Statement from CrowdJustice
Statement from CrowdJustice
Update from CrowdJustice Team, 8:15pm, 1 July: See updated statement from CrowdJustice here:
Update from CrowdJustice Team, 9:06am, 28 June: That was fast! Even with limited content, Ms Bailey’s case page has hit its stretch target and is now closed for further donations.
Update from CrowdJustice on Allison Bailey's crowdfunding campaign
Note: All funds raised on this page go directly to Allison Bailey's lawyer's client account
We have had complaints about some of the content of Allison Bailey’s case page and because of the serious nature of the complaints we followed our policy to take the page down while it was reviewed in detail against our Terms.
CrowdJustice stands for access to justice for everyone. We support Ms Bailey's right to access justice and for her case to be heard in court.
We know that there are thousands of you who want to support Ms Bailey’s legal fight. CrowdJustice does not take a view of her legal action – the courts should decide. While we address our concerns about the content of the CrowdJustice case page with the case owner and her lawyers, we have replaced the original CrowdJustice page with this statement so that she can continue to accept donations.
We messed up. We allowed Ms Bailey's CrowdJustice case page to launch before ensuring its content in its entirety met the high standards that our community expects of us. We realise that many of you are disappointed in CrowdJustice for the way we have dealt with this failing. As a recognition of this and help reassure our community that we are guided in this by morals and not money, we have disabled tipping – which is how CrowdJustice makes money – for Ms Bailey’s case and will refund tips already given.
Julia Salasky, CEO, CrowdJustice
27 June 2020
Excerpt of original page
The case against Stonewall (& my chambers)
The case that I am bringing is that I have been subjected to victimisation because of the concerns I raised about Stonewall’s actions.
It alleges that I have been indirectly discriminated against because both my chambers and Stonewall treat people such as me who hold gender critical beliefs as being bigoted and unworthy of respect. Those people are overwhelmingly women. This treatment is therefore indirectly discriminatory against women.
I am suing both my chambers and Stonewall because Stonewall caused and induced the treatment to which I was subjected by my chambers.
What I am crowdfunding for and why I need your help
This is a case about me and my treatment. But it is also a case about Stonewall and its conduct against people who hold beliefs like mine. I do not believe that my treatment by Stonewall is unique, and I suspect that there are many others (whether they know it or not) who have been subjected to the same treatment. I hope that as a result of bringing this claim this treatment will stop.
I have instructed Peter Daly of Slater and Gordon Lawyers, and Aileen McColgan QC to represent me (this is not my area of law and a case of this importance and complexity needs experts in the field of employment law). The claim has been lodged at the Employment Tribunal and once processed both Stonewall and chambers will be required to issue their defences to the claim. At that point we will be able to identify the full scope of work required to see the matter to a conclusion.
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June 27, 2020
You are all AMAZING!
We hit our target of £20K within 2 and a half hours.
I am almost without words. How to convey my gratitude? Will thank you from the bottom of my heart do for now?
Each and every one of you, whether you contributed a little or a lot, have sent a powerful message to Stonewall and to the world: it’s a new day; we will not allow free speech, women’s rights and safety, child safeguarding, LGB and T rights to be distorted and corrupted by the new trans activism.
The initial £20K target was for the immediate next stages in the case. Having now reached that target we are looking forward for the funding of the remainder of the case. We have not yet received pleadings from Stonewall or my chambers, so we don’t yet know exactly how they will fight the case or how much work will be required - but we can expect the litigation to be hard-fought.
Please continue to give what you can, whether in donation or publicising the case. No gesture is too small and all of it is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I will not let you down.
Much love,
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