Why people are fighting NHS privatisation: in their own words...

Matthew Bethell

posted on 23 Feb 2018

#JR4NHS is fighting to stop the 'Americanisation' of the NHS by challenging the government policy of putting in place accountable care organisations by the back door.

Visit the case page here for updates in the case and read just some of the thousands of powerful comments below: 

I literally owe my life to the NHS - twice.The underlying intelligence and humanity of the NHS is under threat and needs to be defended at all costs - Nick 

We have to stop our NHS being sold off. This government are lying to the people about this. They must be held to account - Stuart 

My service just sold off to private sector with @20% cut. Can’t offer same care to vulnerable people.UK 6th richest economy, that we can’t afford decent healthcare is a lie. Stop privatisation + cuts - Hayley 

Our NHS desperately needs our help - "free at the point of delivery, from cradle to grave". This is worth cherishing for future generations, so challenge the Tory’s on their dismantling of our NHS - Graham

Keep up the fight, so good to hear a judge balancing public funding against public funding. It is a fight worth every penny - Anonymous 

Great initiative, this is being brought in behind our backs. I am a Patient Participation Group member in Harrow, London - feel totally in the dark! - Robert

Ill.Disabled.No means to pay. Aneruin Bevan's plan, which garnered 'cross party support' served generations of people in identical circumstances. I pledge to safeguard this National Health Service - Anonymous 

This is a battle we have to win. For everyone’s sake - Anonymous 

I believe it is now or never to save the NHS for all of us and for future generations. The NHS is probably the jewel in the crown of this country and must be kept - Sian 

100% behind you as someone with 40 years employment in the fabulous NHS. Hands off our fantastic health service - Felicity 

The NHS must not be run for the profit of private companies. I am appalled that the Govt can use public money to defend their position and that the court has ruled against capping of costs - Jane 

Please save our NHS, in the USA my son might already be dead. He has a rare genetic condition that leads to cancer, ad would never get insurance. He goes for major cancer surgery this coming Friday - Mary 

Prior to the NHS was introduced I can remember my Mother crying because we could not afford a doctor for my very ill Brother - I would hate to see that situation arise again - Michael 

I benefitted from the NHS since my birth in 1948, this case is important for future generations - Jan