Challenge to Labours lack of fair procedures and natural justice

by Friends and supporters of Pamela Fitzpatrick

Challenge to Labours lack of fair procedures and natural justice

by Friends and supporters of Pamela Fitzpatrick
Friends and supporters of Pamela Fitzpatrick
Case Owner
We are friends and supporters of Pamela who are concerned at the unfairness, factionalism and use of retrospectively in Labours disciplinary process. All sadly confirmed by the Forde report.
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Friends and supporters of Pamela Fitzpatrick
Case Owner
We are friends and supporters of Pamela who are concerned at the unfairness, factionalism and use of retrospectively in Labours disciplinary process. All sadly confirmed by the Forde report.
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Latest: Feb. 15, 2023

Update from Pamela Fitzpatrick

Thank you to everyone who has so far supported me. I am writing to give you an update. 

It is now 14 months since I lodged my appeal against my expulsion from the Labour Party. I was a long stand…

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Pamela Fitzpatrick was a long standing member of the Labour Party,  Labour Councillor for 8 years and was the Unite backed Parliamentary candidate in Harrow East in 2019. She has worked in the voluntary sector for over 30 years, set up a legal advice centre in Harrow in 2010 and has been an active trade Union member for 40 years. She is caught up in the injustice of Labours retrospectively applied disciplinary process.  

In 2015 she was one of 4 people who set up Harrow for Corbyn.  From that point onwards she has been subjected to abuse and harassment, vexatious complaints and defamation.  Her family have also been targeted.  

In 2018 one of the men responsible for her harassment was suspended from the party due to those allegations of harassment of Pamela and by numerous other people. In July 2021 Pamela was notified by the Governance and Legal Unit that the case against the man in question was to be heard by a panel. She was invited to give evidence to the panel as a victim. It had taken the party some 3 years to deal with issues of serious and sustained abuse  

However, in August 2021 Pamela was told that she was now under investigation for being a member of Socialist Appeal. The sole reason given for this assertion was that she had given an interview to Socialist Appeal in May 2020 on why she was applying to be the General Secretary of the Labour Party. As a councillor, active trade unionist and Director of a legal advice centre Pamela has given interviews to numerous organisations.  The NEC had only proscribed Socialist Appeal in July 2021, at the same time that Pamela‘s complaint of harassment was due to be heard. This was nearly two years after Pamela had given the interview to Socialist Appeal. Pamela is not and never has been a member of socialist appeal and has told the party so. But nonetheless the Labour Party applied the rule retrospectively and expelled Pamela on 19th November 2021. The party took just 3 months to expel Pamela, in sharp contrast to 3 years it took to have a hearing about the abuse she was subjected to.

She was given no hearing and no knowledge as to who was on the panel, what the legal advice was or whether it was a unanimous decision.   She has now been waiting for an appeal hearing for almost a year  She has made subject access requests which have been ignored.  She has sent emails to the party asking for an update on her case but has received no reply or even acknowledgement.   Meanwhile the man accused of abusing and harassing Pamela and many others have been welcomed back into the party  

We have set up this page because we need your support: please contribute and share this page now!

Pamela is but one of many who has been treated in this way.   Our goal is to ensure that there are genuinely fair and transparent disciplinary procedures in the Labour Party which cannot be used in a factional way nor as a tool to harass, bully and intimidate members. We are seeking an end to the growing use of defamation to smear members which most members do not have the resources to defend themselves against. No one in the Labour Party should be engaging in such practices with impunity.

What is the next step in the case? - At this first stage we are simply seeking an appeal hearing in Pamela’s case that is conducted in a fair, impartial and transparent way.  We will also be looking at all legal avenues to achieve our goal  

How much we are raising and why? - Initially we need to raise £5000 to pay for legal advice and representation.

We know that times are hard for everyone. We are really grateful for any donation that can be made. 

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Update 1

Friends and supporters of Pamela Fitzpatrick

Feb. 15, 2023

Update from Pamela Fitzpatrick

Thank you to everyone who has so far supported me. I am writing to give you an update. 

It is now 14 months since I lodged my appeal against my expulsion from the Labour Party. I was a long standing member of the Party and at the time of my expulsion I was Chair of the Harrow Labour Group, the Labour appointed Chair of the Planning Committee, a Labour councillor for almost 8 years, and a recent Labour Parliamentary Candidate. Throughout my time in the Party I also held a variety of CLP and Branch positions. 

 Against this long history and work for the Party the sole reason I was expelled was that I had given an interview to the organisation Socialist Appeal in May 2020 and in doing so the Party judged me to be in breach of a rule it had created over a year later. I have contacted Labour several times over the past 14 months to ask for an update on my appeal, but I have had no response or acknowledgement. Reluctantly therefore I have instructed Solicitors who have now issued a letter before claim to the Labour Party. 

Labour has 28 days in which to respond and remedy this illegality. But if they fail to do so satisfactorily, we will have no choice but to commence proceedings in the High Court. This is not my desired outcome.

 The letter before claim sets out the impact the unlawful treatment by Labour has had on me. It has resulted in my exclusion from any political positions associated with the Party and has had a profoundly damaging impact on my political career. Upon expulsion from the Party, I lost my position as a Labour Councillor, as Chair of the Harrow Planning Committee and as Chair of the Harrow Labour Group. I also lost my position on Labour’s National Women’s Committee. A position I had been elected to in June 2021 by Labour members, with a majority of over 100,000. This is a committee that is very close to my heart as I have experienced abuse within the Party and am aware of many other women who have also experienced similar abuse. The position was voluntary and lasted 2 years. I have not been able to exercise the role since my expulsion. I am unable to put myself forward for selection as a Parliamentary Candidate (having stood for Harrow East in the 2019 General Election). 

I was an active member of my CLP but have been unable to participate in any Labour Party events or activities. This includes going to the Party Conference, any events that are organised, branch meetings, taking part in canvassing, fundraising events. These activities have taken up the majority of my time for many years, but I am no longer able to attend them. 

I have been shunned by people I previously considered to be colleagues, including other councillors who ignore me now if I meet them. This has all had a damaging impact on my professional and political reputation. It is uncontroversial that such treatment would have a negative impact on a person’s personal life and wellbeing, as it has had on mine.

Once again I thank you for your solidarity. 

Pamela Fitzpatrick 

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