Military Veteran facing disability discrimination
Military Veteran facing disability discrimination

My name is Nathan Kozlov-Evans. I am an ex-RAF veteran who spent many years in the regulars and reserves and finally left in 2014. I was proud to serve my country and would do it again in a heartbeat.
But, like many ex-service personnel, I suffer from (Complex) PTSD. I also suffer from fibromyalgia (FMS), loss of hearing and (a late-in-life diagnosis) ASD — which used to be called “Asperger's Syndrome”.
In June 2022, I started working as a senior software developer in Cheshire. During my interview, I was very open with the CTO about my conditions, and I was told it was not a problem.
I was suffering from difficulties with my hearing because of a simple issue: the location my desk was placed. I couldn't hear my team colleagues' conversations or get involved with “general team banter” and became severely isolated.
This caused a severe and rapid worsening of my PTSD, FMS & ASD, where they all worked together causing a downward spiral. This included extreme anxiety, making it difficult at times to even leave my home.
As a result, I had to take time off work and each time I did, I was put under greater and greater stress by my employers and the demands being made on me were far greater than any of my colleagues. Rather than support me with reasonable adjustments, they made it more complicated and harder to work there.
In January 2024, I was dismissed.
Fighting a discrimination case is expensive. I have no legal aid.
What I do have is an abundance of evidence (emails, records of conversations and meetings, screen-prints of chats, etc) in a journal that I started when I realised there was a problem.
I am trying to raise £10,000 to pay for barrister fees to fight my ex-employer.
I need your support: please contribute and share this page now!
If I win, I will recover some of my dignity and self-confidence. But, more importantly, my ex-employer will learn that this type of behaviour is not acceptable and won't discriminate against another disabled (or any other) person again.
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