Property Trainer Sues Autistic Man For £10 Million
Property Trainer Sues Autistic Man For £10 Million

Latest: Jan. 28, 2025
Major Update
Dear Crowdjustice and Supporters,
The case against all active defendant's was struck out after many years in May 2024 after the claimants didn't serve an amended POC.
The order re…
Read moreMy name is Andrew Burgess and I am a 35 year old man with autism - namely Asperger’s syndrome - which was diagnosed later in life.
My condition causes anxiety, fear and over-caring for society.
In September 2019, I attended an event run by a self-proclaimed property guru/millionaire.
I was very excited to attend; my initial impression was that they were credible and impressive, and I thought they might be just the mentors to help me grow in property.
I attended the event with an open mind, and really engaged with the overly long day, with the intention of getting the most out of it.
However, about half way through the day, I started to feel uncomfortable with the exceptionally hard sell, and how some of the people I had spoken to, who were in desperate situations, had signed up for further training, costing many thousands of pounds.
I knew how cash intensive a property business is, and I felt these people were not financially equipped to succeed, and were going further into debt.
It felt like they were selling a dream.
After the event, I started asking around and hearing of dissatisfied customers. Many were vulnerable people seeking refunds. They were lost, distressed, and anxious about how much money they had spent. The penny had ‘dropped’ in that they were not going to become financially free using these methods, and had handed over their life savings. Around 70 or so had gathered together on a WhatsApp group to support each other.
I therefore set up a Facebook group as a place where people could share their experiences of the training - both positive and negative - and also get support if they felt that they had been miss-sold the training. I realised the scale of the problem within the wealth creation industry.
My group was started in September 2019 and one of the early members was a serving soldier with the 219 RLC Doncaster Unit.
This member took his own life. In the interest of balance, the Claimants refute that the death had anything at all to do with them. This will be for the Court to decide.
I launched a crowdfunding campaign that enabled the family to pay for his funeral.
In January 2020, a matter of months after the formation of my group, the BBC went ‘under cover’ at such an event.
Viewing figures for the program were reported to be in the region of 20 million.
A Telegraph journalist also attended one of the events , and four articles were published raising concerns over the marketing methods used.
Then a consumer show ‘gate-crashed’ a training day for Channel 4' which achieved viewing figures of circa 1.4million.
Around this time, myself and fellow admins, various you-tubers, forums, and other property commentators started to receive legal threats from Solicitors for defamation and harassment.
Most caved in, and deleted their content, but myself and my fellow admins engaged with the pre-action protocols and defended our right to comment.
In May 2021, myself, fellow admins, and a few members of my group were served with High Court papers for defamation and harassment.
The Property Trainer is claiming £10,001,730.59 in damages against us.
This is despite:
- huge negative mainstream media coverage,
- particulars of claim over 300 pages long,
- A claim for £10,001,730.59 in damages, notwithstanding no action at all being taken as against the BBC or any other MSM coverage!
So far, we have spent a six-figure sum of our own money defending these claims.
The legal case that we are facing is long and complex.
That is why we are launching our Crowd Justice campaign.
We need to see this through to court to hold them to account.
The Wealth Creation Industry and Property Trainer uses platforms with young and vulnerable people via Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram and draws them into a highly charged and emotional environment where they are made to believe that anything is possible. Pictures from these events show the audience to be mainly young - between 18 and 25 - many with English as their second language. There is loud music, dancing, repeating of affirmations and other such techniques to heighten people's emotions.
The property wealth creation sector is completely unregulated and we know that, over the years, people have lost millions to property gurus, many of whom have gone bust.
Therefore, it is only private citizens, Facebook groups, and a few forums that are creating due diligence warnings about the industry..
Property Trainers are systematically shutting these down with legal threats and replacing them with “puff pieces” that they pay to have placed in the media about themselves and their training.
People are getting rich off the back of people and using that money to destroy people who had the courage to stand up to them and call out false claims and hype.
Please support our campaign to raise money to defend ourselves. We are facing a huge and scary battle.
We cannot fund any further defence so we now need help with our legal bills.
Please donate whatever you can. Your support means everything to us.
I will finish by saying that the stress of this court case has negatively impacted my mental health and I am currently under the care of a psychiatrist. It has also affected my ability to work within the security industry and my ability to function and stand my ground due to weight loss and has put enormous stress on my girlfriend and my family.
I am the demographic of person the industry likes to hook into its marketing funnel. The Wealth creation Industry thinks people like me cannot stand up for ourselves. It is mostly right, but with the strength of my family, friends, and fellow admins, I am not going to cave in to this bullying to silence and crush people.
With objectivity and fairness in mind; the Claimants refute all of the points that I am making in this page. The Claimants will say that all of the negative press generated by the mainstream media is without merit although, little appears to have been done by them to challenge this in the Courts, save for instigating legal proceedings against me.
The objectives of this page is solely to raise money to pay for professional legal assistance to enable me to present my case in court, it does not mean that you accept or anyone accepts my view of the case, this is a matter entirely for the Court.
Thank you for reading this and for your support, please share our Crowd justice Page on Social media. If you are not in a position to make a donation of just £5 please share our campaign to show support
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Andrew Burgess
Jan. 28, 2025
Major Update
Dear Crowdjustice and Supporters,
The case against all active defendant's was struck out after many years in May 2024 after the claimants didn't serve an amended POC.
The order requesting an ammended POC or strike out by a certain date can be requested from:
The Claimant has been ordered to pay the costs of all the active defendants.
Dave O'Hara Defendant 6 has successfully recovered a six figure sum in costs.
Index On Censorship and Free Speech Union do some of the most important work and have given me strength, I can't thank them enough and the work they do is so important to me. I'm going to be more involved with them going forward, I've upgraded my FSU membership to Gold and have been volunteering to attend Index On Censorship events.
I would like to personally thank the following people:
The Butcher Family for being so strong and offering to come to trial
All witneses that didn't back down and promised us they would come to trial
Simon for being such a caring strong brilliant Christian
Mike Warren who supported us greatly
RPC Solicitors an excellent firm of solicitors who provided excellent support
Megan Grew from RPC who is one of the best note takers in the world
Johnathan Price a brilliant Barrister who genuinely cares, I owe him everything
David Price who was excellent working alongside us and assisting Dave O'Hara
Nik Williams from Index On Censorship
Toby Young for starting Free Speech Union
Bryn Harris from the Free Speech Union
Jill Levene from the Free Speech Union
Tom Wright a legal professional who genuinely seemed to care who met us in a professional Paralegal capacity
Austyn Johnson from HD Consultants who helped me get finance during difficult circumstances
Kathryn Knowles from Cura Financial Services who helped me get finance during difficult circumstances
Thank you for all the support and the people that have closely followed the case and supported us throughout this emotionally. Some people I've not mentioned as I'm unsure if you'd want me to, but thank you to anyone who has provided me emotional support or talked to me and helped me, and continued to support commentary and have faith in us.
Thank you to all our families and close friends.
Finally ap
ologies for my Grammar.
Andrew Burgess

Andrew Burgess
July 25, 2023
Please help us get the Wealth Creation Industry regulated.
Please help us get the Wealth Creation Industry regulated. Please give a few seconds of your time to do this as it will help future victims falling prey to false promises. The FCA is consulting on financial promotions on social media, so I'd like to invite you to take part and share your concerns about property trainers are using social media for unregulated marketing:

Andrew Burgess
Jan. 20, 2023
Free Speech Union
The Free Speech Union has kindly shared our case with their 10,000 members in a newsletter. If you haven't signed up to them already please join them, all of us have and are very grateful.

Andrew Burgess
Jan. 5, 2023
Continued support and update
Thank you so much for your support, the money so far has been used for the CMC and legal advice. Our Barrister was able to very successfully argue some serious points regarding clarity and we have been handed an opportunity based on the way we were served to answer again in more accuracy the meanings. The claimants served us with a schedule that we will be submitting late February.
Te next stage is the Meanings hearing where the judge will assess what we meant and the context, your continued support and donations are much needed for this process. We are optimistic and continue to find out new information that will help us.
The meanings will be in the High Court some time after May, so we ask you please continue to support us, trials cost hundreds of thousands of pounds so any of your donations go towards legal advice and assistance so we can do the best given our limited financial resources to fight this.
The trial will be a 15 day trial in 2024 so please if everyone reading this donated just £10 that would make all the difference for us.
Thank you all, we appreciate every backer and word of support.

Andrew Burgess
Sept. 6, 2022
CMC Directions 5th October 2022
Hi All
We are now heading for the CMC Directions Hearing on Wednesday 5th October 2022. We need your continued support, please help us to raise funds to defend free speech and public interest. Our goal has always been and continues to be to protect people from the predatory and deceitful business practices which are rife in the so called ‘wealth creation’ industry. Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) are legal actions that are taken not necessarily with the goal of winning in court, but which instead aim to intimidate, to induce fear, to tire and consume the financial and psychological resources of the target(s). SLAPPs are initiated by influential elites, often state actors, business entities or powerful individuals, and their targets include journalists, human rights defenders, civil society organisations, activists, academics and anyone else who expresses an opinion on a public matter that is uncomfortable for this elite. More recently, (SLAPPs) are being used by individuals who seek to conceal what they don’t want the public to know about them. The desired outcome is to silence the speaker and have a chilling effect on other critical and dissenting voices. Too often, people have been denied justice because of these dishonest individuals who use (SLAPPs) to intimidate people into submission. We have come as far as we have as a collective because individuals who initially wanted to share their experiences of being intimidated and harassed when trying to get justice could compare our experiences and realised the pattern of behaviour we were subjected to. This pattern is one built on intimidation, isolation, and making people feel as though they do not have a voice. Our voices have grown stronger by talking to each other and coming together. Having a Barrister speak for us in the High Court is the best way for our voices and our message to be properly heard. To all members in this group, every penny counts now at this stage so please donate to our public interest case. Please support us by: Emailing five of your friends asking them to pledge to our case Post a link to Facebook asking your friends to pledge Tweet in support. Pledge again

Andrew Burgess
April 4, 2022
Fact checking Samuel Leeds' latest social media posts
Samuel Leeds has created social media posts and videos claiming that "his greatest internet troll" has received a criminal conviction for malicious communications against him and his family.
What I can tell you categorically is that the conviction has NOTHING to do with me or the case that I am currently involved with.

Andrew Burgess
Jan. 18, 2022
Thank You
Thank you all for your generous donations, as we prepare for trial your money and future donations are much appreciated.
I was excited to hear from a shop worker that was kind enough to donate £1000 of his hard earnings.
I was also so touched to see that someone followed the case from Australia and got in contact, they donated £500! It seems there is a world wide respect for the awareness we have created around the Wealth Creation Industry.
Thank you so much for your support, the trial will take more of our money so please encourage others to donate a little and share our story.

Andrew Burgess
Nov. 23, 2021
Great news
PEAS and Cyril Thomas will be supported by Property Tribes a forum that helps keep the industry in check. This is a positive update and will help people like me in the future. Please see the link here:

Andrew Burgess
Nov. 23, 2021
Property Education Regulation
PEAS and Cyril Thomas will noe be supported by Property Tribes a forum that helps keep the industry in check. This is a positive update and will help people like me in the future. Please see the link here:

Andrew Burgess
Nov. 22, 2021
New Statesman Article Property Tok
- Please see this article regarding the rise of Property Social Influencers on Tik Tok a platform largely used by children:

Andrew Burgess
Nov. 5, 2021
TARGET REACHED (Please Keep Going)
- We reached our initial target, thank you for the support. I've been warmed by everyone that has shared or donated.
Please keep going as I'd love to meet the Stretch Target! This will give us more opportunity and options.
Thank you all so much xx

Andrew Burgess
Nov. 2, 2021
Thank You
Thank you so much for your support, I'm overwhelmed and touched with emotion. Please keep sharing so hopefully the target will be reached. Thank you so much everyone x
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