18 year old brain tumour survivor fights for equality in her exams

by Sophia

18 year old brain tumour survivor fights for equality in her exams

by Sophia
Case Owner
A 18 year old brain cancer patient who received 3 brain surgeries, daily radiation to head and spine followed by aggressive chemotherapy. We are fighting to get adjustment in her exams.
on 20th May 2022
pledged of £2,000 target from 21 pledges
Case Owner
A 18 year old brain cancer patient who received 3 brain surgeries, daily radiation to head and spine followed by aggressive chemotherapy. We are fighting to get adjustment in her exams.

Who am I. Sophia’s Dad

Summary - Sophia is a tenage girl who survived a large aggressive grade 4 malignant tumour. She was treated by 3 brain surgeries, followed by daily chemotherapy and then high risk chemotherapy.  The tumour and treatment has left Sophia with significant physical and cognitive disability. The exam boards are refusing to make some of the reasonable adjustments requested in her medical documents, and her Education Health Care Plan.  The refusal to make the adjust is causing Sophia to have more seizures, and signifcantly damaging this talented individual’s future. 

Call to action - The refusal to make reasonable adjustment arguing Is they have special protection under the equality act to do so.  We are raising funds to take the case to court.  We have a experience legal team who have a record in this kind of case.  It’s Important that this happens quickly due to safeguarding concerns.    

What are we trying to achieve? To get a fair opportunity for Sophia in her  exams,  but to get more guidance from the courts on the exam boards obligation regarding disability and exams. To often the exam boards are interpreting the legal obligations, putting other interests ahead of the interest of the disabled student. 

What is the next step in the case? prepare the case including sending a legal letter to exam board followed by am application for legal aid.

How much we are raising and why? We need £2000, to start the case  possibly raising to £4000 depending on circumstance. The legal team involved are working at significantly discounted rates.

Thank you very much for reading this far.  I do hope you can contribute to help us challenge this injustice and to hopefully change the system for other complex needs student in the future.

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