilcot Report can and should be taken to court by the Families in private civil proceedings. Many reputable legal experts commenting in the media have endorsed this view.
We, the Families, wish to bring such legal proceedings against any state officials who might have acted unlawfully or in excess of their powers.
However, we cannot take any action before our legal team, McCue & Partners, one of our country's leading human rights and public interest law firms, has done a full and forensic legal analysis of the Report (2.6 million words over twelve volumes) and prepared a comprehensive opinion approved by expert Senior Counsel. There are no shortcuts.
We have estimated that, to complete this work, we require £150,000 to cover all associated costs. We are starting with a target of £50,000, which will enable us to make a start, but to help us get through this stage we need all the support we can get in raising the full £150,000.
After 6 years of delays, last year we threatened the Iraq Inquiry with legal action. As a result, we succeeded in getting agreement to a timetable for publication, and the eventual publication of the Chilcot Report on the 6th of July. This is a truly historic moment in our nation’s history and we are imploring you to help us seek justice and accountability for what our country has suffered, and to help us make sure that it never happens again.
To date, our legal team have provided their advocacy and legal services to us for free, but they cannot take on a commitment of this size, scale and importance to the British public without proper funding.
We cannot go any further without your help.
Your kind contribution will mean that we will be able to prepare our case as fully as possible. Once this has been done, we can try to obtain legal aid to take the case to trial. If the state will not grant us legal aid, we may have to return to the public to raise further funds.
It has already been reported that those we may prosecute will have their legal costs automatically paid for by the state. If we are to succeed, we will need to be equally resourced.
If, for any reason, we determine we cannot proceed, we will be able to rest in the knowledge that we have left no stone unturned and taken our campaign for justice on behalf of our loved ones as far as possible. In either instance, your support and generosity will have been of great importance.
On behalf of Matthew, Tom, and the 177 others killed in Iraq – we truly thank you for your support.
About the claimant
We are Roger Bacon and Reg Keys. Our sons, Matthew Bacon and Tom Keys, were killed in the Second Iraq War.
We represent the Iraq War Families Campaign Group, campaigning for the families of the 179 servicemen and women killed in the Iraq War.
Fast facts
Following the publication of the Chilcot Report, we are seeking justice on behalf of our loved ones who needlessly lost their lives in the Iraq War.
We wish to bring those state officials responsible to account and, by doing so, ensure such a tragedy that has caused such far-reaching and long-term damage, both to our country and world-wide, never happens again.
There is no prospect of the case being referred to the International Criminal Court. It is highly unlikely that the state will carry out any arrests or prosecutions. Parliamentary action, such as impeachment or contempt of Parliament, will not result in a conviction.
Our only hope is for the Families to bring a private civil action. It is down to us.
We need funding for a full and forensic legal analysis of the Chilcot Inquiry Report (2.6 million words over twelve volumes), to determine what cases can be brought against any state officials who might have acted unlawfully in sending our loved ones to war.
We truly thank you for your support.
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Roger Bacon and Reg Keys
Feb. 12, 2017
Update and New Fundraising Effort
Dear Friends and Supporters.
We need your help in our final push to determine whether legal action can be started against those responsible for sending our loved ones to fight and die in an unjust and unnecessary war.
We need to raise a final £22,000 to add additional expert counsel to our legal team to consider significant constitutional issues. We are writing to you, our 5148 backers, to ask if each of you would consider donating what you can to get us there.
Please visit for more details.
As you know, our solicitors have finished the mammoth task of reviewing the Chilcot Report’s 2.6 million words, 5000 pages and 12 volumes.
As a result, we are pleased to tell you that our legal team has confirmed that the evidence supports the case that certain state officials may be liable for wrongdoing and, in particular, misfeasance in public office.
This would not have been possible without your incredible generosity and support.
However, as we wrote to you in December, counsel have identified an issue of great constitutional importance that must be fully and carefully assessed before we can issue any proceedings.
This issue is all the more significant because, as you will be aware, in 2016 the UK experienced major changes. In the past few months there have been significant court judgments, including the Supreme Court’s Article 50 decision, that must inevitably inform our legal team’s approach.
All this has to be taken into account and our legal arguments finalised before we can take the next step.
Thank your for your patience and unwavering support for the Families. We could not have come this far without you.
With all our thanks and best wishes as always.
Yours sincerely
Roger Bacon and Reg Keys
On behalf of the Iraq War Families’ Campaign Group

Roger Bacon and Reg Keys
Aug. 24, 2016
Thank you
Thanks to the overwhelming support and generosity of the British public and beyond, we have met our stretch fund-raising target of £150,000. We are humbled by the kindness each and every one of our donors has shown by backing us. Our legal team is now hard at work carrying out their task.
Please watch this space for further updates.

Roger Bacon and Reg Keys
July 19, 2016
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