A serving Police officer faked a Storm report

by Alan Tait - Ammanford

A serving Police officer faked a Storm report

by Alan Tait - Ammanford
Alan Tait - Ammanford
Case Owner
My name is Alan Tait, I believe that very serious crimes are being covered up by the very people who are supposed to investigate them.
on 24th February 2022
pledged of £4,200 target from 5 pledges
Alan Tait - Ammanford
Case Owner
My name is Alan Tait, I believe that very serious crimes are being covered up by the very people who are supposed to investigate them.

Latest: Feb. 23, 2022

Thank You

With just one day left it looks likely that our fundraiser will not reach the target needed, many thanks to everyone who pledged.

We were hoping that the prosecution of this officer would lead to a fu…

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I can prove a Police storm report is faked but the Police force concerned will not take any action against the officer.

I have removed the blacking out from various official documents to show the true set of events and have placed the storm report, together with my reasoning, in the public domain for anyone that wants to read, or download it.


I started this fund raiser to be able to get a Queens counsels opinion on the merits of the case against this officer.

When I have his opinion, I intend to hand the invite the CPS to charge and prosecute the officer, or begin a private prosecution.

I am hoping to demonstrate to all Police officers that no one is actually above the law.

I think the storm report was altered to cover up serious crimes.

Please only contribute towards this case if you have read the 25 page supporting PDF and believe that a crime has been committed.

Others are of the same opinion and between us we made a 40 minute documentary.


Copy of an email:

I have heard from Stephen Harvey QC this morning. 

He has confirmed that he would be very happy to advise you in relation to the proposed matter, specifically whether the evidence is sufficiently strong to meet the threshold required for a prosecution for misconduct in a public office; either through the usual route (the CPS) or by way of a private prosecution.

The fixed fee will be £3500 plus VAT to include: the detailed consideration of the material provided, the preparation of a written opinion on the evidence/merits of the case as it stands, to include advice on any additional evidence that might help to support your position (assuming it can be obtained) and the applicable procedure, and a remote conference by Zoom for an hour to follow your review of the opinion to discuss it and address any queries arising.

Thanks for taking the time to read my request

Best regards

Alan Tait https://thealtarican.co.uk

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Update 2

Alan Tait - Ammanford

Feb. 23, 2022

Thank You

With just one day left it looks likely that our fundraiser will not reach the target needed, many thanks to everyone who pledged.

We were hoping that the prosecution of this officer would lead to a full investigation into the horrific noises that were recorded in our former house and to justice for the people that were recorded crying and screaming.

Noises like these: 


I wonder if anyone has ever been prosecuted solely on the evidence of that officer.

If they have, that prosecution surely must be unsafe.

We will continue in our efforts to bring this officer to justice.

We have some good news though, Jessica Harrington is launching a charity to help people that are in a similar situation to the one that she found herself in, Jessica is a survivor of what we would consider to be very serious sexual abuse.

We made a short advert for her charity, you can find it here:


Thank you for your kind support

Website:     https://thealtarican.co.uk

YouTube:    Alan Tait Ammanford - YouTube

Best regards

Alan and Christine Tait

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