Brexit wanna break my seat
Brexit wanna break my seat

As you will likely know I have been a member of the local community in West London since 2014. I have got involved in the community by being a musician both singing and playing drums, being part of the boat dwelling community and volunteering in community projects including in response to the Grenfell tragedy.
Despite all of these contributions, the Home Office after Brexit is trying to remove me to France because they are asking me to prove that I have been living in the UK since 2014. They refused to allow me to stay here because I do not have enough proof. The problem I have is that I do not have much paperwork to prove how long I have been living in the UK because I have not registered at many addresses where I have lived and I have only been working informally. I have needed the help of a Solicitor to help prove my presence who has helped me appeal the decision of the Home Office to the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
I now have a hearing coming up where I have the opportunity to overturn the Home Office’s decision. I will be arguing that I should be allowed to stay in the UK and I have instructed a Solicitor to help me with this. Due to my financial situation I have not been able to pay for the Solicitor to represent me and he has been doing a lot of work. There is still work to be done including representing me at the hearing which is soon. I ask that my friends and the wider community help me to pay for my lawyer to represent me at this upcoming hearing.
Thank you! I will be eternally grateful for your support!
Below are some snippets of my musical journey.
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