Tips for creating a successful case page

Elliot Fry

posted on 09 Apr 2016

A great case page grabs the attention of the reader immediately, clearly explains the case and why it’s important and explains how the funds will be spent.

Here are a few examples of cases that have successfully crowdfunded using CrowdJustice:

Here is some more in-depth advice:

Make sure your title is clear and attention grabbing!

We find that the title generally works best as a call-to-action and the subtitle as a very short summary of the legal action (eg a judicial review, public enquiry etc.). Below are a couple of examples:

Stop the suffering of puppy farm dogs

We are bringing a judicial review to protect commercially bred dogs

Justice for Health

We want to launch a Judicial Review of junior doctor’s contracts

Explain why your case matters


This is a space to write two to three sentences introducing your case and it needs to grab the reader’s attention. This should sum up ‘who’ you are, ‘what’ you’re crowdfunding for and ‘why’ it matters. See examples below:

We are the local residents of Chiswick and we’d like to bring a legal action to stop building new roads which are a big threat to our environment.

We, the public, patients and professionals are challenging the reckless imposition of dangerous contracts in the NHS, which endanger the lives of patients and staff.

Case Background

This is a space to add any extra information about your case that you think might make someone want to give. At maximum, this should be five extra sentences. If there’s nothing to say then you can leave this blank.

Why should your case matter to others?

Thinking about this from the point of view of someone who doesn’t know you or your case: what would compel you to make a pledge?

E.g. ‘This is about the future of your health service and your country. This imposed contract will endanger all lives in the NHS. Its immediate and lasting impact reaches further than doctors. We cannot stand by without a proper review of the impact on patient safety by such actions.’
– Justice for Health

Your fundraising goal

Explain how much you’re trying to raise and what it should be used for. The more transparent you can be the better.

E.g. ‘We need to raise an initial £10,000 as soon as possible (and then a further £40,000) to enable our legal team to fight for the rights of up to 259 companion/pet dogs and their (potential 1,200+) puppies held in just one Lincolnshire Puppy Farm.’

Banner photo

This will be the main image of your case. This should be of high resolution and relevant to your case. For example, a picture of the park you’re trying to protect, or a picture of you and your community who support your cause’.

About the Claimant

The more personal this section is, the more it helps with credibility and legitimacy. Tell a bit about yourself – so backers know the person or group behind the cause! We really recommend uploading a headshot or a photo of your group to make the section more personal.

Fast Facts

This should be a summary of your case page, you can lay out however you want it to but we suggest it answers the three points below.

1. What is at stake? If you don’t take action, what would be at risk?
2. What is the next step with your case? People want to know what the next step in the legal case is – what will their funds help you achieve!
3. Who is your lawyer? – please note that this information must be on your page before you go live. Again, it goes to helping people understand it’s a real case.

Additional tips on making your page engaging

  • Add a couple of photos – as mentioned in the banner photo examples – the subject you’re fighting for, you and your community or anything you deem relevant!
  • Film a short video – this could be a 60 seconds video of you briefly explaining your case and asking people to support you. You can use any camera you have (including the one on your mobile phone!).
  • Camera shy? Record a sound clip!
  • Banner photo is important – use your best shot!
  • Refrain from adding links to your page – the absolute key is driving traffic to your page. The more you direct people away from your page, the less likely they are to give!